Can we stop saying "My 401K lost $XZY"?

you said 9 months. I picked a 9 month window.

fighting the fed doesn’t work. If you think it does, do you. I am gonna rely on basic principles of asset valuation, and “don’t fight the fed” as my guiding tenets. Everyone has a different method. If you think you can identify the assets to purchase on this environment, do it. I don’t have that conviction.
Yes, I picked an average bear market duration based on 100+ years of data. Knowing a bull market follows lasting 3-10 years. If I buy on the downhill slide, the bottom or the climb back up, it doesn't really matter. Sitting on the sideline will matter.
If you want to try timing the markets, I wish you luck. There's a lot of money to be made if you can. Almost everyone who does that fails, but maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.
I don’t think that is true. Standard would be closer to a year.
I've only worked in 3 different companies, but all 3 had tiered vesting and you wouldn't hit fully vested until 4-6 years in each. Can't say I've looked lately tho - maybe shorter duration is now a recruitment tool?
Yes, I picked an average bear market duration based on 100+ years of data. Knowing a bull market follows lasting 3-10 years. If I buy on the downhill slide, the bottom or the climb back up, it doesn't really matter. Sitting on the sideline will matter.
If you want to try timing the markets, I wish you luck. There's a lot of money to be made if you can. Almost everyone who does that fails, but maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.

“timing the market” for me is something that I do, but it’s more wave riding.

I am in institutional real estate by career. For us we have something called “cap rate compression”. The idea is as interest rates fall, commercial real estate goes up in price. We see it with houses. Same shit in buildings.

once I saw cap rate compression hit my own professional real estate assets, I moved my own equities portfolio to “heavy reit”. 2012/13.

the fed signaled QT in q4/21. I exited market around thanksgiving. Settled with Uncle Sam, and figured I’d wait. Got lucky with the extent of the downturn, but the idea that you can’t time the market is only true on short time frames.

riding large time frames has worked for me. In the broad scheme of things this is a small bear market so far. If bear markets relieve bloat from bull markets, I believe it’s worth waiting. There is a lot of bloat.

if you dollar cost average long enough into the right things, you’ll be fine. SPY, DJIA, and other profitable large companies will be fine “eventually”. I am not eager to throw capital around right now though.
“timing the market” for me is something that I do, but it’s more wave riding.

I am in institutional real estate by career. For us we have something called “cap rate compression”. The idea is as interest rates fall, commercial real estate goes up in price. We see it with houses. Same shit in buildings.

once I saw cap rate compression hit my own professional real estate assets, I moved my own equities portfolio to “heavy reit”. 2012/13.

the fed signaled QT in q4/21. I exited market around thanksgiving. Settled with Uncle Sam, and figured I’d wait. Got lucky with the extent of the downturn, but the idea that you can’t time the market is only true on short time frames.

riding large time frames has worked for me. In the broad scheme of things this is a small bear market so far. If bear markets relieve bloat from bull markets, I believe it’s worth waiting. There is a lot of bloat.

if you dollar cost average long enough into the right things, you’ll be fine. SPY, DJIA, and other profitable large companies will be fine “eventually”. I am not eager to throw capital around right now though.

fwiw @notlongago my business partners, who I consider smart people, are in agreement with you. We do argue about this stuff and plenty of smart people agree with you that this is a buying opportunity. My attitude is until the clearance rack is empty, don’t buy the stuff you like that’s on sale. We can wait.

if you have 15 years (which my partners and I have) wtf do you care this second for is their attitude. Don’t take my disagreement as dismissal.
fwiw @notlongago my business partners, who I consider smart people, are in agreement with you. We do argue about this stuff and plenty of smart people agree with you that this is a buying opportunity. My attitude is until the clearance rack is empty, don’t buy the stuff you like that’s on sale. We can wait.

if you have 15 years (which my partners and I have) wtf do you care this second for is their attitude. Don’t take my disagreement as dismissal.
I'm not - I love arguing/discussing finance. If there was only one right way, everyone (or maybe no one?) would be rich.
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The average 401k lost between 28-32% since Biden took over depending on where you look for data. If they lost $375K, this 68 year old you’re talking about still has $750-800K in their 401K with plenty of time to recover unless they’re a complete bumbling idiot. Your example is shite. When you pull something from thin air, do better next time and think before you post shit for brains.
If you need the funds soon, you shouldn’t have that much in stocks.
I'm not - I love arguing/discussing finance. If there was only one right way, everyone (or maybe no one?) would be rich.

I think rebalancing a portfolio (which should be done periodically) is a form of timing the market. I am not eager to rebalance until I know wtf is happening.

I’m a pretty educated guy and not a textbook on the planet laid out this scenario. Operating without a net can be life changing one way or another.

my only actual advice to people is avoid the penny stock game. You will lose eventually.
Usually you don’t get the employer’s match until four years…

I have no idea what this is like across all employers that offer a match but I have never worked anywhere that the match hasn’t been 100% vested from the go
I think rebalancing a portfolio (which should be done periodically) is a form of timing the market. I am not eager to rebalance until I know wtf is happening.

I’m a pretty educated guy and not a textbook on the planet laid out this scenario. Operating without a net can be life changing one way or another.

my only actual advice to people is avoid the penny stock game. You will lose eventually.
What are you doing with your investment cash if it's not in the markets? I have a mm my emergency fund is in at like 1.4% and I'm seeing short term CDs around 2.75%, but I almost value liquidity at 1% so those options are roughly even.
Like gas prices, it is largely a red meat issue for stupid people. Is is a coincidence they are often also Trumpers?
Buying right now is fighting the fed. that’s never been a winning battle.

Basics of finance:

Free cash flow/return rate = asset value

if free cash flow stays the same and rates increase, asset values go down.

todays stocks are only on sale if you’re using identical valuation methodology to the previous 12 years. And if you are, you’re not changing with the times. Rates aren’t going down, or even staying flat. They are increasing.

Who is to say the Fed doesn’t pivot at some point and lower rates? This could happen at any time.
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Unless you're selling (and seriously, don't sell - buy), you're not losing anything. You still own the same assets. Market values fluctuate, but always win over time. Your 401k is not a savings account - stop looking at value fluctuations and buy the sale prices.

(Rant I want to give to friends/colleagues when they say they're pulling out or slowing their contributions)

Inflation is causing people to slow down their contributions. Times are tough.
Arguing that returns aren't going to be substantially in the black in ~9 months is fighting 100+ years of market data. That's never been a winning battle
Wanna bet? Define substantial and you and I have a wager. With the fed tightening like they are the chance the market is back to prior highs is near zero in the next 9 months.
Wanna bet? Define substantial and you and I have a wager. With the fed tightening like they are the chance the market is back to prior highs is near zero in the next 9 months.
Pick your index and tell us what level you think it'll be at. We can earmark this thread and see who's right come late June 23
Well I don’t think being 12% above what is possibly a market bottom counts as ‘in the black’

So basically all your calling for is a bounce to 33140? Ha. That would still be 10% off all time highs. I think to count as in the black you need to actually be an actual market gain not just a rebound from lows.
Unless you're selling (and seriously, don't sell - buy), you're not losing anything. You still own the same assets. Market values fluctuate, but always win over time. Your 401k is not a savings account - stop looking at value fluctuations and buy the sale prices.

(Rant I want to give to friends/colleagues when they say they're pulling out or slowing their contributions)
Just what we need an anonymous Suze Orman wannabe giving financial advice on a free message board! Sheesh LMAO
Well I don’t think being 12% above what is possibly a market bottom counts as ‘in the black’

So basically all your calling for is a bounce to 33140? Ha. That would still be 10% off all time highs. I think to count as in the black you need to actually be an actual market gain not just a rebound from lows.
And you wouldn't be happy with 12% returns in a 9 month period? Since I'm saying "buy now" clearly were talking about this point in the market. Apologies if that wasn't clear.
(But you have no confidence this is anywhere near the bottom or you'd be advocating for buying the shit out of funds right now, so you can't talk out of both sides of your mouth)
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What are you doing with your investment cash if it's not in the markets? I have a mm my emergency fund is in at like 1.4% and I'm seeing short term CDs around 2.75%, but I almost value liquidity at 1% so those options are roughly even.

liquidity is in fidelity accounts. I wanna say I’m getting around that same 1.5%. I am like you. Liquidity matters and has a “price” I’m willing to pay.
I think you would be surprised at the proportion of people that contribute enough to get the max employer match and then withdraw it every year when the employer has max'd out its contribution

I highly doubt that is common.
I've only worked in 3 different companies, but all 3 had tiered vesting and you wouldn't hit fully vested until 4-6 years in each. Can't say I've looked lately tho - maybe shorter duration is now a recruitment tool?

Yeah, 4 years is way too long. 1 year maximum and to your point, most are vesting their employees after about 90 days to help attract talent
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I think you would be surprised at the proportion of people that contribute enough to get the max employer match and then withdraw it every year when the employer has max'd out its contribution
I have never heard of this happening. Is the max capped in absolute $s rather than a percent? This sounds incredibly stupid so I am trying to figure out how it would make sense. I guess if a 100% match was vested you could maybe still be ahead after tax penalty on the $s you put in, but it’s horribly short sighted. Sounds like the kind of action you would take to support a meth addiction or pay off a loan shark.
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12% returns? That’s only if you buy now. If you remain 100% invested in the market throughout this recession you aren’t seeing any gains.

Dollar cost averaging is certainly the way to go with new money but even then you’d be matching these 12% gains with other poorly timed purchases. Hence the strategy.

Bottom line, this market sucks, thus president sucks, and all we can do is dollar cost in and wait for a real turnaround and levels above previous highs.
Unless you're selling (and seriously, don't sell - buy), you're not losing anything. You still own the same assets. Market values fluctuate, but always win over time. Your 401k is not a savings account - stop looking at value fluctuations and buy the sale prices.

(Rant I want to give to friends/colleagues when they say they're pulling out or slowing their contributions)

This logic is absolutely ridiculous. So in 5 years would you rather have you 401k return to its beginning balance or 20+% more than that?
I have never heard of this happening. Is the max capped in absolute $s rather than a percent? This sounds incredibly stupid so I am trying to figure out how it would make sense. I guess if a 100% match was vested you could maybe still be ahead after tax penalty on the $s you put in, but it’s horribly short sighted. Sounds like the kind of action you would take to support a meth addiction or pay off a loan shark.

if the max is capped at 8% of your salary, you basically take January’s salary and put 100% into your 401k, then nothing the rest of the year. They let it grow at whatever rate over the year and at the end of it have a pretty sizeable bump in pay even after penalties. It’s dumb, but people see growth on 8% of free money and take it. Sure they will be living in a trailer in retirement but they have Chinese plastic to buy for Christmas
if the max is capped at 8% of your salary, you basically take January’s salary and put 100% into your 401k, then nothing the rest of the year. They let it grow at whatever rate over the year and at the end of it have a pretty sizeable bump in pay even after penalties. It’s dumb, but people see growth on 8% of free money and take it. Sure they will be living in a trailer in retirement but they have Chinese plastic to buy for Christmas
As long as it is “Genuine Virgin Plastic”, they are winning.
The stock market has only 2 options. It goes up or down. Why are you arguing less is better?
Thank you for displaying the exact attitude/perspective that keeps people from getting wealthy.
My surplus investment account is still in the black despite the major indexes being down 15%-17% in the past year. Why would that be so?
if the max is capped at 8% of your salary, you basically take January’s salary and put 100% into your 401k, then nothing the rest of the year. They let it grow at whatever rate over the year and at the end of it have a pretty sizeable bump in pay even after penalties. It’s dumb, but people see growth on 8% of free money and take it. Sure they will be living in a trailer in retirement but they have Chinese plastic to buy for Christmas

I am assuming this never happens.
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