Can we stop saying "My 401K lost $XZY"?

If you are 68 and you haven’t diversified into bonds, you are doing it wrong.
A 68 year old still has time to recover a 1/3 of their net worth.... weird stance.

Tell me you’re bad at math and the cyclical nature of the market without telling me you’re bad at math and the cyclical nature of the market.

I bet you’re the guy who poops his pants and calls his advisor when the market drops 500 points.

That said, if you’re in a position where you lose 1/3 of your retirement in a few months of market swings happens and you’re 68…well, you or your advisor SUCKS! I didn’t want to go that deep with the shit for brains that elicited my first response because there’s no way he had the capacity to think that deep. But maybe you’re capable.
Except, when you are continuously trying to show your intellectual superiority to an individual(s) and then use grammar incorrectly. Then, it completely undermines your assumed position. Which is exactly how you started this thread.
He started this thread off on a lie and the reason he keeps coming back to it is to save what little self respect he has left.

Inflation is at Jimmy Carter levels, the market is tanked, and a housing crisis is about to hit in which millions of Americans will be upside down regarding home value to outstanding home loans.
Still blaming this admin huh? Odd stance.
Plenty of reasons to dislike this admin ( and I do), but this ain't one.
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OOOO, you got me, Im passive aggressive in my confrontation. Please excuse me for not engaging you in the silly ass topic that gets your nickers in a twist. You are complaining about how folks speak about retirement accounts? THATS what makes you post? GTFOOH. Thats not worthy of confrontation nor debate. However when you repeatedly thump your chest about how great your accounts are, post that other comments are stupid and then use poor grammar, sure, I'll comment. Cause it makes you look stupid.

Looks like no one is interested in your "sage advice", perhaps try trolling some other topic.
On the contrary, this thread is full of people who agree with my position.
" greedy when others are fearful"...If you take umbrage with that, your arrogance and ignorance is next level.
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On the contrary, this thread is full of people who agree with my position.
" greedy when others are fearful"...If you take umbrage with that, your arrogance and ignorance is next level.

Did I somewhere, or is this you trying to create a narrative that you can argue on?
Did I somewhere, or is this you trying to create a narrative that you can argue on?
"Looks like no one wants your sage advice". Again, it's not "my" advice - it's the advice of the best financial minds out there. If you disagree, your arrogance and/or ignorance need adjusting.
"Looks like no one wants your sage advice". Again, it's not "my" advice - it's the advice of the best financial minds out there. If you disagree, your arrogance and/or ignorance need adjusting.

Once again, your sage advice (perhaps I should have said "enlightened opinion") is in the OP. You are whining about people speaking to the value of their retirement account(s) in a given moment. Thats all I have spoken to, that and your incorrect use of an idiom.

And AGAIN, you have moved the goal posts as if I am arguing with you about buying low. You started this entire discussion about you wanting to rant about people commenting about the value at a given time. Everyone else seems to understand what people mean when they comment on the value of the accounts. What seems to need to be adjusted is your overly pedantic and presumptive nature.

Perhaps evaluate YOUR arrogance? ;)
Once again, your sage advice (perhaps I should have said "enlightened opinion") is in the OP. You are whining about people speaking to the value of their retirement account(s) in a given moment. Thats all I have spoken to, that and your incorrect use of an idiom.

And AGAIN, you have moved the goal posts as if I am arguing with you about buying low. You started this entire discussion about you wanting to rant about people commenting about the value at a given time. Everyone else seems to understand what people mean when they comment on the value of the accounts. What seems to need to be adjusted is your overly pedantic and presumptive nature.

Perhaps evaluate YOUR arrogance? ;)
Once again (3rd time now): it's not my opinion or advice. It's the advice of the brightest financial minds that I'm merely parroting. It's also a fact you don't lose any money until you liquidate your holdings. So all people saying "I lost $xyz" are wrong. Hence the entire point of the rant thread.
If you are 68 and you haven’t diversified into bonds, you are doing it wrong.
Strangely though TLT has dropped even more than SPY so far this year, from about 150 to 103. I just looked it up out of curiosity. Bonds might be a good buy especially if we get a more severe recession.