Carl Sagan's Foreboding About America - 30 Years Ago

There is no way a Donald Trump would be elected in 1996. He was rightfully regarded as a joke. Twenty years of baby boomers watching FOX News made Trump's election possible.
Nah. A few generations of both parties abandoning the ordinary, the middle, and the small town rural class made the conditions possible for Fox to emerge and Trump to ascend. The left abandoned the people, left them for dead in this tech revolution and began catering to big business to compete with the right.
Nah. A few generations of both parties abandoning the ordinary, the middle, and the small town rural class made the conditions possible for Fox to emerge and Trump to ascend. The left abandoned the people, left them for dead in this tech revolution and began catering to big business to compete with the right.

Given your poorly constructed post, and my observations of those “abandoned” it’s pretty clear that the middle class, rural Americans you speak of, have only themselves to blame.
Given your poorly constructed post, and my observations of those “abandoned” it’s pretty clear that the middle class, rural Americans you speak of, have only themselves to blame.
lol. Yeah, the poor and middle class started offshoring to communist China to build up their economy and then cut that deal for NAFTA to accelerate offshoring of the rest of the manufacturing sector. Stupid hicks living paycheck to paycheck should have migrated to Mexico.
lol. Yeah, the poor and middle class started offshoring to communist China to build up their economy and then cut that deal for NAFTA to accelerate offshoring of the rest of the manufacturing sector. Stupid hicks living paycheck to paycheck should have migrated to Mexico.
Sounds like Reaganomics to me.
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fear stemming from (1) a geriatric prez (either option) who won’t be completely in charge of his faculties and (2) constant coverage of far away wars might have created a downer environment that has conditioned us to find the worst interpretation of every event. coz if you look solely at individual quality of life (ease and convenience mainly), on a decade by decade basis not year to year fluctuations, have we really been trending down ?
a contrarian point but is it wrong?
The essence of Trumpism - create an alternative reality - because actual reality is not comfortable. But hey, at least you have an excuse, you're old and seem to have a similar level of command as the current president, so there's that.
67 is not that old and there isn’t a sport known to man I couldn’t beat you in right now
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Do you have eyes?
Or are you one of those “it doesn’t really happen” people?
Keep fiddling away dude.
Men who think they’re women don’t cause chaos in girls sports either
I have eyes and a fully functioning brain. Sadly the same can’t be said for you.
Just another gullible rube.
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