CBS: A Colombian migrant waiting to enter the U.S. using former President Joe Biden’s CBP One app broke down in tears after her appointments were canc

Illegal immigrants are offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come: 'Pull factor'​

Hilarious that this article counts Greg Abbot's stunt to send migrants to other states and cities as a taxpayer funded benefit.

Nearly 3 in 5 illegal immigrant households are on taxpayer-funded welfare, study finds​

Hilarious that this article counts Greg Abbot's stunt to send migrants to other states and cities as a taxpayer funded benefit.
Just providing this for context about the study.

The Center for Immigration Studies(CIS) is an American anti-immigration think tank. It favors far lower immigration numbers and produces analyses to further those views. The CIS was founded by historian Otis L. Graham alongside eugenicist and white nationalist John Tanton in 1985 as a spin-off of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). It is one of a number of anti-immigration organizations founded by Tanton, along with FAIR and NumbersUSA.

Reports published by CIS have been disputed by scholars on immigration, fact-checkers and news outlets, and immigration-research organizations. The organization had significant influence within the Trump administration,[3] which cited the group's work to defend its immigration policies.[
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To be fair, there’s a lot of citizens who also have to live on low wages. That’s a problem across the board
That is so true....I fee like we give those who sneak into the country so much attention, but we forget about all those who are citizens and living in destitution.

Illegal immigrants are offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come: 'Pull factor'​

Cool. Now link some stories about government handouts to farmers and energy producers.