Cedar Rapdis school open enrollment question

Don't listen to them, bro! These woke PsOS trying to steer you into Washington HS, aren't telling you that's where the hoodrats go. This @Menace Sockeyes is involved in convincing kids they are "trans," so use due caution! I don't believe Wash has ever graduated 80% of a class and math proficiency is always less than 50% of grade level. They shit on Prairie because they hate rural folks! Shocking to see old Menace to Kids Everywhere, would think his own are too good to go to their neighborhood school!!
Wash and Jeff have large gulfs in the socioeconomic class of students. Jefferson with Stoney Point wealth vs Time Check working class. But especially Wash with Sun Valley and Green Valley wealth (where I grew up) vs Wellington Heights poverty. That skews those proficiency numbers. But how then, looking at the best metric we have (Iowa School Performance Profile data) does Prairie score nearly exactly the same as Jeff and WORSE than Wash? Why do the directors of admissions to Mt. Mercy and Kirkwood both have kids at Jefferson while the last one at Coe had their kid at Kennedy? Prairie has massive socioeconomic advantages, and yet they underperform relative to their demographics:

Wash and Jeff have large gulfs in the socioeconomic class of students. Jefferson with Stony Point wealth vs Time Check working class. But especially Wash with Sun Valley and Green Valley wealth (where I grew up) vs Wellington Heights poverty. That skews those proficiency numbers. But how then, looking at the best metric we have (Iowa School Performance Profile data) does Prairie score nearly exactly the same as Jeff and WORSE than Wash? Why do the directors of admissions to Mt. Mercy and Kirkwood both have kids at Jefferson while the last one at Coe had their kid at Kennedy? Prairie has massive socioeconomic advantages, and yet they underperform relative to their demographics:

That definitely explains why you are a soft, snowflake. You should ask your cousins to let you out more. The world isn’t as scary as they’ve been telling you.
I think his posts say it all about the problem with the "educational" priorities of many in the Prairie area. And we can take post-COVID incidents at ANY area high school to create a narrative. For example...

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This is what I mean by highly outdated information. This used to be true under the old male principal that was there for years. It got better with the next, and now the rigor is much higher with the newer female principal. Again, I know this information first hand from all the area schools.

Xavier continually has kids struggle to adapt when going into college prep classes at Wash, or Kennedy, or Jefferson. The upper third do fine, just like they would at public school, but the rest of the 2/3 are getting a disservice at Xavier, where they spend more time on things like anti-abortion activism than on rigorous science or Language Arts.

🤣 at your last sentence. My wife asked our niece about her schedule at jr high over labor day and she mentioned had two class periods she considered a waste of time and dealt with activism and current events. Her father apparently had a bad experience with CR public schools 30 years ago. Threw a big fit when it was time for to enroll her in kindergarten, so has been in private school instead of I think Linn Mar. Sister in law continually says wants her in public school but I guess losing that battle.
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🤣 at your last sentence. My wife asked our niece about her schedule at jr high over labor day and she mentioned had two class periods she considered a waste of time and dealt with activism and current events. Her father apparently had a bad experience with CR public schools 30 years ago. Threw a big fit when it was time for to enroll her in kindergarten, so has been in private school instead of I think Linn Mar. Sister in law continually says wants her in public school but I guess losing that battle.
Yep. Your experience is absolutely what students and staff there tell me when they leave the Catholic system here. It's reputation is smoke and mirrors built off of class anxieties and ideological agendas, not academics. Maybe some Catholic systems are better in Iowa City and other places, but not in Cedar Rapids. It's incredible, knowing what I know, that anyone worried about their child's educational experience would choose Xavier over Linn Mar.
Your family isn’t helping you.

Kennedy, Washington, Jefferson, Prairie, Linn Mar, Xavier in that order. When I worked at a college, it was obvious grade inflation was an issue at Xavier and many did not transition well to college life. They also have a massive bullying issue, as does Linn Mar. If your kid has an IEP go to Prairie or Linn Mar. If they are high achieving, the three CR schools (Kennedy, Jefferson, or Washington) are great. I’d be fine with any one of them, just selective at the elementary and middle school level.
When i lived in cedar rapids the gazette would post the schools itbs test results.
I remember xavier and linn mar being 1-2 almost every year.
Do they still post those?
This is what I mean by highly outdated information. This used to be true under the old male principal that was there for years. It got better with the next, and now the rigor is much higher with the newer female principal. Again, I know this information first hand from all the area schools.

Xavier continually has kids struggle to adapt when going into college prep classes at Wash, or Kennedy, or Jefferson. The upper third do fine, just like they would at public school, but the rest of the 2/3 are getting a disservice at Xavier, where they spend more time on things like anti-abortion activism than on rigorous science or Language Arts.
This is propaganda. The stuff about anti abortion activism. Sounds like we have a parochial school hater on our hands.

At Xavier most of the lower 2/3 world be upper 1/10 at Jefferson. Only the lowest of the low at Xavier wouldnt excel at public school.
Tiffin- Clear Creek Amana HS. A mini–North Liberty
Ely- Small town in the CR Prairie SD
Solon- Solon HS. Smallish but cliqueish town

I'm curious about the original question- What are the rules for open enrollment? Buy a house here, go to school anywhere? I don't have your answer.
Solon has restricted open enrollment significantly from what Ive heard recently.
Holy shit, this is so spot on. I went to Regis High, then transferred my junior to Washington. Best decision I ever made. My Wash classmates are way more successful than my Regis classmates by a wide margin.
Regis hasnt been a high school for 26 years. Are we basing our school recommendations for the OP based on 26 years ago?LOL
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Thank you for verifying! My oldest sister went through Regis and my parents (both highly educated professionals) quickly realized what a rip off it was. My sister that went through the Catholic system had to go on academic probation at Iowa. She bounced back well to finish high in her class at law school, but HS didn’t prepare her. Those of us that went to McKinley and Washington qualified for honors at Iowa straight away. We all finished on the Dean’s List, and my sister that went to Washington is filthy rich doing web programming out west.
Oh ok now I see it. Your 'N of 1' clearly tells the tale.
When i lived in cedar rapids the gazette would post the schools itbs test results.
I remember xavier and linn mar being 1-2 almost every year.
Do they still post those?

No but I second this.
Incorrect. Since before Xavier ever became a high school, they have never publicly reported ITBS scores because the state didn't require them to. It's why their data is unable to be researched on the Iowa School Performance Profiles. It's a much better metric, that factors in performance on standardized tests, percentage of students that take the test, college success, expected vs actualized student growth etc. There's a reason they don't want their numbers made public.
Incorrect. Since before Xavier ever became a high school, they have never publicly reported ITBS scores because the state didn't require them to. It's why their data is unable to be researched on the Iowa School Performance Profiles. It's a much better metric, that factors in performance on standardized tests, percentage of students that take the test, college success, expected vs actualized student growth etc. There's a reason they don't want their numbers made public.
Listen to this guy, ^ and your son will come home wearing a dress instead of a nutcup!
You have zero idea what you are talking about. Exactly the type of secondhand misinformation I warned the OP about. I’ve been in all the schools. I am regularly at all the area high schools for my job. Jefferson is exactly the same level of fighting as the other high schools. I have family all go through Wash, Linn Mar, Kennedy, and Prairie in the last decade. I’ve had my own kids go through both Jeff and Kennedy. Very, very similar experiences. They’re all doing well in different ways, but the one who is excelling the most at college went to Jefferson.

And grade inflation and lack of prep is absolutely a thing at Xavier. I’ve seen it with their students that came to college. Ask yourself this: If your rankings were so brilliant, why does the Dean of Admissions at Mount Mercy send their kids to Jefferson and not Xavier? Pretty interesting for a Catholic university, eh? Like I said, this is one area you might call me an expert in.
Well people expect some value in return for all those tuition payments they make, and if they can get Junior to look academically competent with overinflated grades, then there's the payoff.

A guy I work with sent his son to Xavier and he would go on and on what a high achiever he was both academically and athletically. His kid went to an Iowa D3 small college and he didn't even make it through his first year before he washed out and then the old man told him to sign up for the Army because he wasn't coming home now. Thanks Pops!
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Well people expect some value in return for all those tuition payments they make, and if they can get Junior to look academically competent with overinflated grades, then there's the payoff.

A guy I work with sent his son to Xavier and he would go on and on what a high achiever he was both academically and athletically. His kid went to an Iowa D3 small college and he didn't even make it through his first year before he washed out and then the old man told him to sign up for the Army because he wasn't coming home now. Thanks Pops!
Yep. Yet another testimonial in this thread of what my family experienced growing up, and so many others have experienced. It’s almost like a lot of us can see through the BS. In fact, that’s part of my job on this subject.
Yep. Yet another testimonial in this thread of what my family experienced growing up, and so many others have experienced. It’s almost like a lot of us can see through the BS. In fact, that’s part of my job on this subject.
With you involved, how can CR public schools have not produced such esteemed alumni as these >

Had kids that went to both Linn Mar and Prairie in recent years. My youngest son really struggled in school, at Linn Mar he got horrible grades and we never heard of any help for him there, when he moved to Prairie they were so helpful in getting him up to speed, we had quarterly meetings with all of his teachers even. They did a great job with him. That was my experience take it for what it's worth.
Anyone propping up Jefferson is clearly biased and detached from the current reality. There are real problems at Jeff and a lot of good teachers and students are leaving or at least trying to. I personally know quite a few. You'd be crazy if you moved into the district and intentionally sent your kids to Jefferson right now.
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When i lived in cedar rapids the gazette would post the schools itbs test results.
I remember xavier and linn mar being 1-2 almost every year.
Do they still post those?
I don't think they have taken the itbs for a couple of decades now, it's been replaced with some other standardized test with a different acronym as I'm sure 'basic skills' is offensive to someone. I believe the results are tied to funding at some level as well.

When I was a kid in the 80's if your class scored in the 90th % in the or higher in the state, I think we got an extra recess, today I know of at least one HS mentioned in this thread basically bribes kids with gift cards and free food just to take them and not play connect the dots.
Thank you for verifying! My oldest sister went through Regis and my parents (both highly educated professionals) quickly realized what a rip off it was. My sister that went through the Catholic system had to go on academic probation at Iowa. She bounced back well to finish high in her class at law school, but HS didn’t prepare her. Those of us that went to McKinley and Washington qualified for honors at Iowa straight away. We all finished on the Dean’s List, and my sister that went to Washington is filthy rich doing web programming out west.
I love how you base a high school off of how someone you know does in college. Maybe that person that struggles a bit in college is partying a bit too much because they are out on their own or maybe they haven’t figured out what they want to do for a career. Shit I know people that went to tiny redneck maga schools that out perform all of these CR schools in college. Does that make them the cream of the crop for high schools. Hell no.
I love how you base a high school off of how someone you know does in college. Maybe that person that struggles a bit in college is partying a bit too much because they are out on their own or maybe they haven’t figured out what they want to do for a career. Shit I know people that went to tiny redneck maga schools that out perform all of these CR schools in college. Does that make them the cream of the crop for high schools. Hell no.
JFC, did you read ANY other part in this thread? Like where I said this is part of my job, or where I directed people to the macro data of the Iowa School Performance Profiles, or the fact that numerous other people testified to the exact same experience? Of course you didn’t.

Anyone propping up Jefferson is clearly biased and detached from the current reality. There are real problems at Jeff and a lot of good teachers and students are leaving or at least trying to. I personally know quite a few. You'd be crazy if you moved into the district and intentionally sent your kids to Jefferson right now.
Simply an ignorant statement. What you mean is that a segment of the Jefferson population has the problems associated with low socioeconomic situations. As others pointed out, so does Washington. That is an issue with those kids, not the school itself. Walk the halls of all the area high schools. Go in the classrooms. I guarantee you it looks as good or better than the others. Right now, Jefferson has the lowest turnover rate of any of the three Cedar Rapids community high schools. We are talking the last two years specifically, and again I just studied the numbers last year for graduate course work. Jefferson is where my own successful college student recently graduated. Though I encourage you to give me these specific instances, you are referring to.
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JFC, did you read ANY other part in this thread? Like where I said this is part of my job, or where I directed people to the macro data of the Iowa School Performance Profiles, or the fact that numerous other people testified to the exact same experience? Of course you didn’t.
I did. And in the end it came off as your own opinion and I called out how comical it was that you compared how certain students did better than other students in college.
Did you read my response? Are tiny rural students better off than CR kids?
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I don't think they have taken the itbs for a couple of decades now, it's been replaced with some other standardized test with a different acronym as I'm sure 'basic skills' is offensive to someone. I believe the results are tied to funding at some level as well.

When I was a kid in the 80's if your class scored in the 90th % in the or higher in the state, I think we got an extra recess, today I know of at least one HS mentioned in this thread basically bribes kids with gift cards and free food just to take them and not play connect the dots.
All CR schools do, but mainly to affect their completion rate, not their scores.

I did. And in the end it came off as your own opinion and I called out how comical it was that you compared how certain students did better than other students in college.
Did you read my response? Are tiny rural students better off than CR kids?
Well, your ability to read into what it “came off as” is pretty special.
And your lack of ability to answer a question makes me wonder if you are even involved with any CR area high schools.
You already answered it, I agree with you, and it’s completely irrelevant as clearly the rest of this thread is about far more than that one testimonial. You’re choosing to ignore that because it challenges your assumptions.
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Had kids that went to both Linn Mar and Prairie in recent years. My youngest son really struggled in school, at Linn Mar he got horrible grades and we never heard of any help for him there, when he moved to Prairie they were so helpful in getting him up to speed, we had quarterly meetings with all of his teachers even. They did a great job with him. That was my experience take it for what it's worth.
Yet another post that justifies my rankings on page 1 of this thread. If you have a struggling student or an IEP, College Community is excellent. Better than CRCSD at the moment. If you’re Black American, Washington is the best choice. For English Language Learners, Jefferson is best. For “neurodiverse” students, Kennedy has excellent programs and personnel. Linn Mar is the choice if your only other option is Xavier.