Cedar Rapdis school open enrollment question

JFC, did you read ANY other part in this thread? Like where I said this is part of my job, or where I directed people to the macro data of the Iowa School Performance Profiles, or the fact that numerous other people testified to the exact same experience? Of course you didn’t.

Simply an ignorant statement. What you mean is that a segment of the Jefferson population has the problems associated with low socioeconomic situations. As others pointed out, so does Washington. That is an issue with those kids, not the school itself. Walk the halls of all the area high schools. Go in the classrooms. I guarantee you it looks as good or better than the others. Right now, Jefferson has the lowest turnover rate of any of the three Cedar Rapids community high schools. We are talking the last two years specifically, and again I just studied the numbers last year for graduate course work. Jefferson is where my own successful college student recently graduated. Though I encourage you to give me these specific instances, you are referring to.
Just curious, what is your job?

I believe you coach or have coached at a few of the different area schools? Do you work directly for or with any of the area schools?
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Just curious, what is your job?

I believe you coach or have coached at a few of the different area schools? Do you work directly for or with any of the area schools?
Yes, I have coached at three area schools for a total of twenty years. I used to work in higher education as an instructor, and last Summer I took a position working for a university administration and two high schools to prepare and connect students to colleges and careers.
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JFC, did you read ANY other part in this thread? Like where I said this is part of my job, or where I directed people to the macro data of the Iowa School Performance Profiles, or the fact that numerous other people testified to the exact same experience? Of course you didn’t.

Simply an ignorant statement. What you mean is that a segment of the Jefferson population has the problems associated with low socioeconomic situations. As others pointed out, so does Washington. That is an issue with those kids, not the school itself. Walk the halls of all the area high schools. Go in the classrooms. I guarantee you it looks as good or better than the others. Right now, Jefferson has the lowest turnover rate of any of the three Cedar Rapids community high schools. We are talking the last two years specifically, and again I just studied the numbers last year for graduate course work. Jefferson is where my own successful college student recently graduated. Though I encourage you to give me these specific instances, you are referring to.
I'm not going to share specifics bc they're personal experiences of people, some of whom you'll likely know, and God knows what you'll do with the info.
One is a very respected longtime faculty member who only shared some info with me bc I've known him for years.
Numerous other friends of mine, many who were Jefferson graduates themselves, have either pulled their kids out of the school or moved to get them out in the last 5+ years.
Yes a big part of the problem is due to some of the students there. That's obvious. Their making the learning environment shitty and unsafe is a huge part of why most consider it a poor school right now.
It's unfortunate and it's not like those accepting the current reality take pleasure in it, but again, intentionally enrolling your kid at Jeff right now would be idiotic when you have far better options.
I'm not going to share specifics bc they're personal experiences of people, some of whom you'll likely know, and God knows what you'll do with the info.
One is a very respected longtime faculty member who only shared some info with me bc I've known him for years.
Numerous other friends of mine, many who were Jefferson graduates themselves, have either pulled their kids out of the school or moved to get them out in the last 5+ years.
Yes a big part of the problem is due to some of the students there. That's obvious. Their making the learning environment shitty and unsafe is a huge part of why most consider it a poor school right now.
It's unfortunate and it's not like those accepting the current reality take pleasure in it, but again, intentionally enrolling your kid at Jeff right now would be idiotic when you have far better options.
So how is the learning environment “shitty” or “unsafe”? Can you at least give specifics on that? Because I don’t know any incidents that made the staff feel unsafe, or conditions that made the environment not conducive to learning? Because (and I’m not necessarily saying this about your info) it’s second hand and flat out misinformation about 100 percent of the time. Same goes for Wash. Complaints tend to be less about substance and more to simple race and class snobbery because they are urban schools. A simple walk through on just about any day would prove that and dispel many myths. This is what I’d strongly recommend to any parent.
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So how is the learning environment “shitty” or “unsafe”? Can you at least give specifics on that? Because I don’t know any incidents that made the staff feel unsafe, or conditions that made the environment not conducive to learning? Because (and I’m not necessarily saying this about your info) it’s second hand and flat out misinformation about 100 percent of the time. Same goes for Wash. Complaints tend to be less about substance and more to simple race and class snobbery because they are urban schools. A simple walk through on just about any day would prove that and dispel many myths. This is what I’d strongly recommend to any parent.
Yep, there it is... everyone commenting on issues at Jeff and to an extent Wash are just snobs and racists. I sometimes forget what an angry toxic person you are.
Going overboard with your LinnMar and Xavier hate pretty much killed any credibility you had in this thread with anyone from CR anyway.
OP, ignore this guy, trust us.
Yep, there it is... everyone commenting on issues at Jeff and to an extent Wash are just snobs and racists. I sometimes forget what an angry toxic person you are.
Going overboard with your LinnMar and Xavier hate pretty much killed any credibility you had in this thread with anyone from CR anyway.
OP, ignore this guy, trust us.
OR you’ve bought in to a load of bullshit. Did you not catch multiple people lay out the EXACT issues with Linn Mar and Xavier here? You think they are ALL just lying? I know far more than you on this subject, and I have a mountain of empirical evidence to back it up.