CHA Feasibility Study

Student tickets sell out every season apparently. So money does not seem to be a factor. It's getting the students who have already purchased tickets to actually show up.
It will be about identifying and removing the obstacles that stand in the way of student attendance.

The old regime had an “if we build it, they will come” mentality, but that approach did not really work. It will be interesting to see if the new regime can develop more creative solutions to this challenge.
Really. A Feasibility study. What a waste of time and money. There is absolutely nothing listed that hasn't been a top two or three item mentioned by fans for the last thirty years.

You do understand what the word feasible means, right?,... Having a wish list and having a plan are two very different things. It's very possible that some of the most popular items on the fan wish list might not be economically feasible given the existing conditions.
Seating isn’t helping students appetite to show. And plenty of games where the first four rows has empty seats as well..,
Need something better than a team that loses 12-15 games per year and is perennially a non-factor on the national scene. Stop putting out a garbage product year after year and the seats will be full!
The only people Barta really GAF about were the donors. His main job was getting big dollars for athletics and that wasn’t coming from the casual fan. Looking like Goetz may respect the fan base more than Barta did.
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They'd better start out with a small student section, and figure out how to break it to the people who have been paying to sit close to the court. Students don't show up at games. It's been that way for a long time.
The solution to that is, if the students aren't showing up, make the first 8-10 rows of the student section general admission to everyone, non students included. It is crucial to get butts in those seats.