Charges being filed in Baltimore

They are being over charged . A lot of those charges are going to be hard to prove .

Perhaps. But, that's BAU for the police. Throw the book at people and see what sticks or use it as leverage in the plea deal. Nice to see that technique applied here as well. It's only fair.
As 73Chief wrote, from the details that have been presented, a conviction (especially on the most serious charges) will be very tough here if the Defense Attorneys know what they are doing.
Congrats Baltimore. You are now a second rate city that kowtows to mob rule.

Congrats Baltimore for filing the charges that were justified and not kowtowing to racists and conservative bullshitters.

Double congrats for not dragging it out.

OTOH, boo Baltimore for keeping people locked up for nearly 2 days, sometimes 10-15 in a cell, with no charges filed, and in violation of Baltimore's speedy arraignment rules. And boo to Governor Hogan for suspending those speedy arraignment rules (which he probably has no authority to suspend).

Given the circumstances, on balance, this is a very good showing. They certainly performed better on the critical issues than any other city we've heard about recently.
I haven't been following this case so don't know the specifics. However, given how high profile and heated this case has become, why wouldn't the DA take this before a grand jury to see if there's enough evidence for an indictment?

My buddy, Jack McCoy, would have never tried this case without first taking it to the grand jury. Arthur Branch, nor Adam Schiff, would have never let this go to trial without going a grand jury first. :)
The consensus seems to be that probable cause is clear on all the charges. Most seem to think that the 2nd degree charge will end up being too hard to prove, but most of the rest will hold up. We'll see.
So I get falsely arrested and then hang myself in the jail- then police should be charged with murder?
I'll play along with your bad analogy.
What if you were kidnapped and hung yourself while being held captive? Would the kidnapper not be somewhat responsible? Is there any difference between false arrest and a kidnapping?
3 of the 6 cops were black. Just more black on black violence or is this still all whiteys fault?

The cop that got charged with 2nd degree murder was black.
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Congrats Baltimore for filing the charges that were justified and not kowtowing to racists and conservative bullshitters.

Double congrats for not dragging it out.

OTOH, boo Baltimore for keeping people locked up for nearly 2 days, sometimes 10-15 in a cell, with no charges filed, and in violation of Baltimore's speedy arraignment rules. And boo to Governor Hogan for suspending those speedy arraignment rules (which he probably has no authority to suspend).

Given the circumstances, on balance, this is a very good showing. They certainly performed better on the critical issues than any other city we've heard about recently.
Do you think Darren Wilson should have been charged?

Your reply doesn't even deserve a response and therefore I won't give you a response.
this prosecutor screwed this up horribly, she should be fired or recuse herself. she never said, "allegedly" once, she obviously had an agenda. she stated her thoughts and opinions and agenda as if they were fact. she needed to come out and say that they have to prove it in court but they think they have ample evidence to get convictions and that's it, not make a political speech. she is not there for justice for this dude, she is there for justice for all, cops included. she screwed up. maybe the cops were at fault but her job is to prove that or not, figure out the truth, get to the bottom line, justice for all. she gave a black liberation theology speech. not good.
this prosecutor screwed this up horribly, she should be fired or recuse herself. she never said, "allegedly" once, she obviously had an agenda. she stated her thoughts and opinions and agenda as if they were fact. she needed to come out and say that they have to prove it in court but they think they have ample evidence to get convictions and that's it, not make a political speech. she is not there for justice for this dude, she is there for justice for all, cops included. she screwed up. maybe the cops were at fault but her job is to prove that or not, figure out the truth, get to the bottom line, justice for all. she gave a black liberation theology speech. not good.

I truly love the logical analysis of your mind.
CNN changing the contrast to make the black cops appear more white? Interesting.
Here's what they were showing.

Here's the originals.

After some immediate flak, they reinstated the originals.
having black cops really really ticks them off, the narrative from Sharpton and michelle o and barak is that we have whitey doing wrong to the African american
Since when has Berries, Moochelle and Al notsosharp been correct on anything?
never been right about anything but the masses look up to them like they are godz

the peasants and minions look to these people for leadership, it's really sad

these people are like the evil dudes in every older james bond movie who are going to destroy the world

Your reply doesn't even deserve a response and therefore I won't give you a response.
Then how am I able to quote your dumb response? The word you were looking for is "answer", not "response". You can't give me an answers because to do so exposes the stupidity of your initial post.
3 of the 6 cops were black. Just more black on black violence or is this still all whiteys fault?

The cop that got charged with 2nd degree murder was black.

It really would be nice if this conversation moved in the right direction. Although race is a factor, the bigger concern is Police (gov't) vs. People. The fact that officers were black did not remove them from being officers, first.

Cops are now afforded more protection than ever before, with a large segment of the population willing to protect them far more than any other profession, even more so than military members (imo).

Let me put this thought experiment to you: Officer claims a military personnel hit him, therefore he needed to react violently in order to subdue him. Quick, who do you believe? Substitute any other profession, who do you believe?

Sure, they are "laying down their lives" every day, well not statistically, but other professions are in, statistically, just as much danger, yet aren't afforded nearly the same protections/leeway.

A parking enforcer stops to cite a vehicle, guy jumps in and drives away....would you let that person fire bullets in to their car? No. Phew, good. It is a start.
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AP: Cop Involved in Gray Arrest Once Reportedly Hospitalized for Mental Health Issues
by Josh Feldman | 6:11 pm, April 30th, 2015222

One of the police officers involved in the arrest and death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray was once reportedly hospitalized over mental health issues and his guns were confiscated by higher-ups.

According to documents obtained by The Associated Press, Lt. Brian Rice (one of the officers ID’d and suspended in the Gray case) made some kind of unclear threat that got his colleagues concerned about him, back in 2012.

Rice ended up in the hospital, and sheriff’s deputies took his multiple firearms. He had also received two administrative suspensions, at least one of which was directly connected to the report on that incident.

And this is what happened, the AP says, when they tried to get comment from Rice:

When the AP visited Rice’s home last week and left a note requesting an interview, Rice called the sheriff’s department to report the visit as trespassing. Karen McAleer, the mother of his son, also declined to speak with the AP.

UPDATE — May 6, 12:57 p.m. ET: The Guardian has obtained the full court document complain against Lt. Brian Rice, which alleges that the officer threatened to kill himself and his ex-girlfriend’s husband in April 2012. Andrew McAleer, the husband of Karyn McAleer, with whom Rice has a young son, filed the complaint and was granted a temporary restraining order by a judge.

The Guardian reports:

“I am seeking protection immediately,” McAleer wrote to a court in Carroll County, Maryland, in January 2013. He alleged Rice’s behaviour had caused him “to have constant fear for my personal safety” and a “fear of imminent harm or death from Brian Rice”.

Rice was ordered to stay away from McAleer, his home and his workplace after a series of alleged confrontations, including one armed standoff in June 2012 when officers from two police departments responded to a 911 call and spent 90 minutes defusing the situation.

McAleer alleged Rice was screaming and smelled of alcohol during the 2am confrontation in front of McAleer’s house. He said his wife later said Rice had told her he planned to kill McAleer during the June 2012 encounter.

[image via screengrab]
Lots of manslaughter charges. One cop has a 2nd degree something something murder charge. Didn't catch what she said.

From the evidence I've heard, she's aiming awfully high. 2nd degree murder requires the defendant(s) intended to kill the victim. How is she going to prove that? Better chance of getting convictions for being negligent in insuring the safety of the victim during his transport. Wouldn't that be manslaughter?

Think of the riots across the country if they try these cops for varying degrees of murder and they all either get acquitted or have hung juries because the evidence does not fit the crime? It's all part of the 'rush to judgment' mentality that has been prevalent in America since the Ferguson debacle.

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