Charlie Kirk is a POS of a Human Being.

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Interesting to see the leftists in this thread list all of the things that actually are happening and should be of concern to anyone with any common sense and then gaslight the hell out of those topics.

Now Thomas Sowell is a right wing easy it is for white liberals to attack black people when they move off the plantation.

Yeah. Ted Kennedy killed that woman. I think she was stuck in the car for hours waiting for help. I don't think the Kennedys were practicing Catholics either, maybe Bobby was.

I do have a CSB about Ted Kennedy.

In the 1980's, my parents saw Ted Kennedy at a small airport in South Carolina. My Dad walked right up to him and said "Hello."

My Dad said Ted was hammered drunk and slurring his words. It was in the afternoon. He said Ted was very friendly.

My parents saw Ted later walking to a private plane with a bag of booze and a woman who wasn't his wife. My Mom (no pics) saw Ted put his hand on the woman's rear end.

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the things that actually are happening
None of those things are happening.

If they are, they're a tiny minority and they're ONLY happening on radical campusesssess.

Also, if they ARE happening, maybe that's a good thing.

None of this is happening.
I have no idea what's true
Why are you mentioning and asking me about about these pieces of shit?
Very obviously because you never met a whataboutism you didn’t like. Derp.

So tell us why, without “what about…,” these racist Nazis and traitors were perfectly at home showing their literal true colors at the Unite the Right rally. You carry water for the right constantly. Do it again.
These guys knew they wouldn’t get the shit kicked out of them and unsurprisingly didn’t get the shit kicked out of them in 2017 at the Unite the Right rally. Why is that? @binsfeldcyhawk2 ? @FAUlty Gator ? @Jan Itor ? @goldmom ? @The Tradition ? @DeangeloVickers ?


I'd gently ask those guys if they think Polish people are White. And Russians.

Then, I'd remind them that Hitler killed millions of them because he thought they were inferior.

Hitler was, in their words, a "race traitor."
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Very obviously because you never met a whataboutism you didn’t like. Derp.

So tell us why, without “what about…,” these racist Nazis and traitors were perfectly at home showing their literal true colors at the Unite the Right rally. You carry water for the right constantly. Do it again.

You probably think there is some gigantic movement of Nazis in this country.
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You what about and carry water for the side that embraces these types every day. Totally sane behavior.
As I’ve said many times, I have not voted Republican since Romney. I voted for Biden. I’m not happy with many of the things he hasn’t done, like secure the border.

It’s going to be funny when the media goes supernova over the next 10 months and call everyone that disagrees with them a Nazi, Racist, etc.,,,

And you will be standing right there behind them shouting “yea”.
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Very obviously because you never met a whataboutism you didn’t like. Derp.

So tell us why, without “what about…,” these racist Nazis and traitors were perfectly at home showing their literal true colors at the Unite the Right rally. You carry water for the right constantly. Do it again.
Whatabout you eat a bag of shit and go fvck yourself, you ignorant, lying choan smoker.

And I love how you made sure to include "without what about..." because you know that this is from 2017, and TODAY it is YOU and your lefties who are the exact same pieces of anti-semetic shit. Denying the atrocities on 10/7 and calling for the genocide of Jews everywhere. I'm surprised you haven't looked these guys up to recruit them for your new cause. They hate the Jews just like you. Are you just mad they beat you to it?

Yeah....I'd want me to not "what about" it too because of how easy it is to link them to you and your cause du jour.
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