Explain to us please where someone from Chicago can drive 15-20 mins from downtown and "get all the guns they want".
Keep in mind handguns are used in 99 % of the gun violence in Chicago. I'm sure you're extremely well versed on the gun laws in Chicago and Illinois.
You've been fed a line of bullshit about gun laws being lax outside of Chicago being to blame for all the violence and you call other people stupid. Jfc.
Lol... here's a screenshot, but Google this and then pick any number of pins,
'gun store right outside chicago illinois'
You're the one that believes in bullshit, did you think they were coming from Mexico? And that doesn't include the one right across the border in Indiana that's being sued because of the number of guns linked to it
Inside the Notorious Gun Shop Linked to Hundreds of Chicago Guns
The story of one Indiana store demonstrates how the more than 60,000 gun retailers in America have little financial incentive to say no to questionable buyers and face limited penalties for failing to prevent illegal transactions.