Chris Rock

There is NO "A" game in what happened last night. These two guys are on the forefront of equality and being treated equally and treating others in the proper way....then goddamn it, they need to act asLEADERS and not like a couple of punk street kids on this stage!
Rock needs to gauge his remarks about others. Smith needs go grow the phuque up and understand where he is. Both acted iirresponsibly. And unfortunately, both reflected poorly on their race. Black men and women who are looked up to are like policemen....They have to be purer than driven snow in their actions. They are always going to be judged. I support what they are working for os long overdue in many cases.....but dammit, it has to be done the right way. Last night was not the right way. It reflects poorly on BOTH men and unfortunately, there will be many others who will make generalizations. Leaders lead......all the time.
The Academy should throw both these guys out for a couple of years. Let them cool off and figure it out. There is just no excuse for two grown men to act like they did last night.
1. considering that rock was given the gig precisely because he behaves this way you might consider suggesting a ban on the academy for a couple years.
2. from my standpoint, a couple stupid guys did stupid shit and gave us something to talk about. it's awful to suggest these two guys are leaders of any sort...they are entertainers and they do/did that well. now if obama pulled something like this i would agree with you. although if obama kneed trump chances are he would receive another nobel.
I'm not reading this wholenthread but have we gotten to the part where it's Trump's fault yet? Isn't it obvious?

He's a classy guy who refuses to take full credit.

And I shall assume you are trying to deflect because you didn’t get the joke. Because it’s clear you didn’t.
Now you’re deflecting your own deflection by accusing me of deflecting.
Now you’re deflecting your own deflection by accusing me of deflecting.
Now you’re deflecting from your own deflection by doubling down on your accusation that I am deflecting.

Would you like me to explain the joke?

I realize your very-conscious bias may prevent you from recognizing that I was clearly making a joke. I’m willing to help.
Now you’re deflecting from your own deflection by doubling down on your accusation that I am deflecting.

Would you like me to explain the joke?

I realize your very-conscious bias may prevent you from recognizing that I was clearly making a joke. I’m willing to help.
If I wanted a joke, I would ask for your bank statements.
Currently online media click bait Factories are looking everywhere for videos of Will Smith laughing at other edgy Oscar jokes.
Won’t you all shut your damn mouths? I’m the 2021 WPOTY runner up. Only Colorado can beat me. Though, Joel has made a valiant effort in this thread. Yikes.
He would one most racist poster of the year.
Will Smith laughing while Rock roasts other celebrities, including a married couple. At worst, Wills a bitch for laughing and then getting mad when jokes hit a little too close to home. To make it worse, Will laughs at Chris’ joke about his wife before deciding that he should act aggrieved
This is what comedians do. Woke folk need to get a sense of humor.

Totally unacceptable by Smith. I get that the joke was inappropriate by Rock since she apparently has a problem with hair loss....but did Rock even know that? That's the question....if he didn't, it was just a joke.
Hair loss hell she has had sex with half the audience!!
The dumbing down of America is not limited to one race! Absolutely a foolhearty move....and both their parts.
Blacks are looking for attention and rewards as a race, and then they act like public for everyone to see! ( but then I suppose Smith felt he was dissed.....and Rock didn’t realize how stupid his remarks were.)
But that's Chris Rock. I've listened to him on Sirius. You have to expect that if you are going to have him host.
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Read somewhere that Chris has been told before by WIll to knock off the jokes about his wife's since it is a medical reason it was happening and Chris just kept at it and honestly if he was told before to knock it if and he kept wanting to push his luck then he kind of earned what he got.

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