Classic Movies


HR Legend
Sep 29, 2017
Name some must-see movies. I finally just watched Deliverance, Dirty Dozen, Apocolypse Now (rewatched) Redux is better))and Cape Fear. Which are all in my wheelhouse.

I am compelled by how these older movies build suspense through writing and acting.
The original To Be Or Not To Be with Jack Benny and Carole Lombard.

City Lights


My Man Godfrey

Sullivan’s Travels
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All i watch are 90s movies so im just gonna name random movies from before that: Escape from Alcatraz, harold and maude, breaking away, swiss family robinson, serpico, rain man.
Older I get, the more I like some of the classic 80s or so westerns.
Man from Snowy River

I have seen unforgiven and tombstone. Solid movies. I will check out the others.
Clockwork Orange
Cape Fear
The Shining

Goodfellas is amazing
Clockwork is mehhhhh
Cape Fear was okay but over dramatized
Shining was amazing
So was one who flew over the cockoo's nest
I have seen unforgiven and tombstone. Solid movies. I will check out the others.

I may be on a western kick as of late. Finally started watching Deadwood which may have started it.
Also have BoneTomahawk, DeadMan (Depp), The Salvation**** on my list.

And I found the stupidity of Million ways to Die in the West hilarious. Young Guns.

***** Edit, forgot I already saw Salvation. It was okay. I think I have seen Bone Tomahawk as well.
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I may be on a western kick as of late. Finally started watching Deadwood which may have started it.
Also have BoneTomahawk, DeadMan (Depp), The Salvation.

And I found the stupidity of Million ways to Die in the West hilarious.

Deadwood was good.

Buster Scruggs was cash.
Deadwood was good.

Buster Scruggs was cash.

Just saw Buster Scruggs a month ago with my folks. I thought my mother was going to pee her pants every time they mentioned he was the song bird of San Saba County. It's where my grandmother spent most of her life and it just made my moms night. (no pics).
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Just saw Buster Scruggs a month ago with my folks. I thought my mother was going to pee her pants every time they mentioned he was the song bird of San Saba County. It's where my grandmother spent most of her life and it just made my moms night. (no pics).

That is awesome; especially considering it was so dark. Sounds like you have a good family on your hands.
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Define classic. 60s and older? 70s? 80s? 90s?

I'll try to stay with mid 80s and older.

These are the 1987 and before movies I could watch over and over again.

Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Back to the Future
Princess Bride
The Shining
Karate Kid
The Thing
The Fog
Here is a blank spot for Blade Runner as I hate the theatrical version but enjoy the revisions
American Werewolf in London
Full Metal Jacket
National Lampoon's Vacation
Dark Crystal
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Star Wars Trilogy
Star Trek "Trilogy" ie 2-4
Transformers (the animated one)
Big Trouble in Little China
The Highlander
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Near Dark
Das Boat
Road Warrior
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Batman (the first Burton One)
Superman 1 & 2
Blues Brothers
The Warriors
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Once Upon A Time in the West
Good the Bad and the Ugly
Fistful of Dollars
For a Few Dollars More
North by Northwest
Rear Window
Out of the Past
The Third Man
Sunset Boulevard
The Wizard of Oz
King Kong (Original)
Define classic. 60s and older? 70s? 80s? 90s?

I'll try to stay with mid 80s and older.

These are the 1987 and before movies I could watch over and over again.

Princess Bride
The Shining
Full Metal Jacket
Dark Crystal
Das Boat
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Labyrinth: what a pedo movie. Come at me bros.

Princess Bride is amazing though.
Night of the Hunter
The Maltese Falcon
The Big Sleep
The Best Years of Our Lives
The Big Heat
War of the Worlds (Original)
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Name some must-see movies. I finally just watched Deliverance, Dirty Dozen, Apocolypse Now (rewatched) Redux is better))and Cape Fear. Which are all in my wheelhouse.

I am compelled by how these older movies build suspense through writing and acting.
African Queen
Lawrence of Arabia
True Grit
Bridge Over the River Kwai
The Great Escape
The Blue Max