Clinton Money Machine Really Struggling


HR Heisman
Dec 30, 2012
Now Chel's husband is closing out his hedge fund. Not that he was really running a hedge fund. It is hard to do worse than negative returns the last three years while the markets were booming. Rumors are that he lost 90% of his investors money. They were really paying for access to Hills. These days that proposition is worthless. I wonder how these leaches will support themselves?
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Most of the investors were top Goldman execs. I don't think they needed access to her.
I see this all the time. Marc as his co pm were both former employees so they probably got preferred terms to invest.

I'm saying this - if this guy were not married to Chelsea, these guys aren't backing him as large or as long.
I'm not so sure. They basically back everyone who leaves there to start a fund. It's basically a lottery ticket for them.

Well, you probably know better than me then. I'm guessing it is due to the PB side?
Well, they paid her to come to them.

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Kind of like they probably didn't need access to his investment savvy.

That's no how the game works.

Bank tells hedge fund guy that they will put $200 million of client money in fund and help sell more if they can buy ownership of the gp profits.
Well, I did not read the article, but will note that the hedge fund in question was never anything other than a political creation and was set up as a scam in its own right.

Additionally, it is close to impossible to invest in markets when you do not really have faith in and believe in markets. His blood lines (and hers) never indicated that he/they might have any particular insight into such activities. I seriously doubt that a single investor in that fund ever had any trust in Mr. Mezvinsky's investment knowledge or skillset.

One other comment: These sorts of guys rarely just go away. He will be out there within a few months raising money from the same investors. Likely, he is not so much closing down the operation as much as he is resetting (attempting to reset) his baseline for future returns.
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Now Chel's husband is closing out his hedge fund. Not that he was really running a hedge fund. It is hard to do worse than negative returns the last three years while the markets were booming. Rumors are that he lost 90% of his investors money. They were really paying for access to Hills. These days that proposition is worthless. I wonder how these leaches will support themselves?
Chelsea will just have to write a book or 2 and start hitting the rubber chicken speech circuit at college graduations and other liberal foxhole events.

If she were to announce she was going to follow in mommy & daddy's footsteps and run for office, celebs and other libs would throw money at her.
Chelsea will just have to write a book or 2 and start hitting the rubber chicken speech circuit at college graduations and other liberal foxhole events.

If she were to announce she was going to follow in mommy & daddy's footsteps and run for office, celebs and other libs would throw money at her.

Bill still gets 7 figures per speech. Don't worry they'll be fine.