Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine

That's really radical thinking here... I mean that's a huge leap to think Joe doesn't want to get on the phone with people from around the world to talk about the weather. "Hey Vlady... VP Biden here, hey what's the humidity like there in Ukraine today? It's just killer here, makes the blonde hair on my legs stand up like when I get in the pool, and the kids like to play with the hair... where's my pudding? DOCTOR JILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL where's MY PUDDDDINNNNNNNNNG? Oh are we still on the phone? I should put on a record do you guys like the Twist? I used to love to do the twist when I was growing up in the black church, we used to do the Mashed Potato... oh JILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Let's eat some mashed potatoes for dinner! She makes the best mashed broccoli, not a joke"

Yup nothing to see here.

At the time laid out in the memo referred to in the OP, Biden was former VP. So basically, what scruddy is saying, is that it should be illegal for Trump to use his influence from having been POTUS to make money.
Because? I don't have a problem with it but I am curious if you're that hot to get a special counsel to look into the billions in gifts that Clarence Thomas has received.

I'm on board and would like to take it to the next level. I'd like to start seeing special counsel to be preemptively assigned to everything and everyone in government.

They could work within the Dept of the Interior with the OIA and go by the name of the Committee of State Security.

Imagine how safe and secure we would all feel if everyone in the government had a CSS officer assigned to them to keep them honest! We could even have a small undercover wing that investigates issues within the government that require discretion or in the event that our officials have been suspected of doing things that are deemed dangerous to the security of the nation. Those guys could be the Clandestine Government Backstop, or CGB for short.
Hunter put his father on speakerphone in business meetings to demonstrate to the people at the meetings that they would have access to the Vice President of the United States through him. It's really that simple.
Ask yourself how many times you've been in a meeting and someone put ANYONE on speakerphone to discuss the weather. It doesn't happen.
Show money transferred to Joe, or direct communication to Joe to do some action. Otherwise please just go away.
Well, to be fair, Smith had a bumbling moron to investigate who left the evidence stacked up in his bathroom. But, you totally can't stand Trump.

But what does any of that with naming a special counsel in this case?

But what does any of that with naming a special counsel in this case?
Proof would be great instead of stuff manufactured by the FSB and placed into the hands of stooges like Biggrey/Northern/IMCC/Ryan-Jerohawk. You know full well that the number one way Russia stops their losses in Ukraine is to peel away US support. The best ROI for Russia the last 8 years has been to plant false information generated from sources inside their sphere of influence. They know they can’t impeach Biden, they just want the carnage inside our system to weaken us. You find me stuff that isn’t manufactured and amplified that doesn’t come from the FSB and I’m all ears.
Proof would be great instead of stuff manufactured by the FSB and placed into the hands of stooges like Biggrey/Northern/IMCC/Ryan-Jerohawk. You know full well that the number one way Russia stops their losses in Ukraine is to peel away US support. The best ROI for Russia the last 8 years has been to plant false information generated from sources inside their sphere of influence. They know they can’t impeach Biden, they just want the carnage inside our system to weaken us. You find me stuff that isn’t manufactured and amplified that doesn’t come from the FSB and I’m all ears.
Not sure what to believe other than Hunter parlaying daddy's name into millions of dollars.

That's why I'd like a impartial Special Counsel assigned to the case.
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Investigate that too...I'm against all corruption. Why aren't you?
When have I said I wasn't?

What you've been told, is there is NO EVIDENCE that Joe Biden was involved here. That is what the GOP "star witnesses" testified to.

If those witnesses had bank names, company names, amounts of money etc to testify to, I'd be all over getting a SC to review that information.

They brought NOTHING. How you are unable to comprehend "baseless accusations" versus "actual evidence" is rather baffling.

Are you old enough to remember when Trump and his family were "self-dealing" in stealing from charities? And that NONE of them can operate any charity in NY anymore? Hunter Biden still could if he'd wanted to!!!
Not sure what to believe other than Hunter parlaying daddy's name into millions of dollars.

That's why I'd like a impartial Special Counsel assigned to the case.

If there was any evidence other than hearsay I’d agree with you. Otherwise you’re essentially saying any time there’s a whiff of something i towards we should appoint a special prosecutor. In which case we need a special prosecutor for basically every member of Congress, the Supreme Court, etc.
If there was any evidence other than hearsay I’d agree with you. Otherwise you’re essentially saying any time there’s a whiff of something i towards we should appoint a special prosecutor. In which case we need a special prosecutor for basically every member of Congress, the Supreme Court, etc.
When an investigation like this involves the Presidents son I think there should be a special counsel to avoid even the appearance of pressure from the the top to influence the investigation.

If there's nothing to it then Robert Hur could come to that conclusion pretty quickly and put this to bed....
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And there's more going on here now, than there was to the "Russian Collusion" fairy tail when Mueller was appointed..

Russian collusion was demonstrated by both Mueller and the Senate Intel Committee, Cletus.
The info is all in those reports.

Just look at how Wikileaks doesn't release data hacked by Russian intel, anymore. It's been completely nullified. Wikileaks WAS part of that collusion. And Trump pushed for them leaking more, in plain sight.
When an investigation like this involves the Presidents son I think there should be a special counsel to avoid even the appearance of pressure from the the top to influence the investigation.

If there's nothing to it then Robert Hur could come to that conclusion pretty quickly and put this to bed....

In a different political environment i might even agree with you…but you really think republicans would accept that? This has been around for almost a decade at this point, you really think of there was something concrete here it wouldn’t have been dug up by now?

I have no doubt Hunter was trading on the family name, played up his access to the old man, etc. there’s been nothing dug up tho that tells me this is anything other than the next Benghazi.
I have no doubt Hunter was trading on the family name, played up his access to the old man, etc. there’s been nothing dug up tho that tells me this is anything other than the next Benghazi.
Assign Robert Hur to investigate and we'll have a answer to that pretty quickly.
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Show money transferred to Joe, or direct communication to Joe to do some action. Otherwise please just go away.
I'm not for just going away, because if either of those things happened there needs to be an investigation. I agree that one of those two things needs to be the end game, along with making Hunter pay income taxes.
Not sure what to believe other than Hunter parlaying daddy's name into millions of dollars.

That's why I'd like a impartial Special Counsel assigned to the case.
Hunter is a bum. Everyone knows it. You don’t need a special counsel to investigate him. New guy poster and all the rest are spreading falsehoods in order to bring Joe into it. That’s the goal.
I'm not for just going away, because if either of those things happened there needs to be an investigation. I agree that one of those two things needs to be the end game, along with making Hunter pay income taxes.
Republicans have the Bidens full financial statements. They have investigated all of this, yet you continue to beat a dead horse. In trump case there is actual proof.

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