Conservatives, why is CPAC going to Hungary?

The standard of living always goes up. It's called progress. Lots of people used to shit outdoors before Regan too. There also wasn't an information revolution.
But the standard of living has been traded off for the need of two income households. And a greater wealth gap. Reaganomics good or bad has help hollow out the middle class. Corporations are a tool not the overlord.
CPAC Europe Is a Safe Space for Authoritarians — and the Republicans Who Love Them

The European country where “replacement theory” reigns supreme

Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’
Another 4 to 16 yrs of Trump wouldn't be any better. No matter how you argue it. Most likely worse in creative ways never seen.
Maybe. Biden is standing in front of a tire dump fire that he just threw gasoline all over and pretending he’s going to help put it out. Trump would not/never will be able to secure more than 8 years in office because no one’s going for that shit and we’re decentralized enough as a nation to prevent it.
Maybe. Biden is standing in front of a tire dump fire that he just threw gasoline all over and pretending he’s going to help put it out. Trump would not/never will be able to secure more than 8 years in office because no one’s going for that shit and we’re decentralized enough as a nation to prevent it.
Biden isn't getting another term. Trump or a Trump wannabe on the other hand.
Literally the popular GOP position now appears to be grievances instead of nuts and bolts governing. The GOP governors of Maryland and Connecticut should be strong candidates for 24. Instead it's Trump , Florida Gov, or Texas Gov, etc, etc
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Biden isn't getting another term. Trump or a Trump wannabe on the other hand.
Literally the popular GOP position now appears to be grievances instead of nuts and bolts governing. The GOP governors of Maryland and Connecticut should be strong candidates for 24. Instead it's Trump , Florida Gov, or Texas Gov, etc, etc
Desantis is fine. I would vote for him over any one of the “leaders” on the left. Dems seem hell bent on ruining the economy. They say things that are borderline insane and imply that they have an elementary understanding of the private sector. Clone bill Clinton or Obama and I would happily vote against desantis.
Desantis is fine. I would vote for him over any one of the “leaders” on the left. Dems seem hell bent on ruining the economy. They say things that are borderline insane and imply that they have an elementary understanding of the private sector. Clone bill Clinton or Obama and I would happily vote against desantis.
Bernie Bros, a lot of overlap with Trumpism. Populist who have all the easy answers for dummies.
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Bernie Bros, a lot of overlap with Trumpism. Populist who have all the easy answers for dummies.
It’s just aggravating that we have all of these social programs in place, have for years, and they don’t work. When you’re at the point of people abusing these programs at a high rate, you’re already doing too much. A government healthcare model sounds awesome, but it reeks of a massive handout to insurance companies.
It’s just aggravating that we have all of these social programs in place, have for years, and they don’t work. When you’re at the point of people abusing these programs at a high rate, you’re already doing too much. A government healthcare model sounds awesome, but it reeks of a massive handout to insurance companies.
With healthcare there are really only two choices that are efficient pay as u go or single payer. Everything else tends to create a bureaucracy whose primary mission is to maximize profits.
Now folks can argue that we shouldn't have everything covered under the sun. But there is a strong argument that preventative care reduces healthcare costs overall. That we shouldn't encourage folks not to go to the PCP for minor things.
Personal experience I had what I thought was a strained shoulder and didn't think much of it. I get bi annual MRI's for spine and head due to a neurological condition. That strain turned out to be a 5 cm tumor inside the spine/shoulder region. If those MRI's hadn't been part of my routine medical care. There is a good chance I would have waited until I couldn't walk or was draining spinal fluid. The cost of those procedures and care at an ER and ICU go up tremendously.
It’s just aggravating that we have all of these social programs in place, have for years, and they don’t work. When you’re at the point of people abusing these programs at a high rate, you’re already doing too much. A government healthcare model sounds awesome, but it reeks of a massive handout to insurance companies.

Lmao....I'm exhibit A that social programs do indeed work. Think about it, you only hear about those raping the system, not the multitude more that use them to better their lives
Lmao....I'm exhibit A that social programs do indeed work. Think about it, you only hear about those raping the system, not the multitude more that use them to better their lives
Well let’s reform them and get more money in the hands of people who legitimately need it and out of the hands of scum. We spend a lot, everyone’s solution is always more $ because that’s how a public sector minded person thinks.
Imagine… if we had re-elected Trump ( or supported his coup attempt of 1/6), we’d all be speaking Russian today! ;)
Still on the Russian conspiracy…. Yikes, you guys seriously should read up on that. Let’s just say the media didn’t knock that one out of the park.
Well let’s reform them and get more money in the hands of people who legitimately need it and out of the hands of scum. We spend a lot, everyone’s solution is always more $ because that’s how a public sector minded person thinks.

I completely agree with that in premise, but you will ALWAYS have some humans gaming the's just who we are.
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I completely agree with that in premise, but you will ALWAYS have some humans gaming the's just who we are.
Yes- but insurance companies everywhere have figured out how to catch people like that. Let’s get the private sector involved at a limited level to see if they can make a legitimate contribution.
Yes- but insurance companies everywhere have figured out how to catch people like that. Let’s get the private sector involved at a limited level to see if they can make a legitimate contribution.

You really think that...boy you are niave.
You really think that...boy you are niave.
🤷‍♂️ that’s their $$$. Anything to save some change. You think they’re worse than the feds? I know a guy who faked schizophrenia to get disability.

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