Convicted Sexual Abuser Turned Bible Hawker


HR All-American
Oct 24, 2001
Is this a skit on SNL or what? You couldn't make this sorry story line up if you tried... 😂
Nothing says serious, mature, respectable political candidate for the presidency like one who tries to hawk cheap sneakers and bibles on the internet... 🤣 wow... all Republicans must be soooooo proud.
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Nothing says serious, mature, respectable political candidate for the presidency like one who tries to hawk cheap sneakers and bibles on the internet... 🤣 wow... all Republicans must be soooooo proud.
Anyone...anyone...who calls themselves a Republican at this point is complicit. That party is beyond saving and the sooner the sane ones realize it (assuming there are any), the sooner we can put these assholes into the rearview.
If there is one thing we can be 100 percent certain of, it is that Trump has never ever ever ever read the Bible. He probably tried a few times but never got much past the part where Lot’s daughters got him drunk and ****ed him. It was too boring after that.

Grifter in Chief knows the gullible who will fall all over themselves to hand over their money to the anti-christ.
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