Could really use mean tweets

supply chains absolute shit show with this admin. Mayor pete and Joey B getting the rationing ready.

LMAO.......maybe you should educate yourself a little on this topic (watch the doc below), the US supply chain has been struggling since Feb. 2020.

went to get groceries this morning. Shelves were pretty full. Got everything I needed

if you want, i can sign up for twitter and make a tweet as follows:
Hey @BiPolarHawkeyeFan , eat a bag of shit!
Yup. And everyone I know for every election of my life has been able to vote…and they will in the upcoming elections. People are dumb with this “empty shelves” and “end of democracy” idiocy.
Yup. And everyone I know for every election of my life has been able to vote…and they will in the upcoming elections. People are dumb with this “empty shelves” and “end of democracy” idiocy.
Absolutely this. Hyvee has maintained an 85% fill rate which is better than our competitors who are in the 70s or 60s in some markets. Strangely grapes are the hardest thing for us to acquire right now.