Covid Vaccines Linked to Increases in Heart, Blood and Brain Disorders

You forgot the most important point…..Opposition by ignorant sumsabitches like you. Bringing forth your mistimed, fake evidence argument against disease, and their prevention.
The minute "the science" was funded by the companies that wanted to achieve their own results it was tainted. When Marlboro is funding the science on smoking, there's a reason it said it was safe and effective
You forgot the most important point…..Opposition by ignorant sumsabitches like you. Bringing forth your mistimed, fake evidence argument against disease, and their prevention.
Case in point.

36,000 ‘cases’ of HIV and Syphilis. In one US city. In one week.

Big Pharma appreciates the business; wonder if they delivered the PCR tests personally?

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Case in point.

36,000 ‘cases’ of HIV and Syphilis. In one US city. In one week.

Big Pharma appreciates the business; wonder if they delivered the PCR tests personally?

Those are cumulative numbers.

Since 1999.

Jeebus, Cletus.
Case in point.

36,000 ‘cases’ of HIV and Syphilis. In one US city. In one week.

Big Pharma appreciates the business; wonder if they delivered the PCR tests personally?

U got suckered, again, Cletus

According to the officials, the data does not represent diagnoses -- it represents the number of tests done for certain STDs across the entire state of Texas last week. There’s no indication if the tests were positive or negative.

The Houston Health Department said a “violation of its policies” resulted in the screenshot of an internal “data system” being shared. The department said additional security measures were implemented to prevent future incidents, however, it would not confirm if an employee has been identified as the one who published the data.


The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.


Dr Peter Andrew McCullough He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University.


Dr Harvey A. Risch
Professor Emeritus, Yale University School of Public Health, New Haven, CT


Dr Nicolas Hulscher
University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

They seem like quacks 😉


The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

Authors look like quacks.

Not really a single major institution represented there.

And you missed this big caveat:

Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
They seem like quacks
Several do.

And they have very weak conclusions.

A few hundred "possibly" linked deaths, out of several hundred million vaccine doses.
That's barely registering in the noise floor. Which you'll see other investigators pointing out when referencing this.
They seem like quacks

Mean age 70+
Modest links to vaccination.

Can you cite whether any had been exposed to Covid, and what lists of co-morbidities they had?

240 deaths among 200M+ vaccinations seems like there's zero actual correlation here. The reality is, you examine the same population of non-vaccinated people in a different year, you'd find 240 deaths, easily.
Someone doesn’t understand percentages:
  • We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination (suggesting) a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death.
"We can infer that in such cases, death may have been caused by COVID-19 vaccination."

That's a terribly weak statement & association.
If folks had reactions to the spike protein in the vaccines, Covid would have killed them off much much faster.

If this group would have compared these same findings against the same age groups, unvaccinated, and exposed to Covid, we'd almost certainly see the vaccines saved a lot more lives than could be remotely linked to vaccine reactions. That's the data they should be comparing - why won't they make that comparison?
Someone doesn’t understand percentages:
  • We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination

Again: compare these results against the same patient population that gets Covid w/o any prior vaccination.

That is the correct association and comparison here. They will not do this, because their data would show a 100x to 1000x benefit from the vaccines.


The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

Out of hundreds of millions of vaccine doses, they found 240 they can possibly "link" to vaccines.

This caveat here is the giveaway:

Finally, confounding variables, particularly concomitant illnesses, infection, drug interactions, and other factors not accounted for, could have played roles in the causal pathway to death.

That 1000 or more people (out of well over a billion - 640M in the US, alone) could have been infected with actual Covid around the time they got a vaccine (which would be too late for the vaccine to provide much protection) is a statistical and practical certainty. These guys have a major bias in their search methods, and they did no concomitant investigation to account for any of it.
The President (Trump) never ever said anything that was trythful. I certainly didn’t believe him! My doctors thought Covid vaccines would offer me good protection and probably keep me out if the hospital. I listened to them…. Not Trump.
Good for you!
It’s all personal choice.
Personally, I know of no one who has suffered unreasonably from a Covid shot. No one I know has ended up dead or hospitalized because of the vaccination.
Now, I do know several folks a who chose not to vax…or “re-boost” who I have ended up in the hospital…..and one even died. Again…’s all personal choice.
Myself, I have had “open heart” and diagnosed with Cardiac Arterial Disease and I have had all the covid shots/boosters and other than a sore arm, I have never had any adverse reaction…..No clots, no nothing…and if advised by my doc to to get another booster, I probably will. Again….my choice.
Exactly…and for younger, healthy people who have good diet and exercise regimes, the boosters are likely not as necesssary as for those with other underlying health risk(s).
Mean age 70+
Modest links to vaccination.

Can you cite whether any had been exposed to Covid, and what lists of co-morbidities they had?

240 deaths among 200M+ vaccinations seems like there's zero actual correlation here. The reality is, you examine the same population of non-vaccinated people in a different year, you'd find 240 deaths, easily.
240 deaths lmfao
He doesn’t understand percentages.

Sure I do.

240 attributed deaths
>1 billion vaccine doses.

That's 0.000024%

Which is well below any "noise floor" for any detectable correlation. Already cited that for you, along with the caveats included in the article by the authors, themselves. If even 1% of those 1B doses were in people who had active Covid infections, that'd be 10M people who would have had a co-morbidity they are unable to account for in their "survey". Finding 240 deaths out of 10M possibly exposed people is a statistical certainty.
What happened to "do no harm" is that not part of the hippocratic oath anymore?

Then you probably need to cancel 100% of medical procedures and surgeries, because there's always a small % chance someone will die due to a surgery/procedure.
Or the science community could have done nothing (“do no harm”) and lost another 100k to 1M citizens to Covid…
The scientific community did nothing but make stuff up like 6 feet and walking down the aisle of the grocery store 1 way.
Or the science community could have done nothing (“do no harm”) and lost another 100k to 1M citizens to Covid…
According to the Atlantic article posted here this week, Fauci went from being clueless about covid on January 1st, 2020 when a reporter called and asked him about it - to declaring two days later that ‘we’re going to need a vaccine for whatever this virus turns out to be’.

According to the puff piece, his first “Oh, shit!” moment didn’t even occur until 3 weeks later.

This was a planned psyop with a pre-ordained ‘solution’. And the incoming bird flu will be more of the same though it will probably be considerably amped up.
According to the Atlantic article posted here this week, Fauci went from being clueless about covid on January 1st, 2020 when a reporter called and asked him about it - to declaring two days later that ‘we’re going to need a vaccine for whatever this virus turns out to be’.

No shit.

Just like SARs and MERs (and there was a vaccine in the works for MERs - an mRNA vaccine - but that epidemic fizzled out before the vaccine was ready to be released).