According to worldometers, ~51,500 people died from covid in the usa in the past year. In comparison, on Mar 4, 2020 we had 11 deaths. By April 27th, 2020 we had 59,000 deaths in the usa. We are not dealing with a pandemic anymore.
Most of these people had co-morbidities that actually caused their death, but since they tested positive for covid, they were counted as a covid death per hospital billing rules.
Most people have a robust immune system that does a great job fighting covid. If a person does get sick enough to require hospitalization, our treatments are remarkably effective.
People are not dying from covid (medically) in the same way today as they died from covid in 2020. You are holding onto a vaccine for something that is not that big of a deal anymore. We have discussed the relative risk reduction vs. The absolute risk reduction. The arr for the covid vaccine is very low (feel free to look it up though).