Crazy Michelle Bachman is back

Michele Bachmann warns of massive voter fraud in which pre-printed mail-in ballots from China are smuggled into the US and stored in barns until they are needed to steal the election from Trump.
This is a pretty specific charge.

Clearly we need the National Guard to begin searching all barns across the US.

Or maybe we should just bomb China.
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Minneapolis police investigating ballot harvesting claims amid allegations surrounding Omar
Wow! That is a hard hitting piece by Fox sourced from super legit Project Veritas with a "reportedly", comment from a guy I've never heard of.
And, here is the difference between you and me. If she is guilty of something, I say lock her up. There isn't a single crummy, illegal thing that Trump does that you won't defend or justify with a patriotic tear in your eye.
This is a pretty specific charge.

Clearly we need the National Guard to begin searching all barns across the US.

Or maybe we should just bomb China.
Wow! That is a hard hitting piece by Fox sourced from super legit Project Veritas with a "reportedly", comment from a guy I've never heard of.
And, here is the difference between you and me. If she is guilty of something, I say lock her up. There isn't a single crummy, illegal thing that Trump does that you won't defend or justify with a patriotic tear in your eye.

All roads lead back to Trump, right Lucas?

You truly are broken.
Wow! That is a hard hitting piece by Fox sourced from super legit Project Veritas with a "reportedly", comment from a guy I've never heard of.
And, here is the difference between you and me. If she is guilty of something, I say lock her up. There isn't a single crummy, illegal thing that Trump does that you won't defend or justify with a patriotic tear in your eye.
This is what libs always do. When voter protection laws are proposed or passed the left whines, cries or, sues and says there has not been one case of proven voter fraud. Then when investigations are conducted or evidence found of voter fraud then the response is "I've never heard of that person or that was just one guy, or your over reacting.
Libs doth protest too much...... Maybe the country isn't as Marxist as you think or would like so why take any chance right?
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2). Mail in ballots are much more likely to be tossed
Yeah, this is a concern. Not just that either side could deliberately toss more ballots with certain zip codes or last names. But even legit screening of signatures could be problematic.

Is your signature the same as when you originally registered to vote? I'm sure mine has drifted over the decades.

What do you want to bet that mail-in ballots with names that "sound" black or Hispanic get tossed at a higher rate?
I think we need to prepare for a new voter fraud accusation everyday between now and the election.

Oddly enough the fraud will be made by the right, it will be in swing states, and probably tied to a disliked Democrat.

Up next: AOC forging ballots she got from Iran to help Biden in Florida.
Is vote harvesting illegal in Minnesota? I've seen people on Twitter claim its not. It seems odd the police say they are investigating allegations of vote harvesting if it's not illegal.

There was a court order lifting the ban on vote harvesting during the primary. That ban has expired. It is now, once again, illegal.

The Project Veritas claim is, like Trump, all hat and no cattle.
There was a court order lifting the ban on vote harvesting during the primary. That ban has expired. It is now, once again, illegal.

The Project Veritas claim is, like Trump, all hat and no cattle.
I haven't bothered to watch any of the PV video. Is the vote harvesting that takes place during the primary when it was legal, or when it wasn't legal?
So AOC wants everyone to have access to healthcare, the rich to pay their fair share in taxes, and to address climate change in a meaningful way for the benefit of all who live on planet earth, and she's "CRAZY."
But Michelle Bachman believes there's an ongoing holywar, imagines rampant voter fraud, believes God chose her to be president and thinks her husband is straight. How should we describe her, Republicans?
Didn't Bachmann and her husband have a bunch of foster kids? I hope they aren't doing that, still. The state should step in. You can't have crazy as a foster parent.
Is vote harvesting illegal in Minnesota? I've seen people on Twitter claim its not. It seems odd the police say they are investigating allegations of vote harvesting if it's not illegal.

Michelle got vote harvesting confused with corn harvesting. Easy mistake to make! She heard there were migrant workers helping with the harvest, and that they were illegally entering Minnesota. She wants a wall around the state.
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This is what libs always do. When voter protection laws are proposed or passed the left whines, cries or, sues and says there has not been one case of proven voter fraud. Then when investigations are conducted or evidence found of voter fraud then the response is "I've never heard of that person or that was just one guy, or your over reacting.
Libs doth protest too much...... Maybe the country isn't as Marxist as you think or would like so why take any chance right?

Tell us what Marxists means. I keep asking you wing nuts and no one responds. You use the term constantly, so you must know. But then, thinking you know and using the term in proper context is a real problem for the mentally challenged. Good luck.
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So AOC wants everyone to have access to healthcare, the rich to pay their fair share in taxes, and to address climate change in a meaningful way for the benefit of all who live on planet earth, and she's "CRAZY."
But Michelle Bachman believes there's an ongoing holywar, imagines rampant voter fraud, believes God chose her to be president and thinks her husband is straight. How should we describe her, Republicans?
AOC is a NUT..... I don't know Bachman. But there is no defending Marxism in any form. There is no such thing as Marxism light. So if AOC embraces that she is a NUT and needs to be stopped. For those who believe themselves to be economically enlightened, ask yourselves why most all hispanics are to the left with the exception of Cubans, because they have lived the truth. Why is Poland and other former Eastern bloc countries more anti socialist, because they know the truth. AOC is a NUT.
Please for those of you on the left educate yourselves. We can agree on more than you believe but stop thinking socialism is OK. My grandparents fled such a system and told the the stories.

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