Former County Attorney arrested for 3rd OWI

Clarke County Attorney? I wonder how many times she and Kim got drunk together?
Kim doesn’t drink with Democrats as it appears Rivera is, unless she has changed parties. And not sure if Kim drinks anymore so sorry to burst your bubble on this one……

Kim doesn’t drink with Democrats as it appears Rivera is, unless she has changed parties. And not sure if Kim drinks anymore so sorry to burst your bubble on this one……

Drunks find each other. And, she still drinks. The night she couldn't spell her own name correctly while signing a bill told us that. Plus, I know a state trooper who knows a guy on her detail... She still drinks.
She's never fully addressed her alcoholism. Alcoholics who don't receive adequate treatment, and sustain that treatment almost always go back to drinking.
Adam Gregg should be worried!!!!

This gal might be Dim Kim's running mate in 2026.
I wonder if she and Kim ever did any road work together, back in the day? Clarke County ain’t that big!
She obviously doesn't have friends that are Judges, or she would have had charges dismissed or reduced like Dim Kim did.
OWI 1st could probably have happened for the vast majority of the board. 2nd offense, we have a problem. 3rd offense, we have to do some punishment/rehabilitation. I've had clients sent to prison for 5 years (got out early).