Criminal charges if government says your speech is propaganda?

Should there be criminal charges if the government accuses someone of spreading propaganda?

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Honestly though, you are saying Elon Musk can make a fully baseless claim, then claim it is satire? That is basically what occurred last week. At what point do we go after the baseless claims. How about effectively stating he would impregnate Swift? At some point you draw the line, otherwise there is no line and we are in a mess.

"Freedom's untidy" - Sec. Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Honestly though, you are saying Elon Musk can make a fully baseless claim, then claim it is satire? That is basically what occurred last week. At what point do we go after the baseless claims. How about effectively stating he would impregnate Swift? At some point you draw the line, otherwise there is no line and we are in a mess.

Are you suggesting Kamala Harris should end her campaign?

Politics is just over and done with? Baseless claims?

You are really in favor of that? Didn’t think that through did you?

We’re just responding to posts that somehow she played a major role in ramping up for the Iraq war. She was the junior senator from New York, not a member of the Bush administration that spearheaded the thing.

Stuff that happened while she was Secretary of State makes more sense to criticize her for. Some of which is fair, other which is exaggerated or false.

Not a personal fan of hers, but she’s also not the devil incarnate either.

Folks and dead people in

all disagree.
  • Haha
Reactions: sober_teacher
Which one said that? Can you quote it?
as direct responses to comments i made...

you said "Have a better example, we can use it instead" which implies you can't think of a better example of a lying politician related to the iraq war (a subject you brought up and connected to hillary and no one else)

also, tony the tiger said "she bears a big part of the responsibility"...self explanatory
Biden is literally importing the Venezuelan mess into the USA as fast as he can.

They emptied their prisons and told them to come here. Now the gangs and murderers have become our problem. But not before they drug traffic and murder again after being let go of an immigration detainer.

Wow, you went straight to the worst talking point ever. There is zero proof of this, zero. It may hold up in the GOP court of opinion but there is absolutely no CREDIBLE evidence this is happening. None. Try again.
as direct responses to comments i made...

you said "Have a better example, we can use it instead" which implies you can't think of a better example of a lying politician related to the iraq war (a subject you brought up and connected to hillary and no one else)

also, tony the tiger said "she bears a big part of the responsibility"...self explanatory
You got the first half right, then you built a strawman and spent a while discussing it.

I brought up Hillary's lying past because she's the one peddling neocon propaganda and leaving thousands of corpses in her wake, but then has the audacity to go on TV saying we should prosecute people for propaganda.

Can't we just admire the hypocrisy for a minute?
The use of whataboutism going on in this thread is some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen.

I can only hope that those employing it are trying to point out that no politician should ever ever ever have the power to decide what is truth and what is propaganda and mete out punishment based on those decisions.

Even if something is very obviously propaganda, government should have no say as to whether or not the populace is allowed to see it.
Hillary Clinton suggested the extrajudicial execution of a foreign citizen, Julian Assange, death by drone, and she was serious.

It’s a fact. She’s a psychopath who does not believe in the rule of law.

Yet she is going to lecture us on the danger of misinformation?
She’s a sociopath, not a psychopath.
Wow, you went straight to the worst talking point ever. There is zero proof of this, zero. It may hold up in the GOP court of opinion but there is absolutely no CREDIBLE evidence this is happening. None. Try again.

Going to report Bloomberg to Hillary Clinton Censorship Czar?

Venezuela’s Violent Deaths Fall to 22-Year Low on Migration​

  • Rate is the lowest since 2001, violence observatory say

“Venezuela's rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than two decades following years of massive migration as both criminals and victims fled the nation's economic crisis.“
She’s a sociopath, not a psychopath.

No I think this fits.

“Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality, is a personality construct characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, impulsive, egocentric traits, masked by superficial charm and the outward appearance of apparent normalcy.“

No empathy or remorse to Bill’s victims.

Suggesting to drone Julian Assange.

Fomenting death and destruction throughout Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen as Secretary of State. No shame, no remorse.
I sort of agree with @Bonerfarts. If a foreign government is paying you directly or indirectly to say the stuff you are saying, you need to make that perfectly clear. I would say you need to note that when you make the statements and you need to register that information with the government.

Doesn't mean you can't say it but the people need to know who your financial backers are. Normally if you are getting sponsored by companies it is easy. Your financial backers are whoever you are advertising for. If you are getting money from a foreign government to say stuff. The people need to know that.
I’ve begun assuming that they’re all lying MF’ers taking money or buying votes and sort it out from there.
Sad times.
Going to report Bloomberg to Hillary Clinton Censorship Czar?

Venezuela’s Violent Deaths Fall to 22-Year Low on Migration​

  • Rate is the lowest since 2001, violence observatory say

“Venezuela's rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than two decades following years of massive migration as both criminals and victims fled the nation's economic crisis.“
And where does it say their jails were emptied and criminals were "imported" here by Biden. It seems your team is taking a stat and making a some unproven liberties with it to support your narrative.

The fact that crime is down in the US doesn't really support your notion that we're importing crime. Maybe Biden is just really bad at that.

My guess is that instead of trying to prove your point, you'll just attack the messenger or the data and tell me how its somehow wrong.

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I’ve begun assuming that they’re all lying MF’ers taking money or buying votes and sort it out from there.
Sad times.

Problem is that you might approach it skeptically but a lot of people are convincing people of things that are things that foreign governments want to change about our policy and they are paying people to say that.

If you have to say "The following content is sponsored by the Government of the Russian Federation" people might approach it a little more critically.
So we agree the uniparty was pushing lies before the invasion of Iraq.

This is why the uniparty can't be trusted to decide what is truth and what is disinformation, or malinformation, or whatever term they invent next for truths they rather we not know.
I guess that I am not someone who believes in the Uniparty theory.

Where/when/how did you come to believe in that? There are some major differences between our 2 major parties today, wouldn't you say?
the same people who determine what is and isn't propaganda are the same people who push propaganda

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