Crude Oil prices falling off a cliff

Oh. So now we’re changing the definition of “best economy ever” to stock market performance?

Okay. I give you Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Want to move the goalposts again ?

That's not even remotely accurate. lol
Well. I’m here for your exhaustive research my good man.

Or are we gonna let your “feels” dictate this debate?
Look, I know you want to prop up your comrades with spin, but 0boma didn't really do anything more than break even:

"As was the case with Gerald Ford, it came down to timing. President Obama had the good fortune of taking office right as the worst bear market since the Great Depression was nearing its end. There was nowhere for the market to go but up. That’s fantastic timing."
Look, I know you want to prop up your comrades with spin, but 0boma didn't really do anything more than break even:

"As was the case with Gerald Ford, it came down to timing. President Obama had the good fortune of taking office right as the worst bear market since the Great Depression was nearing its end. There was nowhere for the market to go but up. That’s fantastic timing."

Oooh. So nothing a President does policy-wise impacts stock market performance? It’s merely a matter of good timing?

How does that not apply to Trump, then?

You’ve gone from:
- GDP growth isn’t the right measure to use for as an indicator to the strength of the economy under a President, to:
- It’s the stock market, dummy!
- But when what I’ve provided suggests that Trump lagged Clinton, Obama, and Reagan in stock market performance, it’s now “spin” and simply a matter of “timing”?

Probably not going to play those Trump quotes about how my 401k account is going to tank if Biden is elected in the upcoming campaign season from the Radical Right!!

But damn...the stock market is on fire!
Probably not going to play those Trump quotes about how my 401k account is going to tank if Biden is elected in the upcoming campaign season from the Radical Right!!

But damn...the stock market is on fire!

Mitch: it’s merely a matter of good timing as Trump’s incompetence dealing with Covid collapsed the economy.

The market had nowhere to go but up after Trump left office.
Probably not going to play those Trump quotes about how my 401k account is going to tank if Biden is elected in the upcoming campaign season from the Radical Right!!

But damn...the stock market is on fire!
What segment? What segment is higher now when adjusted for inflation than when Trump left office?
Mitch: it’s merely a matter of good timing as Trump’s incompetence dealing with Covid collapsed the economy.

The market had nowhere to go but up after Trump left office.
Nowhere but up?? lol Maybe hit the 5 year chart and wake up >

Kinda looks like the market was headed straight up when shit for brains took over, or do you see something different pre/post Jan 2021?? Now adjust for inflation....if you can.
Mitch: it’s merely a matter of good timing as Trump’s incompetence dealing with Covid collapsed the economy.

The market had nowhere to go but up after Trump left office.
Covid would have never been an issue in Merica if they would have just forced those 57 people to stay on that boat in the Pacific Ocean like Trump suggested!
Covid would have never been an issue in Merica if they would have just forced those 57 people to stay on that boat in the Pacific Ocean like Trump suggested!

I like how Trump’s role in managing (or mis-managing) Covid and global inflation are just ignored by certain folks.

Almost like they forget how the economy took a shit on W. Bush’s watch and Obama needed to steer America through that mess.

If we’re going to praise Trump’s handling of a “good” economy, then we can certainly criticize him for what he failed to do.
So is Bidenomics working now? Biden doesn't control supply or demand or countries attacking other countries. Now we can help to solve or protect those countries, but ultimately market dynamics control the prices. With decreasing demand, and geopolitics beginning to take the worst case scenario off the table allowing cooler heads to prevail, the crude oil prices are decreasing which will continue the downward prices at the gas station. Already places are hitting below $3. Now I do think the government just needs to buy oil and not set a price because it will create a floor and individuals will try to bet around it.

It is a very weird dichotomy out there regarding how strong the economy is, while other indicators are showing some pretty strong slowing. I am not sure if it is lag indicators or what is truly occuring here. I do think we will have a mild recession, but if we can have a soft landing that would be a very impressive outcome. Will have to wait and see.

I sure am enjoying get 5.3% on 2 year cds. First time in a while savers can get a decent return on bonds and cd's.
Receivables for business is inching up with some people telling me it is now 45 days average, up from 30 days. People are broke. The governement has sucked 5-6% of the liquidity out of the economy already, and interest rates are pushing borrowing costs up so high that it is putting the brakes on the economy. Look for quantative easing to begin again in May/June of 2024 to juice the economy for the elections.
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Receivables for business is inching up with some people telling me it is now 45 days average, up from 30 days. People are broke. The governement has sucked 5-6% of the liquidity out of the economy already, and interest rates are pushing borrowing costs up so high that it is putting the brakes on the economy. Look for quantative easing to begin again in May/June of 2024 to juice the economy for the elections.
You're way over their heads.
I like how Trump’s role in managing (or mis-managing) Covid and global inflation are just ignored by certain folks.

Almost like they forget how the economy took a shit on W. Bush’s watch and Obama needed to steer America through that mess.

If we’re going to praise Trump’s handling of a “good” economy, then we can certainly criticize him for what he failed to do.
This isn't even worth replying to, but Bill Clinton and Barney Wankblow Frank caused the housing crisis, which in turn caused the "Bush Recession." It was further exacerbated by Bill's dotcom bubble. You should really move're not good at this.
Receivables for business is inching up with some people telling me it is now 45 days average, up from 30 days. People are broke. The governement has sucked 5-6% of the liquidity out of the economy already, and interest rates are pushing borrowing costs up so high that it is putting the brakes on the economy. Look for quantative easing to begin again in May/June of 2024 to juice the economy for the elections.
Don't give up your day job to begin a career in Economics!

Everything that's happened is the result of things ramping up coming out of Covid.

What is becoming a pattern tho...Clinton had to clean up Bush1's mess. Obama cleaned up Bush2's crap. And now Biden tasked with cleaning up for Trump.

I see a pattern.
Don't give up your day job to begin a career in Economics!

Everything that's happened is the result of things ramping up coming out of Covid.

What is becoming a pattern tho...Clinton had to clean up Bush1's mess. Obama cleaned up Bush2's crap. And now Biden tasked with cleaning up for Trump.

I see a pattern.
JFC........! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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Oil settles up on supply threats, hits 2024 highs during session​

April 2 (Reuters) - Oil prices settled higher on Tuesday after a session in which Ukrainian attacks on Russian energy facilities and escalating conflict in the Middle East pushed the Brent benchmark above $89 a barrel for the first time since October.
Brent futures for June delivery settled up $1.50, or 1.7%, at $88.92 after touching a peak of $89.08.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures for May settled up $1.44, or about 1.7%, to $85.15 after touching a peak of $85.46, also the highest since October.

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Oil settles up on supply threats, hits 2024 highs during session​

April 2 (Reuters) - Oil prices settled higher on Tuesday after a session in which Ukrainian attacks on Russian energy facilities and escalating conflict in the Middle East pushed the Brent benchmark above $89 a barrel for the first time since October.
Brent futures for June delivery settled up $1.50, or 1.7%, at $88.92 after touching a peak of $89.08.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures for May settled up $1.44, or about 1.7%, to $85.15 after touching a peak of $85.46, also the highest since October.

WTI over $86/barrel this AM! Fill’er up, jo!!!😂👍🛻🛻💩

Oil settles up on supply threats, hits 2024 highs during session​

April 2 (Reuters) - Oil prices settled higher on Tuesday after a session in which Ukrainian attacks on Russian energy facilities and escalating conflict in the Middle East pushed the Brent benchmark above $89 a barrel for the first time since October.
Brent futures for June delivery settled up $1.50, or 1.7%, at $88.92 after touching a peak of $89.08.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures for May settled up $1.44, or about 1.7%, to $85.15 after touching a peak of $85.46, also the highest since October.

Clearly Ukraine is the bad guy here. How dare they attack poor little Russia like that? They're monsters.

You know who benefits most from high oil prices?
  • Big Oil, obviously - from Exxon to OPEC.
  • Venezuela
  • Iran
  • EV manufacturers
Who else?

Good thing when we calculate core inflation we don't count energy costs.
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Clearly Ukraine is the bad guy here. How dare they attack poor little Russia like that? They're monsters.

You know who benefits most from high oil prices?
  • Big Oil, obviously - from Exxon to OPEC.
  • Venezuela
  • Iran
  • EV manufacturers
Who else?

Good thing when we calculate core inflation we don't count energy costs.
So we’re dusting off the old “Putin’s Price Hike at The Pump” lie rather than jo trying to refillthe SPR he drained before WTI hits $100/barrel?!?! 😂🤡😂🤡💩🛻
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The petroleum fund is going up, limited by the 3 million barrels a month limitations. However they can and have contracted out for several months we will see how far. As of March 22 it was up to 363 million. Hopefully can above 380 by the end of the year. The fact that oil prices are going up in spring is not surprising, seasonal trends. Oil production is a little below expectations - the oil cuts seem to be working, we will see how long. Keep purchasing and building up the reserves. Within a couple years should have it built up to pretty decent levels again.

Oil settles up on supply threats, hits 2024 highs during session​

April 2 (Reuters) - Oil prices settled higher on Tuesday after a session in which Ukrainian attacks on Russian energy facilities and escalating conflict in the Middle East pushed the Brent benchmark above $89 a barrel for the first time since October.
Brent futures for June delivery settled up $1.50, or 1.7%, at $88.92 after touching a peak of $89.08.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures for May settled up $1.44, or about 1.7%, to $85.15 after touching a peak of $85.46, also the highest since October.

How dare Ukraine counterattack their attackers...
That's a pretty wing-nutty interpretation for a site that isn't considered all that wing-nutty.

Sure, Biden doesn't want Ukraine's actions to rekindle inflation here, just when people are beginning to realize he's pretty much licked it. But it's pure spin to make it sound like that's the main concern.
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Sure, Biden doesn't want Ukraine's actions to rekindle inflation here, just when people are beginning to realize he's pretty much licked it. But it's pure spin to make it sound like that's the main concern.
You don't think oil prices spiking is the main concern?

What is the main concern in your opinion?
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You don't think oil prices spiking is the main concern?

What is the main concern in your opinion?
Retaliation. Escalation.

Increasing oil prices are non-trivial, but they hurt our European allies much more than they hurt us. It could even be argued that they don't hurt us at all - especially if by "us" you mean major political donors and lobbyists like Big Oil. Whereas, higher prices are very good for some of our foes like Iran and Venezuela.

Sure, it's nice to see the underdog bloody the bear's nose. But the last thing we or anyone should want is that Russia feels backed into a corner enough to provoke significant escalation on their part.
Our foreign policy will always be purely self interested with altruistic window dressing. Sometimes though, the drapes flap up in the breeze and you can spy something naked inside.
That's a pretty wing-nutty interpretation for a site that isn't considered all that wing-nutty.

Sure, Biden doesn't want Ukraine's actions to rekindle inflation here, just when people are beginning to realize he's pretty much licked it. But it's pure spin to make it sound like that's the main concern.
The only thing biden has licked is his own ass >
Retaliation. Escalation.

Increasing oil prices are non-trivial, but they hurt our European allies much more than they hurt us. It could even be argued that they don't hurt us at all - especially if by "us" you mean major political donors and lobbyists like Big Oil. Whereas, higher prices are very good for some of our foes like Iran and Venezuela.

Sure, it's nice to see the underdog bloody the bear's nose. But the last thing we or anyone should want is that Russia feels backed into a corner enough to provoke significant escalation on their part.
Fair enough

I think it has to do with world oil prices (election year) and Europe still being reliant on Russian oil that's been laundered by India.

Not buying the "escalation" argument as we haven't had a problem with the other targets they've been hitting in Russia...just the refineries.