Cruz- Vets should sell cookies to get by.


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Ted Cruz: Vets Should Sell Cookies For Funding, Like Girl Scouts

Ted Cruz spoke at a town hall event in Des Moines, Iowa Wednesday morning, answering questions from a crowd of approximately 200 to 250 likely voters. One of the attendees, an Iraq War veteran named Dan with a prosthetic leg, asked Senator Cruz what his administration would do to help veterans, while further asking how Cruz’s proposed tax cuts would affect the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“We need to be innovative if we want to help veterans. We need to be practical and pragmatic. But we also need to remain vigilant with our government’s out-of-control spending, and find ways of mitigating expenses wherever possible,” Cruz answered. “So we need a president whose willing to tackle the hard issues, and come up with innovative solutions to these problems, head-on.”

Unsatisfied with Cruz’s answer, the next attendee to receive the mic, Sally, who also identified herself as a veteran, asked Senator Cruz to clarify his answer, specifically asking what Cruz plans to do, as president, to help veterans while also balancing the Federal budget, to which Cruz replied with the controversial statement.

“We need to make spending cuts that not everyone will be happy with, but we need to come up with solutions that make up for those cuts, too. For instance — and I’m just thinking out loud here — but the Girl Scouts make a lot of money selling cookies each year, and it brings attention to their cause. We’re talking billions and billions of dollars here. That’s an innovative idea right there, and I just came up with it on the spot. That’s what I want to bring to the White House.”

“Something like that, selling cookies, would generate billions of dollars for veterans while also connecting them with their friends and neighbors in a new and innovative way,” Cruz later continued, responding to yet another question from an attendee. “Think about the opportunities these veterans would be exposed to. Think about the potential of meeting a new employer, for instance. This idea would raise billions of dollars for vets each year, gives veterans the sort of public attention they deserve, and could open new doors for our nation’s bravest fighting men and women. This would be a golden opportunity for veterans, and for America.”

Senator Cruz’s claim that the Girl Scouts raise “billions of dollars” selling cookies is inaccurate, however. The Girl Scouts of America raise roughly $700 million per year selling their world-famous cookies, with 75% going to local councils, 25% going toward bakeries, and a small amount of revenue going to their national headquarters.
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Interesting that a Harvard guy thinks bake sale fundraisers are innovative. I'd say that seems a little out of touch with middle America.
Reading the text, he seems so proud that he came up with the idea. It is great somebody pressed him for an answer since his first response was typical politician speak.
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Ted Cruz: Vets Should Sell Cookies For Funding, Like Girl Scouts

Ted Cruz spoke at a town hall event in Des Moines, Iowa Wednesday morning, answering questions from a crowd of approximately 200 to 250 likely voters. One of the attendees, an Iraq War veteran named Dan with a prosthetic leg, asked Senator Cruz what his administration would do to help veterans, while further asking how Cruz’s proposed tax cuts would affect the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“We need to be innovative if we want to help veterans. We need to be practical and pragmatic. But we also need to remain vigilant with our government’s out-of-control spending, and find ways of mitigating expenses wherever possible,” Cruz answered. “So we need a president whose willing to tackle the hard issues, and come up with innovative solutions to these problems, head-on.”

Unsatisfied with Cruz’s answer, the next attendee to receive the mic, Sally, who also identified herself as a veteran, asked Senator Cruz to clarify his answer, specifically asking what Cruz plans to do, as president, to help veterans while also balancing the Federal budget, to which Cruz replied with the controversial statement.

“We need to make spending cuts that not everyone will be happy with, but we need to come up with solutions that make up for those cuts, too. For instance — and I’m just thinking out loud here — but the Girl Scouts make a lot of money selling cookies each year, and it brings attention to their cause. We’re talking billions and billions of dollars here. That’s an innovative idea right there, and I just came up with it on the spot. That’s what I want to bring to the White House.”

“Something like that, selling cookies, would generate billions of dollars for veterans while also connecting them with their friends and neighbors in a new and innovative way,” Cruz later continued, responding to yet another question from an attendee. “Think about the opportunities these veterans would be exposed to. Think about the potential of meeting a new employer, for instance. This idea would raise billions of dollars for vets each year, gives veterans the sort of public attention they deserve, and could open new doors for our nation’s bravest fighting men and women. This would be a golden opportunity for veterans, and for America.”

Senator Cruz’s claim that the Girl Scouts raise “billions of dollars” selling cookies is inaccurate, however. The Girl Scouts of America raise roughly $700 million per year selling their world-famous cookies, with 75% going to local councils, 25% going toward bakeries, and a small amount of revenue going to their national headquarters.

Why doesn't crazy ted just suggest pan handling too? Conservatives come up with the most barking mad ideas when pressed to actually have an idea.

Their real problem is they just want to cut taxes and tell everyone to eff off.
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There are relatively few areas where the government pours money into that I think they should really be involved in. Caring for the people who we send into warzones, however, is one of them. I am all for innovation, efficiency, and return on investment...but, Cruz is missing badly on this one. If some private charity, like Wounded Warrior or something, wants to sell cookies, great. But, that should in no way offset the responsibility we all have to support the people who bleed for us.
Clearly the headline should be:

President Cruz Will Send Girl Scouts to Fight ISIS

I mean if he wants troops to act and be treated like Girl Scouts, it only makes sense for Girl Scouts to act and be treated like troops.
Interesting that a Harvard guy thinks bake sale fundraisers are innovative. I'd say that seems a little out of touch with middle America.

You are right. My mind is blown. Not only is he off in his "billions" comment he thinks out the concept of veterans going door to door, sitting at tables outside of business, and hitting up their grandparents for purchases as brilliant outside of the box thinking.

The political leadership that this country has to chose from in the next Presidential Election is further evidence how America's downfall.
You are right. My mind is blown. Not only is he off in his "billions" comment he thinks out the concept of veterans going door to door, sitting at tables outside of business, and hitting up their grandparents for purchases as brilliant outside of the box thinking.

The political leadership that this country has to chose from in the next Presidential Election is further evidence how America's downfall.
Oh I don't know that it's any different now than it ever was. The Ds nominated William Jennings Bryan 3 times a hundred years ago. He was every bit as embarrassing as Cruz. America's greatness isn't a product of her political leadership. It's in venerating a system of laws and values that allows us to thrive in spite of them.
Oh I don't know that it's any different now than it ever was. The Ds nominated William Jennings Bryan 3 times a hundred years ago. He was every bit as embarrassing as Cruz. America's greatness isn't a product of her political leadership. It's in venerating a system of laws and values that allows us to thrive in spite of them.

You might want to read up on WJB. Most of us probably picture him as the religious nut ridiculed by Spencer Tracy in Inherit the Wind, but that's very far from a fair portrayal - and, frankly, he was less crazy and no more a religious nut than your average science denier in today's GOP. But, unlike today's GOP, he was right on the banksters and peace.

Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia:

William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925) was a dominant force in the populist wing of the Democratic Party, standing three times as the Party's candidate for President of the United States (1896, 1900 and 1908). He served two terms as a member of the United States House of Representatives from Nebraska and was United States Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson (1913–1915), resigning because of his pacifist position on World War I. Bryan was a devout Presbyterian, a strong advocate of popular democracy, and an enemy of the banks and their gold standard. He demanded "Free Silver" because it reduced power attributed to money and put more money in the hands of the people.
So many of the same people that were barking over Obama's citizenship, now want Ted Cruz as their Prez.
You might want to read up on WJB. Most of us probably picture him as the religious nut ridiculed by Spencer Tracy in Inherit the Wind, but that's very far from a fair portrayal - and, frankly, he was less crazy and no more a religious nut than your average science denier in today's GOP. But, unlike today's GOP, he was right on the banksters and peace.

Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia:

William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925) was a dominant force in the populist wing of the Democratic Party, standing three times as the Party's candidate for President of the United States (1896, 1900 and 1908). He served two terms as a member of the United States House of Representatives from Nebraska and was United States Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson (1913–1915), resigning because of his pacifist position on World War I. Bryan was a devout Presbyterian, a strong advocate of popular democracy, and an enemy of the banks and their gold standard. He demanded "Free Silver" because it reduced power attributed to money and put more money in the hands of the people.
That's why Dorothy had silver slippers in the book.
We need to give our vets the support and care they need. That said I'm meeting a lot of 'vets' who are getting disability lately.

Had a coworker that got $2000 a month for falling off a ladder in the reserves...never leaving the US, never serving in a combat zone. He's so physically disabled he works in a heavy equipment parts department.

My FIL (who became a leftist after suffering dementia) who has been diabetic for 30+ years served as a typist in Vietnam behind the lines. He's getting $800 a month. The Agent Orange we used on Charlie gave him diabetes you see...and evidently Charlie was running wild outside of Houston as well because 4 of his 5 siblings have diabetes from all the Agent Orange we used killing foliage there. No way should this have happened. He is a 66 y/o financially secure (not rich...but no poor) man who retired at 62. He no more got diabetes from Agent Orange than Magic Johnson got aids from feeding goats at a petting zoo.

Most of these people are working...and more than capable of working. I'll give them any medical care they need. I'm for giving them therapy dogs, support groups, therapy sessions, educations, ensuring they find work and have food and shelter...but we cannot afford to put everyone who served on disability for life.

We cannot afford to all of this...and the real changes need to happen in the VA. Less waste, more accountability...and let's fire some of these SOBs.
Ted Cruz with that spit-balling comment, just lost the vote
of every patriotic American. Our military veterans are not
second class citizens when they return to civilian life.
The Federal Government needs to step up to the plate and
budget for the proper care of our Vets.
Ted Cruz with that spit-balling comment, just lost the vote
of every patriotic American. Our military veterans are not
second class citizens when they return to civilian life.
The Federal Government needs to step up to the plate and
budget for the proper care of our Vets.
In that case I'm glad he said it.
It's not as bad as Harry Reid he lied on purpose to try and keep Romney out of office you just shared what you found.

It's interesting how people misremember that incident. At the time I thought it was pretty clear that Reid was goading Romney with a charge that he didn't believe was true to try to force Romney to reveal his back taxes to refute it. The belief was (and still is) that Romney's back taxes would make him look very bad. And, sure enough, rather than reveal enough tax information to touch the taint, everybody attacked Reid.

Personally I thought it was pretty funny. But it's disappointing to see that the GOP revisionist view holds sway today.
It's interesting how people misremember that incident. At the time I thought it was pretty clear that Reid was goading Romney with a charge that he didn't believe was true to try to force Romney to reveal his back taxes to refute it. The belief was (and still is) that Romney's back taxes would make him look very bad. And, sure enough, rather than reveal enough tax information to touch the taint, everybody attacked Reid.

Personally I thought it was pretty funny. But it's disappointing to see that the GOP revisionist view holds sway today.
Throw out a bunch of crap and call it goading if it makes you feel better but it still stinks.
It's interesting how people misremember that incident. At the time I thought it was pretty clear that Reid was goading Romney with a charge that he didn't believe was true to try to force Romney to reveal his back taxes to refute it. The belief was (and still is) that Romney's back taxes would make him look very bad. And, sure enough, rather than reveal enough tax information to touch the taint, everybody attacked Reid.

Personally I thought it was pretty funny. But it's disappointing to see that the GOP revisionist view holds sway today.

Didn't Reid just recently basically admit that he knowingly lied about it on the floor just to put more crap in the air that Romney would have to answer? I am pretty sure a reporter asked him about it, under the context that he knew the charge was completely baseless and false when he made it, and Reid basically just winked and bragged about it working. Sure, politics is a full-contact sport, but there should be at least some level of decorum, and Reid is a @#$%-bird of the highest order. Nothing tops him going to the floor though with troops on the ground and declaring that the war effort (that he voted for) was lost. If I ever encounter that piece of @#$% I would have an extremely difficult time refraining from spitting in his face.

Didn't Reid just recently basically admit that he knowingly lied about it on the floor just to put more crap in the air that Romney would have to answer? I am pretty sure a reporter asked him about it, under the context that he knew the charge was completely baseless and false when he made it, and Reid basically just winked and bragged about it working. Sure, politics is a full-contact sport, but there should be at least some level of decorum, and Reid is a @#$%-bird of the highest order. Nothing tops him going to the floor though with troops on the ground and declaring that the war effort (that he voted for) was lost. If I ever encounter that piece of @#$% I would have an extremely difficult time refraining from spitting in his face.
Are we actually saying anything different? It's the interpretation of intent that seems to have gotten lost in the translation for some people.
Are we actually saying anything different? It's the interpretation of intent that seems to have gotten lost in the translation for some people.
The whole time I thought the "Obama was born in Kenya" crowd were lying and stupid but who knew they were just goading Obama the whole time.
Are we actually saying anything different? It's the interpretation of intent that seems to have gotten lost in the translation for some people.
I thought we were close, but your bit about GOP revisionist history sort of muddied the waters. That interpretation seems to be dead on...even according to Reid.
I thought we were close, but your bit about GOP revisionist history sort of muddied the waters. That interpretation seems to be dead on...even according to Reid.

Reid was engaging in what I sometimes call the "there's no proof that codflyer is not a child molester" attack. Substituting whatever name you want as the target. Nasty? Sure. But the intent was to get Romney to show his returns. And everybody knew that. Everybody knew Reid was on a fishing expedition. That doesn't make it OK. But when we come around a year later and some (not you) now seem to think it's at the level of Bush lied us into war, I felt the need to correct the record.

What Reid basically did was engage in a hyperbolic version of "I think you are hiding something; come clean." The GOP uses this tactic very effectively. Think back to the Clinton impeachment era for example. Reid merely proved he isn't very adept at it.
Reid was engaging in what I sometimes call the "there's no proof that codflyer is not a child molester" attack. Substituting whatever name you want as the target. Nasty? Sure. But the intent was to get Romney to show his returns. And everybody knew that. Everybody knew Reid was on a fishing expedition. That doesn't make it OK. But when we come around a year later and some (not you) now seem to think it's at the level of Bush lied us into war, I felt the need to correct the record.

What Reid basically did was engage in a hyperbolic version of "I think you are hiding something; come clean." The GOP uses this tactic very effectively. Think back to the Clinton impeachment era for example. Reid merely proved he isn't very adept at it.
I don't know that people are comparing it to whether or not Bush lied to get us into a war...they are just saying that Reid is a lying SOB with absolutely no sense of honor and shouldn't be taken seriously. The fact that he was the majority leader in the senate should be an embarrassment to all Americans. I don't think the comparison to Clinton is quite accurate. That was more like "We KNOW you did something (molested a subordinate in the oval todays standards prevalent on most college campuses it would be considered sexual assault or rape), we KNOW you lied about it under oath, twenty years ago this would have destroyed a president, how on earth are you still in office?" There was no need to float an unsupported innuendo in that case...everybody knew what the deal was, but the economy was pretty good, so nobody much cared. Coming to terms with this was difficult for the republicans.