

HB Heisman
Dec 20, 2012
Saw this in Foley's Mailbag...bout the only thing worth reposting. Two adult men came on the mat to push the top wrestler off and he was about to pin a kid who was crying out (but still fighting to get off his back).
I would be very embarrassed if I was the kid.

Saw this in Foley's Mailbag...bout the only thing worth reposting. Two adult men came on the mat to push the top wrestler off and he was about to pin a kid who was crying out (but still fighting to get off his back).
I would be very embarrassed if I was the kid.

Hurt my little feelers reading the "old man" stuff, but truth be told, 42 is middle-aged, right?? Damn you, Foley!!! lol
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The kid looked to be in pain, but that was absurd. No way should the guy have put his hands on the other boy.
Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?
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Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?
Kids do this to get the ref to stop them from getting pinned. In most cases they aren't even hurt.
If I was the father of the kid doing the pinning I would've knocked the other parent out cold. Unreal.

Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?
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Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?

I feel you but I have wrestled kids who only started crying or yelling out in pain when they knew they were getting turned. Sometimes the ref stopped it, sometimes they let it go. In each and every case, the kid continued trying not to get pinned. None of them were hurt or carried off the mat in those situations. The ref should have had more situational awareness. Ten buck says if he/she (?) blew the whistle though, the "injured" kid would have been back wrestling in under a minute. Was this in Minnesota? ;)
I get some kids would fake pain to get out of getting pinned . Youd hope they would have more integrity than that. I wouldnt fault a kid doing the pinning and agree if some adult ran out on the mat and shoved my kid like that it'd be go time. Its just i had my knee shredded playing football and i wouldnt want my kid going through anything like that if it was a PREVENTABLE situation. I get injuries happen and its not a sport for whimps would just suck if your kid was genuinely screaming in pain and the ref did nothing. Itd be hard for me personally not to run on the mat and not try and break it up though i probably wouldnt.
If you are mat side and watching the match, as a coach you should be able to see whether or not your kid is truly in some sort of dangerous situation. If you had any concern whatsoever, at the very least start screaming at the ref or go out on the mat to get the refs attention. But you should never ever put your hands on another kid.
I saw nothing to indicate an illegal hold being applied. The bottom kid was a pussy and his dad made him that way.

I had a kid on his back in high school with double wings and a figure four head lock. The kid whined and moaned for over a minute. The ref assured him everything was legal and I finally advised him shut his mouth and lay flat and it would all be over. I kid you not.
I can see why the dad did what he did. He went a little overboard, but when your kids screaming like that, your primal instinct to protect your kid kinda takes over.
Let's not make too big of a deal out of this one. I'm sure, Foley already has that covered in spades.
Shot in the dark, but was the dad a former Hawkeye or associated with Iowa in anyways? May explain why Foley is bringing it up. I don't know for sure since I stopped reading his pretenious bullshit a while back.
I can see why the dad did what he did. He went a little overboard, but when your kids screaming like that, your primal instinct to protect your kid kinda takes over.
Let's not make too big of a deal out of this one. I'm sure, Foley already has that covered in spades.
Shot in the dark, but was the dad a former Hawkeye or associated with Iowa in anyways? May explain why Foley is bringing it up. I don't know for sure since I stopped reading his pretenious bullshit a while back.

If that's the case with this guy, he should stay away from the venue when his kid wrestles. Or take a xanax. Dude needs to be banned from events

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Eh. Kid on the bottom overreacted. His dad overreacted. His uncle or coach or grandpa overreacted. Seems like an emotive family. Throw in the towel or shout "Stop the match! We forfeit!" Jump up and down in front of the ref and say "We quit! We quit! We quit!" Or, as el dub says, if you're the kid getting pinned, just lie flat and the problem is solved. The family needs to decide if this is the right sport for the kid or for the family. But I understand the paternal instinct. Nobody wants to see their kid have his shoulder pulled out of its socket. Show's over now. Move along.
Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?

Yelled for my kid to shut up and quit being a candyass. That shriek tho... Good grief.
Back when my boys were wrestling there was a boy in our club that begin cry, sometimes hysterically, whenever he got put on his back. Those of us that knew him, knew it was crap, but at various events not everyone knew him.

I think I saw about every reaction to that...except for the dad coming out of the stands to bail him out. It's a tough one to handle for a ref in that situation. That dad was way over the line.
Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?
Omg, seriously? "Dumbass ref?" Tell your kid to get pinned if he's in that much pain. Either that or tell him to join the AV or chess club. Good lord...
What an asshat. The second shove of a CHILD once he was already off the bottom wrestler....this guy deserved to get his ass beat.
I never think people "deserve" to get hurt, but yes, that second shove of the top man once he was off, and separated, was a wee bit stupid.
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That kid was not hurt bad enough to be squealing like a stuck pig. Most likely not hurt at all. There was nothing in that move that would have really lead to such an injury. If I was that kids coach and or parent I would be embarrassed of my kid and my parenting / coaching that raised such a kid.

No surprise that such a jackass that did would he did in this video would have produced this behavior in a wrestler.
OK, obviously the dad went overboard and if he would have got knocked out he probably deserved it. Now, we have ZERO clue about the kid out there that cried out. He honestly could have been a very tough kid which is why the dad and another coach reacted so quickly. Who knows maybe his shoulder got messed up. Or he could have just been a very large vertical smile. Who knows.
I'm guessing his shoulder would have felt better if he would just have laid back and cried rather than continue to fight off his back and putting his own shoulder in more pain, all the while squealing like a little piggy.

What I saw was a kid getting taken to his back in a rather routine manner and acting like a little b$@&!h out of fear that there might not be any participation medals awarded that day and then papa bear coming along and showing everyone who was who and why…..
Thats my worst fear as a parent. If your kids screaming like that and the dumbass ref doesnt stop the action what do you do? I dont agree with literally tackling the other kid thats wrong but man thats got to be hard for a parent to sit there and watch and do nothing if the refs not doing anything. Other fathers what would you do/have you done in that situation?
Tell my kid to stop screaming like a bvtch because he's about to be pinned.
Judging by the way dad/coaches acted, the kid was screaming because he was hurt, he was scared of what was going to happen after losing the match.
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And I figured there would be at least one father who felt the behavior by the characters (family) involved was acceptable, due to the circumstances…..
Please tell me where i said that was acceptable behavior.
Yep figured id get at least one or two responses like this.

Well...yea. C'mon man, you are talking to a bunch of wrestling fanatics/former wrestlers with a crapload of experience who have seen it all. Not much sympathy for a kid who starts crying when he is about to get stuck. It's cute when they are 6 years old but not when they are 14.

Anybody grow up in the early 80s wrestling at little kids tournaments in Iowa? I remember a team from St Joseph's Missouri used to bring kids up...they were terrors. I didn't know my head from my ass as a second grader and this kid named Eric Nash double chicken wing me, walked it around my head and figure foured my head...didn't know what the f*ck hit me. Told the ref he was choking me. Ref laughed and replied "If you can talk, you can breathe son." Right before he slapped the mat.

Years later, worked out with Nash at our club in Blue Springs Mo in high school. Did pretty well against him even though he was a state champ. Good guy.
Well...yea. C'mon man, you are talking to a bunch of wrestling fanatics/former wrestlers with a crapload of experience who have seen it all. Not much sympathy for a kid who starts crying when he is about to get stuck. It's cute when they are 6 years old but not when they are 14.

Anybody grow up in the early 80s wrestling at little kids tournaments in Iowa? I remember a team from St Joseph's Missouri used to bring kids up...they were terrors. I didn't know my head from my ass as a second grader and this kid named Eric Nash double chicken wing me, walked it around my head and figure foured my head...didn't know what the f*ck hit me. Told the ref he was choking me. Ref laughed and replied "If you can talk, you can breathe son." Right before he slapped the mat.

Years later, worked out with Nash at our club in Blue Springs Mo in high school. Did pretty well against him even though he was a state champ. Good guy.
Yeah. Admittedly i never wrestled. Just became a fan of the sport watching good buddies wrestle in highschool and it just grew from there. I was just looking for civil feedback. My son is 4. I want him to try everything then let him decide what sports he wants to pursue as he gets older. I never once said i thought it was okay to do what that dad did, in fact i said the opposite. Watching that vid it appeared to me the kid was legitimately in pain and whether its a pinning situation or potentially dangerous it would suck to sit there and watch your kid get a ligament torn. Perhaps i shouldnt have called the ref a dumbass in that situation. My concern would be more for when the kids are younger and you have less experienced refs. I doubt any kid wants their parent running out on the mat when they reach the highschool age.
Well...yea. C'mon man, you are talking to a bunch of wrestling fanatics/former wrestlers with a crapload of experience who have seen it all. Not much sympathy for a kid who starts crying when he is about to get stuck. It's cute when they are 6 years old but not when they are 14.

Anybody grow up in the early 80s wrestling at little kids tournaments in Iowa? I remember a team from St Joseph's Missouri used to bring kids up...they were terrors. I didn't know my head from my ass as a second grader and this kid named Eric Nash double chicken wing me, walked it around my head and figure foured my head...didn't know what the f*ck hit me. Told the ref he was choking me. Ref laughed and replied "If you can talk, you can breathe son." Right before he slapped the mat.

Years later, worked out with Nash at our club in Blue Springs Mo in high school. Did pretty well against him even though he was a state champ. Good guy.
You wrestled el dub?