Daniel Penny cleared of all charges

Sorry. He killed the guy. Either intentionally or accidently, he was responsible for the guy’s death. The jury “bought” his story. The DA was prosecuting tge crime that was committed.
But back to the original point here, “vigilante-ism” cannot be tolerated in America. The DA 100% did his job in prosecuting here.
(I’m assuming Phil your use of “old man” was derogatory or meant to intimidate me? Nice try.)
Marine veteran Daniel Penny's defense team is eyeing a malicious prosecution lawsuit against District Attorney Alvin Bragg and others behind the charges, turning the tables after the lengthy high-profile case concluded with an acquittal.

"Just like Danny said in his interview, it was like they wanted to try and get him on something," Penny's defense attorney Steven Raiser said Wednesday, reacting to the acquittal on "Fox & Friends."

"They knew they weren't going to be able to get him, so they had to get rid of that top count in order to get to that second count, just in hopes that maybe they could pull out a win here, and they were unsuccessful, thank God."

Raiser said the suit would target Bragg for "blurring" the "ethical lines" with the case's handling. The filing would also home in on the medical examiner's office, which he alleged colluded with Bragg's office.

"The record was made fairly clear as to the extent of his involvement and what occurred here," he said. "He was appointed by Mayor Adams, [who belongs to the] same political party as Alvin Bragg. There was collusion there, and the collusion began from the very beginning of this case and all the way through. The district attorney needed the medical examiner and needed the medical examiner to act quickly, and he did just that."

Penny was charged with second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in 30-year-old homeless man Jordan Neely's death on a New York City subway after he put Neely in a chokehold for threatening kill other passengers.
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Marine veteran Daniel Penny's defense team is eyeing a malicious prosecution lawsuit against District Attorney Alvin Bragg and others behind the charges, turning the tables after the lengthy high-profile case concluded with an acquittal.

"Just like Danny said in his interview, it was like they wanted to try and get him on something," Penny's defense attorney Steven Raiser said Wednesday, reacting to the acquittal on "Fox & Friends."

"They knew they weren't going to be able to get him, so they had to get rid of that top count in order to get to that second count, just in hopes that maybe they could pull out a win here, and they were unsuccessful, thank God."

Raiser said the suit would target Bragg for "blurring" the "ethical lines" with the case's handling. The filing would also home in on the medical examiner's office, which he alleged colluded with Bragg's office.

"The record was made fairly clear as to the extent of his involvement and what occurred here," he said. "He was appointed by Mayor Adams, [who belongs to the] same political party as Alvin Bragg. There was collusion there, and the collusion began from the very beginning of this case and all the way through. The district attorney needed the medical examiner and needed the medical examiner to act quickly, and he did just that."

Penny was charged with second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in 30-year-old homeless man Jordan Neely's death on a New York City subway after he put Neely in a chokehold for threatening kill other passengers.
The former Marine has the basic MAGA qualification… he’s a “victim”! I thank him for his service and I congratulate him on his acquittal…however, the DA was doing his duty and prosecuting an apparent crime. There was a death under suspicious circumstances and witnesses saw the man die from a “choke hold”…There was a violation if the law but the jury sided with the defense. But now the poor defendant is claiming he was a cictim…of what? His own over-exuberance?
The former Marine has the basic MAGA qualification… he’s a “victim”! I thank him for his service and I congratulate him on his acquittal…however, the DA was doing his duty and prosecuting an apparent crime. There was a death under suspicious circumstances and witnesses saw the man die from a “choke hold”…There was a violation if the law but the jury sided with the defense. But now the poor defendant is claiming he was a cictim…of what? His own over-exuberance?
Daniel Penny boarded the subway minding his own business only wanting to travel from point A to point B. He had no ill will or bad intentions for any of his fellow passengers.

Jordan Neely boarded the subway raging from years of illegal drug use, a criminal record a mile long including vicious assaults. Jordan Neely was screaming and yelling he was going to kill all the passengers on the subway and would have if not for a few brave heroes who banded together to subdue Neely from carrying out his plans to kill. All the time Penny and the others were holding Neely down he was struggling to get free and continued to yell KILL KILL KILL.

Daniel Penny was 110% cooperative with law enforcement when they arrived and was not even aware that Neely was dead until he was told so by the officers on scene.

Daniel Penny clearly was a victim of Alvin Bragg and his over-exuberance to prosecute a man whose skin color was different than Alvins. Had Daniel Penny not been white this case would never have gone to court.
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Just curious as to why you didn’t answer my question on post #100. Joelbc as you answered every other question!
The former Marine has the basic MAGA qualification… he’s a “victim”! I thank him for his service and I congratulate him on his acquittal…however, the DA was doing his duty and prosecuting an apparent crime. There was a death under suspicious circumstances and witnesses saw the man die from a “choke hold”…There was a violation if the law but the jury sided with the defense. But now the poor defendant is claiming he was a cictim…of what? His own over-exuberance?
Good lord
His dad saying the system is rigged, basically calling for upheaval, when his dumbass wasn’t any kind of father…typical. Victim status from birth
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It's not vigilantism, for fvck's sake. Vigilante's go out looking for trouble. This guy was riding to work when a person screamed he was about to murder people on a train and this dude reacted to that. I suppose you're against people running into burning building's to save old ladies as well. Leave it to the pros, right? Let the lady die! We don't need any of those fire vigilantes!
They were trespassing when they ran into the building and kidnapping the old ladies when they carried them out unconscious. GUILTY!
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The former Marine has the basic MAGA qualification… he’s a “victim”! I thank him for his service and I congratulate him on his acquittal…however, the DA was doing his duty and prosecuting an apparent crime. There was a death under suspicious circumstances and witnesses saw the man die from a “choke hold”…There was a violation if the law but the jury sided with the defense. But now the poor defendant is claiming he was a cictim…of what? His own over-exuberance?
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Oh… folks are just murdered or choked to death w/o consequences?
Tge DA cited the law… the jury sided with the defendant. Someone is still dead. The DA did what he needed to do. OJ was found “not guilty” too.

3rd time to answer my question Joel........Post #100 I'm genuinely curious
Oh… folks are just murdered or choked to death w/o consequences?
Tge DA cited the law… the jury sided with the defendant. Someone is still dead. The DA did what he needed to do. OJ was found “not guilty” too.
You can put down the torch and pitchfork Joel, we recognize your outrage that the justice system worked this time.
You can put down the torch and pitchfork Joel, we recognize your outrage that the justice system worked this time.
IT ALWAYS WORKS you dumb shit! That is my point!
It works because everyone involved does their job!
It is absolute bullshit to say this case never should gave been prosecuted! That was the primary argument put forth here. There was a crime that needed to be investigated and tried. The justice system worked! But then, it always “works”! In this case the jury found for the defendant. Congrats Lu are him….it shows that one can get by with murder under tge right circumstances. But remember “God” tells us not to murder..period. ;)
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3rd time to answer my question Joel........Post #100 I'm genuinely curious
That has nothing to do with this case. Nothing. Buy the fact is someone was killed/murdered.
Commandment #5 simply says..Thou shall not kill. Period.
No conditions or exceptions are listed.
IF you are a man of God, you have a problem here.
For all my life I have been told by many that tgis nation is a Nation built on the Judeo-Christian faith…we are a religious country. Well, we well might be…until it doesn’t fit our comfort level then we (the nation and its law) is based on a new undefined level of morality.
Either you are pregnant or you are not….you tell me.
I can live with the verdict..I don’t know if I can “justify” it but I can live with it. But let’s all understand here that one man is solely responsible for another man’s death.
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IT ALWAYS WORKS you dumb shit! That is my point!
It works because everyone involved does their job!
It is absolute bullshit to say this case never should gave been prosecuted! That was the primary argument put forth here. There was a crime that needed to be investigated and tried. The justice system worked! But then, it always “works”! In this case the jury found for the defendant. Congrats Lu are him….it shows that one can get by with murder under tge right circumstances. But remember “God” tells us not to murder..period. ;)
There was no crime and no conviction of a crime.
Thank you for your response…….took 3 reminders. You are still holding your ground I’ll give you that.
Never said the outcome was NOT justified. I said the DA had every right to prosecute this case as there was a crime committed. The jury sided with the perp in this case.
Self defense is a crime? Only in the mind of a dimrat.
That has nothing to do with this case. Nothing. Buy the fact is someone was killed/murdered.
Commandment #5 simply says..Thou shall not kill. Period.
No conditions or exceptions are listed.
IF you are a man of God, you have a problem here.
For all my life I have been told by many that tgis nation is a Nation built on the Judeo-Christian faith…we are a religious country. Well, we well might be…until it doesn’t fit our comfort level then we (the nation and its law) is based on a new undefined level of morality.
Either you are pregnant or you are not….you tell me.
I can live with the verdict..I don’t know if I can “justify” it but I can live with it. But let’s all understand here that one man is solely responsible for another man’s death.
American is supposed to be a country of diversity according to your party so why are you picking Christianity as the religion of choice to govern by. What does the Koran gave to say about this subject?
American is supposed to be a country of diversity according to your party so why are you picking Christianity as the religion of choice to govern by. What does the Koran gave to say about this subject?
America is self-professed founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and morality. Not Arab or Moslem ethics/morality or religious beliefs. Admit this and ask another question. How many Moslem clerics were signees for the Declaration or Constitution?
But back to the original point here, “vigilante-ism” cannot be tolerated in America. The DA 100% did his job in prosecuting here.
I can specifically remember you giving the " thumbs up " to the murder of a local banker here in Hills, Iowa, when another " brain addled " old farmer decided to blame the bank president, instead of Jimmy Carter ( and the Fed ) for his financial plight, walked into the bank and shot gunned John Hughes in his office. I specifically remember you saying something like " it helped bring interest rates down then it was all good. " I've regarded you as a POS poster ever since, as John Hughes was a friend and valued member of the community. My opinion of you has only deteriorated since. I continue to notice that so many others have come to agree with me about you...
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I can specifically remember you giving the " thumbs up " to the murder of a local banker here in Hills, Iowa, when another " brain addled " old farmer decided to blame the bank president, instead of Jimmy Carter ( and the Fed ) for his financial plight, walked into the bank and shot gunned John Hughes in his office. I specifically remember you saying something like " it helped bring interest rates down then it was all good. " I've regarded you as a POS poster ever since, as John Hughes was a friend and valued member of the community. My opinion of you has only deteriorated since. I continue to notice that so many others have come to agree with me about you...
I don’t think I face a @thumvs up@ to any murder…If I remember an old conversation, I said I could understand how a man could walk into a bank and blow away a banker. Did this shooter kill himself ir was he arrested and brought to trial?
And honestly James, I really don’t care what you think of me….I do know I don’t have the time or energy to think of you….just another addled brained Cardinal fan. You think you are gonna shame me? You are a fool.
I am sorry folks get shot and killed for most any reason. There’s a lot of mentally ill folks out there… and most of them have guns. And sorry….Jimmy Carter had nothing more to do with your friends death than you did. That is the truth. I wish you good luck in dealing with the death of your friend.
Jimmy Carter and his grain embargo certainly put farmers out of business and ruined lives as much so as the CEO of an insurance company has. Innocent victims vs 46 time arrested menace to society. Enough said. Glad “ Pedo Papi “ got the Sox a title this century…
When in the course of applying a chokehold for 6 minutes would you have thought they were no longer a threat?
Regardless of how you feel about this, don't you think you would have let up after they lost consiousnss/stopped fighting.
You must also think George Floyd couldn't breathe from the cop being on him. Delusion at it's finest. Isn't it interesting the cops didn't provide CPR to the lunatic in the subway too?
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The left is in full panic mode as their policies continue to get people killed. Torres is a massive PoS and publicly stated penny needed to have the full weight of the law thrown at him for protecting people from the monsters the left has enabled for years. Now we have an illegal alien burning a sleeping woman to death on the subway and the left is feigning responsibility once again. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

The left is in full panic mode as their policies continue to get people killed. Torres is a massive PoS and publicly stated penny needed to have the full weight of the law thrown at him for protecting people from the monsters the left has enabled for years. Now we have an illegal alien burning a sleeping woman to death on the subway and the left is feigning responsibility once again. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
Typical left behavior they welcome these criminals and then turn and deny anything bad can happen.
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Typical left behavior they welcome these criminals and then turn and deny anything bad can happen.
"We take this so seriously guys, please believe us!!! Also, we will not comply with trump on expelling these violent illegal aliens. Bc we are actually the good guys! Sorry you burned to death though.."
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