Daylight Savings Time


HB All-American
Feb 9, 2006
Has it ever had an impact on your health or anything? Every year around this time I see articles in the news about how it effects so many peoples health, sleep, mentality, ect... I can’t say I have ever really noticed it one way or the other. Always been the same way with me flying to different time zones

I understand the original intent behind it, and certainly think we can get rid of it; just don’t understand how it allegedly messes with people psyches and health so much.
Everyone on social media will whine for a day or two and then it'll be forgotten till spring. Just like clockwork.
Aside from the irritation in the spring to people in PHX being two hours behind me whom I work with I can't say it's more than that irritation tho.

I do think the national "debate" surrounding getting rid of it is amongst the silliest we have regarding anything tho.
Just go to bed/wake up 30 min earlier/later before each of the transitions, a few days before.

You'll be fine.
I think it’s over hyped.

It’s no different than having a bad night of sleep where you miss an hour.

Agreed. That’s why I don’t understand how it messes with so many people. Maybe I’ve never noticed because my sleep isn’t all that consistent to begin with. Just started the post as I saw a local news station interview a Dr about it to offer advice on how people can adjust.
On a Sunday? That's questionable.

Those of us not living in trailers with old CRT TVs have things called "DVRs" or "streaming services" whereby you can wake up whenever to queue the game up and watch at your leisure....

Even skip thru most of the boring ads.
Backwards. Next week we get an extra hour of sleep. People will be bitching in the spring.
Are you new to the planet? Lol. They'll be bitching next week too. They'll be bitching about the sun going down at 5 o'clock. There will be memes. Oh yes. There will be memes shared over and over. There will be discussions about ending the practice. There will be many agreements about how bad it is.

Then, 5 minutes later it will all be forgotten for half a year.
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Those of us not living in trailers with old CRT TVs have things called "DVRs" or "streaming services" whereby you can wake up whenever to queue the game up and watch at your leisure....

Even skip thru most of the boring ads.
This is how insidious CRT is, first it was secretly installed in TVs, and then the teachers started force feeding it in schools. It's everywhere!
I wish we would spring ahead one more time and then leave it there. The only good thing about it is next week it will be kind of light when I leave for work at just after 6AM, and at least be light when I get to work. But then it will be pretty dark by 5:30pm too, which is really a drag. We will be 1 hour ahead of AZ instead of 2, that is kind of handy for calling family there as well.
Agreed. That’s why I don’t understand how it messes with so many people. Maybe I’ve never noticed because my sleep isn’t all that consistent to begin with. Just started the post as I saw a local news station interview a Dr about it to offer advice on how people can adjust.
It's a change to their circadian rhythm.
Last night I went out and raked leaves after work in the sunlight. Next week I'll be driving home from work in blackness. FML
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I dont mind it getting dark earlier anymore.

Its been a struggle finding ambition to get out of bed in the morning in the dark this week.

I would be ok with moving the clock back this weekend and not move it anymore
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Last night I went out and raked leaves after work in the sunlight. Next week I'll be driving home from work in blackness. FML
It's either that, or wait until nearly 8:30/9AM for daylight....

I agree - I like the later day daylight. Shifting over one time zone year round across the continental US would be better. Let AK and HI figure out what they want to do themselves.
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It was always great when I was younger and in the bars. When it was time to close the bar at 2AM, the clock rolled back and we drank for another hour.
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Anyone complaining about it getting dark before 5 PM in the winter needs to realize that's not due to daylight savings time. If you get rid of DST it will still get dark around 5:00 this time of year. If we keep standard time year-round sunrise will be around 8:30 PM instead of 9:30 in June, but sunrise will be around 4:30 AM. 😣
Anyone complaining about it getting dark before 5 PM in the winter needs to realize that's not due to daylight savings time. If you get rid of DST it will still get dark around 5:00 this time of year. If we keep standard time year-round sunrise will be around 8:30 PM instead of 9:30 in June, but sunrise will be around 4:30 AM. 😣

I think most people don't want to keep Standard Time year round, what they want is to shift all the continental times zones 1 hour over, to "permanent DST"....

But that will make mornings, when kids go to school in the winter, darkest during late Nov/Dec/January. ±30 days from the winter solstice would be darkest, from Nov 20 thru Jan 20.
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Anyone complaining about it getting dark before 5 PM in the winter needs to realize that's not due to daylight savings time. If you get rid of DST it will still get dark around 5:00 this time of year. If we keep standard time year-round sunset will be around 8:30 PM instead of 9:30 in June, but sunrise will be around 4:30 AM. 😣
This is why we need to stay on Daylight time year-round. I freaking hate it that the sunset will now be around 5:30 and it will be freaking dark by 6. It's brutal and it only gets worse. In another month it will be dark by 4:30pm, that's insane. The early darkness contributes to a long dreary winter. Who cares if it is dark in the morning, the sun will be up soon enough to brighten your day.

The weather is still nice enough to get 9 holes in after work and now because we're "falling back" golf season is pretty much over too. FML.
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But that will make mornings, when kids go to school in the winter, darkest during late Nov/Dec/January. ±30 days from the winter solstice would be darkest, from Nov 20 thru Jan 20.
Who freaking cares? How many kids walk to school like we did 30-40 years ago? None. They either take the school bus or mommy/daddy drops them off in front.

Plus, news flash, it will still be dark in the morning anyway. Just did a random Google search. Sunrise on Dec 10, 2024 is 7:48AM. My kids are already on the bus on the way to school. They're going to school in the dark any way you slice it.
Damn it's not that complicated. I normally just set the clocks back earlier in the day and then I don't even notice the change later that evening.
Not rocket science
Not a fan of the time change. I worked on hospital pharmacy systems when they changed the weekends the time flipped in 2007. It totally effed up a lot of stuff. Overnight cart fills and batches that ran weeks early (or again late), system OS jumping time, etc. HPUX is/was not the smartest. Things were worse than Y2K.
No matter how much the programmers tested and fixed, it seemed like something would fall through the cracks.
We were still dealing with the fallout of the 2007 change for at least 8 years.
It was hell for the on-call staff. I can still hear the on-call phone ringing at 2am (and I've been retired for 5 years).

If they would do away with it totally, there would be another round of that crap. (for a while anyway)