Daylight Savings Time

That would be my view on the time change. Don't scrap the whole idea of the time change but the time change needs to occur a month later in the spring and a month earlier in the fall.
That's more like how it used to be. I believe in 2007 GWB changed it from something like that to the current scheme.
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That's more like how it used to be. I believe in 2007 GWB changed it from something like that to the current scheme.

I'm not sure where the origin of the change occurred but I know they did move at least the fall time change later at some point in my life.
When is Iowa going to get rid of this crap already.
Nothing like driving into work in the dark again and damn near having a deer run out in front of me just so it can still be bright out at 7:30 tonight.

If Iowa isn’t going to get rid of it, why don’t they wait until like mid April when it can be a bit brighter in the morning and it’s warmer out in the evening? Most years in Iowa it’s still chilly out this time of the year and you can’t do much outside anyway.

Who are these people who don't want light in the evenings? Daylight savings should last 2 weeks in the winter and F off. I work until 5pm-6pm most nights. Let me walk the lawn and play with the dog for an hour after work and dinner.
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