DEI hire

Was Kamala a DEI hire for VP?

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  • No

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How about this - put that question in the form of a poll in a new post and if the answer by this community is "no" you will STFU on the subject for the duration of the campaign?
I like the idea of a poll, but I'm not agreeing to that bet. This board is 70% dems so that would not be fair.
I grouped you in there because you made a stupid post.
I don't care, you come across as enough of a democrat that I grouped you in there because you made a stupid post. If you want to stop people from using DEI, don't vote democrat.

DEI was a huge initiative under the Biden regime. If you don't want to read the letters DEI on here, don't click on the thread titled DEI hire. If you don't want DEI implemented in the real world, don't vote for the current group of democrats.
Don't forget Clinton and Obama championing the movement!
Dems here are claiming Kamala was not a dei hire. Since dems think dei is so great, shouldn't you be proud that she was a dei hire?

“If I’m elected president, my Cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president,”

"I am not committed to naming any but the people I've named, and among them are four Black women,"

Sure seems like a lot of potential great candidates were not considered because they were not a woman or black. Remember that this pick came shortly after the blm riots where there was immense pressure to pick a black person. Sounds like dei to me.

So you can't defend the dei hire, but you're soo proud of how they weaponized the justice system.
Yeah, but she's BLACK!
Want to know how these MAGAt idiots just mean “n****r” when they say “DEI”?: Not ONE of these racist Conservatives called Biden a DEI hire when Obama picked him as the older white guy counterbalance. They think we’re all as dumb as Trump voters.
Dems here are claiming Kamala was not a dei hire. Since dems think dei is so great, shouldn't you be proud that she was a dei hire?

“If I’m elected president, my Cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president,”

"I am not committed to naming any but the people I've named, and among them are four Black women,"

Sure seems like a lot of potential great candidates were not considered because they were not a woman or black. Remember that this pick came shortly after the blm riots where there was immense pressure to pick a black person. Sounds like dei to me.
If you are claiming she is a DEI hire, you are riding a fine line of potentially being racist and a bigot. You are stating as a female and a black woman, she was not qualified to be a VP or a presidential nominee. Did she struggle a bit in her first runs through for president yes. No different than any other nominee. Is she the best candidate, maybe not, is she a pretty qualified candidate absolutely. She has been an attorney, a senator and now Vice President for the last 4 years. Why Joe choose her, likely along some potential boosting of voters, was also to have a balance of his cabinet. I am all for a balance of men and women, we don't need group think, and I do think Woman for the most part (excluding my wife LOL) tend to take emotions out of decision making compared to males.

So I think its bullshit, you are insinuating it is DEI. I think its racist and bigoted that you don't think she is qualified. Ultimately I think you are full of shit like your nominee Trump, and you will most likely lose to this candidate. You wouldn't be throwing all this shit against the wall otherwise.
Are you confusing affirmative action with DEI? DEI is about inclusion within the workplace, whereas afirmative action would be the actual hiring of an indididual based on a historically marginalized group of people.

Affirmative Action

Definition: Affirmative action refers to policies and practices aimed at increasing opportunities for historically marginalized groups, particularly in education and employment. The goal is to address and counteract systemic discrimination and underrepresentation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Definition: It is a framework and set of practices aimed at creating a more inclusive and fair environment, particularly in workplaces, educational institutions, and other organizations.
The ones who don’t know the difference, really don’t care. It’s just their latest drum to beat on and scream about, which is the primary purpose it serves for them.
Are you confusing affirmative action with DEI? DEI is about inclusion within the workplace, whereas afirmative action would be the actual hiring of an indididual based on a historically marginalized group of people.

Affirmative Action

Definition: Affirmative action refers to policies and practices aimed at increasing opportunities for historically marginalized groups, particularly in education and employment. The goal is to address and counteract systemic discrimination and underrepresentation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Definition: It is a framework and set of practices aimed at creating a more inclusive and fair environment, particularly in workplaces, educational institutions, and other organizations.
No I am not confusing the two. DEI is the new affirmative and this was changed under the biden admin.

Understanding the Importance of Inclusive Hiring for DEI​

Before delving into strategies, one must grasp why DEI-centric inclusive hiring matters. DEI-centric hiring contributes to:

While hiring and work decisions solely based on race are still illegal, and certain uses of demographic data, like quotas or racial preferences, should be avoided, this decision should not hinder efforts for a diverse and inclusive workforce. According to a recent white paper released by BiasSync, a diversity training provider, not only is hiring not affected by this decision, but diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hiring practices play an important role in business success.

Hiring with DEI in mind requires an organization to rethink its recruitment processes.
I could link many more but I hope you get the point. DEI hiring is a real thing and it is going on in the workforce. Search DEI hiring for more examples.
No I am not confusing the two. DEI is the new affirmative and this was changed under the biden admin.

Understanding the Importance of Inclusive Hiring for DEI​

Before delving into strategies, one must grasp why DEI-centric inclusive hiring matters. DEI-centric hiring contributes to:

While hiring and work decisions solely based on race are still illegal, and certain uses of demographic data, like quotas or racial preferences, should be avoided, this decision should not hinder efforts for a diverse and inclusive workforce. According to a recent white paper released by BiasSync, a diversity training provider, not only is hiring not affected by this decision, but diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hiring practices play an important role in business success.

Hiring with DEI in mind requires an organization to rethink its recruitment processes.
I could link many more but I hope you get the point. DEI hiring is a real thing and it is going on in the workforce. Search DEI hiring for more examples.
She is either qualified or she isn't. Based on being an attorney, senator and 4 years as VP she is as qualified as any other candidate, if you have proof otherwise, please share it. Othewise it appears you are being a bigot and a racist.
Kamala Harris was twice elected to state wide office, and has been the vice president of the US. She has a law degree. Which of these things do you have on your resume that would make you as qualified, or more qualified to have been named VP?

She failed the bar exam.
The record is clear. She was hired because she is a woman and she was hired because she is black. The process was exclusionary against a certain sex and multiple races.

She was a DEI hire.
Bullshit, she was hired to boost votes, no different than a republican picking a nominee in a swing state. You are being a racist and a bigot. Great job Northern, wear it proud.
Because a DEI position implies that it was only available for minorities. In Kamala's case, I'm sure it was considered that she would add to the minority and female voters, but other candidates were considered, some of them were white men. She was more qualified in Biden's eyes. The fact that you keep pushing this shows how colossally ignorant you are in the basic understanding of what DEI even means and its intent. You hate it because you're a racist and you think that something is being taken from you, but what you don't understand is that a woman like Kamala Harris would be more qualified than you for any position other than ditch digger.
The link in the op says 4 black females were on Bidens list of vp candidates. Sure seems like you had to be black and female to be considered for the job.

We could have a legit discussion about this, but dems are so defensive that the only thing they know to do is call me racist.

Its funny that people know that DEI is not based in merit (but dems refuse to admit it), that is why dems are so defensive about Kamala being called a dei hire. If dei actually did bring in better candidates, then people would be proud to say she was a dei hire.
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She failed the bar exam.
ALong with 50% of every California Bar taker on their first try. She passed on her second.

Which of these guys was unqualified for POTUS:

  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt failed the New York bar exam on his first try after attending Harvard College and Columbia Law School . . . and he was subsequently elected President four times!
  • John F. Kennedy, Jr. failed the New York bar exam twice before passing it on his third try.
This is exactly where the republicans have said they do not want to go in this election, and they are going to get so screwed if they go this route. Please go this route, piss off blacks, asians, and hispanics and women. Please, Please, Please be as stupid as Northern and Hawk82. Easiest way to lose an election, cater to white men vote ;) .
I posted this in another thread. Would you mind breaking down each of her stances, detailing what you agree with and disagree with. I plan on doing the same:


Instead of us just bitching about her "word salad" and her abysmal job at the border, why don't we just look at the entire package and discuss:

1. Gun Reform

  • Advocacy: Kamala Harris supports comprehensive gun reform measures. She advocates for stricter background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and regulations to prevent domestic abusers from obtaining firearms.
  • Legislation: As a Senator, she co-sponsored legislation like the Assault Weapons Ban and the Background Check Expansion Act. She has also supported efforts to address gun violence and mass shootings.

2. Abortion

  • Pro-Choice: Harris is a strong advocate for reproductive rights and is pro-choice. She supports the right to access abortion services and has called for the protection of Roe v. Wade.
  • Legislation: She has opposed efforts to restrict abortion access and has supported legislation to safeguard reproductive health care services.

3. Federal Spending

  • Economic Policy: Harris supports increased federal spending on social programs, infrastructure, and education. She advocates for investments in healthcare, climate change initiatives, and economic relief for families and businesses.
  • Deficit Concerns: While supporting increased spending in key areas, she also emphasizes the importance of managing the federal deficit and debt responsibly.

4. Military

  • National Security: Harris supports a strong national defense and prioritizes modernizing the military. She advocates for ensuring that the U.S. military remains technologically advanced and well-equipped.
  • Veterans: She supports expanding services and benefits for veterans and ensuring they receive the care and support they need after their service.

5. Climate Change

  • Action Plan: Harris supports aggressive action to combat climate change. She endorses rejoining the Paris Agreement, investing in renewable energy, and setting ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions.
  • Green New Deal: While not a formal co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, she supports many of its goals, such as transitioning to clean energy and creating green jobs.

6. Healthcare

  • Expansion: Harris supports expanding access to healthcare and strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA). She has proposed a public option to provide more choices and lower costs for health insurance.
  • Medicare for All: She initially supported Medicare for All but later pivoted to advocating for a public option as a more feasible approach to expanding healthcare coverage.

7. Criminal Justice Reform

  • Reform Efforts: Harris supports criminal justice reform, including measures to address systemic racism, reduce mass incarceration, and improve policing practices.
  • Legislation: She has co-sponsored and supported legislation aimed at reforming the criminal justice system, such as the First Step Act and the Justice in Policing Act.

8. Climate Change

  • Global Leadership: Harris supports rejoining the Paris Agreement and leading international efforts to combat climate change. She emphasizes the need for global cooperation to address environmental challenges and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

9. Global Health

  • COVID-19 Response: Harris advocates for international cooperation in responding to global health crises like COVID-19. She supports strengthening global health organizations and ensuring equitable access to vaccines and treatments.

10. Human Rights

  • Promotion and Protection: Harris is committed to promoting and protecting human rights globally. She supports taking action against human rights abuses and using U.S. influence to advocate for democratic values and the rule of law.

11. Trade

  • Fair Trade Practices: Harris supports fair trade practices and policies that protect American workers while also engaging in trade agreements that benefit the U.S. economy. She emphasizes addressing trade imbalances and ensuring that trade policies are equitable.

U.S. Alliances and Diplomacy

  • Strengthening Alliances: Harris supports strengthening traditional alliances such as NATO and enhancing relationships with key partners and allies. She emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively with other nations on global challenges.
  • Diplomacy First: She advocates for a diplomacy-first approach in foreign policy, focusing on resolving conflicts through negotiation and diplomatic engagement rather than military force.

**1. China

  • Competition and Cooperation: Harris views China as a significant competitor but also acknowledges areas where cooperation is necessary, such as climate change and global health. She supports a firm stance on issues like human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, as well as unfair trade practices.
  • Strategic Rivalry: She emphasizes the need for a strategic approach to counter China’s growing influence and protect U.S. interests.

**2. Russia

  • Addressing Aggression: Harris has been vocal about addressing Russian aggression, particularly in relation to its actions in Ukraine and interference in U.S. elections. She supports strong measures to hold Russia accountable for its actions.
  • Sanctions and Defense: She supports maintaining and, if necessary, increasing sanctions on Russia and bolstering defense and security assistance to allies in Eastern Europe.

**3. Middle East

  • Iran: Harris supports rejoining the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and working with allies to address concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, while also addressing broader regional issues and Iran’s support for militant groups.
  • Israel and Palestine: She supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and emphasizes the need for both security for Israel and a viable state for Palestinians. She advocates for continued U.S. support for Israel’s security while also seeking renewed peace negotiations.
Post this in a new thread. I think it would be worth having this discussion, but tensions are too elevated in this thread for a productive discussion.
This is exactly where the republicans have said they do not want to go in this election, and they are going to get so screwed if they go this route. Please go this route, piss off blacks, asians, and hispanics and woman. Please, Please, Please be as stupid as Northern and Hawk82. Easiest way to lose an election, cater to white men vote ;) .
Between Roe v. Wade and unrestrained racism, they are going to have major messaging issues.

Can't wait!
The link in the op says 4 black females were on Bidens list of vp candidates. Sure seems like you had to be black and female to be considered for the job.

We could have a legit discussion about this, but dems are so defensive that the only thing they know to do is call me racist.

Its funny that people know that DEI is not based in merit (but dems refuse to admit it), that is why dems are so defensive about Kamala being called a dei hire. If dei actually did bring in better candidates, then people would be proud to say she was a dei hire.
Because he wanted to bring in black and female voters, you dimwit. It wasn't because he though the White House needed to be more diverse. Jesus, your inability to grasp this simple concept it dumbfounding.
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Bullshit, she was hired to boost votes, no different than a republican picking a nominee in a swing state. You are being a racist and a bigot. Great job Northern, wear it proud.
Thats a fair response, she was picked right after BLM riots and Biden wanted to lock up the black vote. I agree with this.
Thats a fair response, she was picked right after BLM riots and Biden wanted to lock up the black vote. I agree with this.
I would suggest you try to research and think on your own. Don't continue to be stooge that believes everything your fake news tells you. Try to for once think.
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Your leftwing tactics don't work on me.
They will for the majority of the American Voting demographic. When it can be shown republicans like you think this is a DEI hire, which I expect will come up in a debate, she can proudly state she is more qualified for the office than Trump. Trump had done nothing prior to being President and effectively failed as being president and has since been found guilty of federal charges. If you think she is unqualified, you are stating no females, mexicans, Asians, Puerto Ricans, or any other person with heritage other than anglo-saxon and a male qualifies to be a nominee, and since she is more qualified than Trump, it looks like a pretty silly argument. But that is the level of intelligence for people like you, and even after this you will be stupid enough to think your side is the more intelligent argument and will be effective in a debate and or election as a major platform issue.
Post this in a new thread. I think it would be worth having this discussion, but tensions are too elevated in this thread for a productive discussion.
Tensions are not to high, this is where the conversation goes when you want to claim its a DEI hire. Its a stupid route for a republican to go when Trump is your nominee. The old white guy with no qualifications.
Just like Torbee, you two are missing the point. You assume I meant Kamala was not qualified when I say she was a DEI hire. I didn't say this. DEI has a negative connotation because deep down people know a dei hire means that person was not qualified. But Biden claimed that DEI is the "core strength of America".

So how can DEI be a great strength if everyone thinks a dei hire was not qualified. Are all women and black people considered a dei hire? How do we know the difference between a dei hire and a qualified minority?

If you are claiming she is a DEI hire, you are riding a fine line of potentially being racist and a bigot. You are stating as a female and a black woman, she was not qualified to be a VP or a presidential nominee. Did she struggle a bit in her first runs through for president yes. No different than any other nominee. Is she the best candidate, maybe not, is she a pretty qualified candidate absolutely. She has been an attorney, a senator and now Vice President for the last 4 years. Why Joe choose her, likely along some potential boosting of voters, was also to have a balance of his cabinet. I am all for a balance of men and women, we don't need group think, and I do think Woman for the most part (excluding my wife LOL) tend to take emotions out of decision making compared to males.

So I think its bullshit, you are insinuating it is DEI. I think its racist and bigoted that you don't think she is qualified. Ultimately I think you are full of shit like your nominee Trump, and you will most likely lose to this candidate. You wouldn't be throwing all this shit against the wall otherwise.

So, you cannot state how she is unqualified given her resume?
How does her resume stand up to past VP’s?
What is your resume compared to Kamala’s? Would you be a DEI hire compared to her?
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Why is it so hard for you guys to admit that gender and race played a significant role? As was pointed out earlier, the left embraces this. Why are you running from it now?
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Because he wanted to bring in black and female voters, you dimwit. It wasn't because he though the White House needed to be more diverse. Jesus, your inability to grasp this simple concept it dumbfounding.
Ah, yeah he did. He even said so. lol
"If I’m elected president, my Cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president"

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