Democrats Celebrating Dow Loss & Wuhan Pneumonia

How's Netflix doing?

Sure, I could look it up. But I'm trying to think of businesses that might thrive as more and more people become shut-ins. That seems like a good one.

Obviously the mask makers and seller are doing well at the moment. Will that continue?

This whole corona virus thing is part of Big Mask's plan. The first step is to create an overwhelming need....

Wake up sheeple!!!
He's speaking at our next group abortion/satan worshiping party...this time we are going to have the party during the day so we can cheer on the collapse of the stock market....

I'll bring the organic, free range beer... Assuming my next Soros check gets here on time.
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I'm pretty sure Dems would have greatly preferred a GOP that took their Constitutional responsibilities seriously, and removed him last month, over a global pandemic and stock market crash.

But, just my guess.....I'm a registered Independent now.
You seem to be saying that if Trump had been removed from office, there would be no virus problem. I don't think that's that you meant. Although........
The effect the corona virus is having on the Dow illustrates how vulnerable markets are, and how little control a president actually has over them. However, some presidents are more than willing to take credit for market growth.
"some" presidents? Please name one who hasn't taken credit for a good market in his administration.
You seem to be saying that if Trump had been removed from office, there would be no virus problem.

Only if he'd been removed 2 yrs ago, before he could cripple the US CDC's pandemic monitoring and response teams.

Removed in January/Feb? No, things were mostly water under the bridge by then. Although a more competent response since that 'opportunity' might be calming US markets a bit more.
Only if he'd been removed 2 yrs ago, before he could cripple the US CDC's pandemic monitoring and response teams.

Removed in January/Feb? No, things were mostly water under the bridge by then. Although a more competent response since that 'opportunity' might be calming US markets a bit more.
Well, maybe if you're lucky, a whole bunch of Americans will die. You can always hope, at least.
Well, maybe if you're lucky, a whole bunch of Americans will die. You can always hope, at least.

Whatever floats your boat, LC.

Maybe the reality what your Trump vote could do to Americans is finally becoming "real" for you.

Others, like myself, have been pointing out the destruction of our federal institutions for years now, and how that's likely to bite us in the ass. I honestly expected it to bite us well after he left office, as a legacy you could blame on a Dem. That may not end up being the case, though.
I’m busy shitting the streets here in LA area, running around encouraging people to stay jobless and homeless, and of course offering nice paydays for chicks to get abortions. No time to celebrate wu tangs or stock stuff. #worktodo
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Why on earth would we be celebrating the Democratic debate on Tuesday night causing the Dow to collapse?
HAHAHAHAHAHA. You so funny.

Even in my most inebriated state, I'm smarter than you, cucumber head.

Btw, I'm on Day 3 of sobriety. :D
Congrats. Hoping to making it thru the weekend or is this a Monday thru Thurs sobriety deal? I'm in the midst of one of those now.
I'm not all that surprised you confuse my lack of taking posting here very seriously with a lack of intelligence. Exclusively mobile posting and generally not really caring enough to spell out arguments succinctly can have that effect I suppose. Anyhow, good luck with sobriety.
Congrats. Hoping to making it thru the weekend or is this a Monday thru Thurs sobriety deal? I'm in the midst of one of those now.
I'm not all that surprised you confuse my lack of taking posting here very seriously with a lack of intelligence. Exclusively mobile posting and generally not really caring enough to spell out arguments succinctly can have that effect I suppose. Anyhow, good luck with sobriety.

Nah, I gave it up for Lent.

And I'm just messin' with you coz you seem grumpy a lot.

We saw a lot of hoping for the country to fail during the Obama administration. We also had some media and groups of people working hard to convince people that the country did fail (despite reality) under Obama and we needed to be saved.
which turned out to be false too. My life has been great through the last 4 presidents. ...the only thing I've physically noticed is owing taxes the last two years under Trump.
How's Netflix doing?

Sure, I could look it up. But I'm trying to think of businesses that might thrive as more and more people become shut-ins. That seems like a good one.

Obviously the mask makers and seller are doing well at the moment. Will that continue?
Shipt, Favor, etc. should do well if entrepreneurs are brave enough.
Only if he'd been removed 2 yrs ago, before he could cripple the US CDC's pandemic monitoring and response teams.

Removed in January/Feb? No, things were mostly water under the bridge by then. Although a more competent response since that 'opportunity' might be calming US markets a bit more.

There’s less than triple digits of people in America who has had Coronavirus (at least yesterday). It’s not a pandemic here, it’s a global market.

I think what you meant to say was Orange Man Bad
There’s less than triple digits of people in America who has had Coronavirus (at least yesterday). It’s not a pandemic here, it’s a global market.

I think what you meant to say was Orange Man Bad

And Italy had 2 cases last week Friday.
Today, they finished the week with 888.
Shipt, Favor, etc. should do well if entrepreneurs are brave enough.
Ordering on line seems like a good way to avoid contact. But I wonder how long before the drivers and boxers start getting worried.

Imagine if a couple of COVID-19 cases are reported at Amazon warehouses. Do those workers and those facilities get quarantined and closed down?

We always assume that the grocery stores will be open, and well stocked. But will they?

Obviously most of us aren't worried about it yet. And with any luck (and good effort) we won't have to be. But what if we start seeing lots of cases here in the US?
Talking about something is not celebrating it. I'm not sorry that your inept hero is being exposed, again, for being a completely illiterate bozo that knows less about science than my 3rd grade daughter.

So do you think he could not read Green Eggs & Ham? I'll take you up on that bet.
Do you firmly believe he could read that book, cover to cover, without going off on any tangents?

You are distracting yourself from the point. Even if he went on a tangent, he could still read the book. Therefore making him not completely illiterate. Your boy rockymtnole gets it. Why can't you?
You are distracting yourself from the point. Even if he went on a tangent, he could still read the book.

So, you agree, he could NOT read Green Eggs & Ham w/o being distracted.

Yet, somehow in your mind, that is not a disqualifying criteria for him running the country.

You are distracting yourself from the point. Even if he went on a tangent, he could still read the book. Therefore making him not completely illiterate. Your boy rockymtnole gets it. Why can't you?
To be clear, I don’t think Trump is completely illiterate. I also do not think that is something to celebrate.

Trump is not smart. Book smart or otherwise. But he’s not illiterate.
To be clear, I don’t think Trump is completely illiterate. I also do not think that is something to celebrate.

Trump is not smart. Book smart or otherwise. But he’s not illiterate.

He can't read, because he won't wear glasses and has impossibly poor eyesight. Too vain to put on reading glasses.

Again, not a good look for someone you expect to intake/process important details from written briefings.
So, you agree, he could NOT read Green Eggs & Ham w/o being distracted.

Yet, somehow in your mind, that is not a disqualifying criteria for him running the country.


Drama queen loves his drama. I didn't vote for Trump but he has a lot more qualifications than what Hillary had to offer.
Drama queen loves his drama.

No....I simply stated he doesn't have the attention span to read a children's book. You have admitted that is probably correct. Then asserted that fact is being "overly dramatic".

I'd call it exceedingly concerning.
To be clear, I don’t think Trump is completely illiterate. I also do not think that is something to celebrate.

Trump is not smart. Book smart or otherwise. But he’s not illiterate.

Agree that isn't something to celebrate. But it is a lie to say he is completely illiterate like most of the liberals keep repeating .
Agree that isn't something to celebrate. But it is a lie to say he is completely illiterate like most of the liberals keep repeating .
You would agree, though, that there’s absolutely no way he reads any security/intel briefings or economic analyses or emergency response plans, etc?
No....I simply stated he doesn't have the attention span to read a children's book. You have admitted that is probably correct. Then asserted that fact is being "overly dramatic".

I'd call it exceedingly concerning.

You jumped into the arguement that Trump was completely illiterate and took that side. So that is being a drama queen and overly dramatic.