Democrats Celebrating Dow Loss & Wuhan Pneumonia

Republicans continue to politicize an epidemic. Just like they did with other natural disasters. Sad.
That wasn't an option. The sides were either completely illiterate or not. Looking more and more like you and Trump are on the same reading level.

Sure it's an option. It was my post, in full context.
You know, I am a registered Republican. I was not a huge supporter of Obama...but I had many discussions with people about how "as long as he is my president, I want him to succeed.". I meant it then, and it will always be true for me, that is unless a socialist like Bernie gets in. That is just too far for me. I do not agree with everything Trump does and for sure do not agree with everything he says...but he is my president, and I want his to succeed for the county, and me.
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You know, I am a registered Republican. I was not a huge supporter of Obama...but I had many discussions with people about how "as long as he is my president, I want him to succeed.". I meant it then, and it will always be true for me, that is unless a socialist like Bernie gets in. That is just too far for me. I do not agree with everything Trump does and for sure do not agree with everything he says...but he is my president, and I want his to succeed for the county, and me.
Nothing profound here but no way Bernie is the president. I hope like hell there is another nominee because if he gets the nomination I fear trump will destroy him in the election.
Says the guy who takes the ball and goes home in the first inning after striking out. Spoiled drama queen.

Seems as though being forced you realize your Chosen Leader cannot read straight through something as simple as a children's book has you a little rattled here....
Seems as though being forced you realize your Chosen Leader cannot read straight through something as simple as a children's book has you a little rattled here....

Way off topic to what I posted. Good to know you and Trump are intellectual equivalent.
No. It is completely related.

Because the resulting output is virtually identical. No comprehension of the content material.

Just because you banged your own sister shows you don't understand the term related. Or was it your own mother, I don't recall. It might have been your own daughter. All I really know was that it was disgusting.
So do you think he could not read Green Eggs & Ham? I'll take you up on that bet.

My 1st grade daughter can read that book. I wouldn't be too proud about that and I expect more from the President.
So what you are saying is that the President is literate. Good to know we have come to that agreement.

If this is what you have to do to make yourself feel better about Trump you might want to consider finding a new guy to support. This is pathetic.
If this is what you have to do to make yourself feel better about Trump you might want to consider finding a new guy to support. This is pathetic.

I support him because he is the President. I will be voting 3rd party again in November though. Then I will support the person who gets the most electoral votes come next January.

Why you want the country and President to fail is beyond me.
Just because you banged your own sister shows you don't understand the term related. Or was it your own mother, I don't recall. It might have been your own daughter. All I really know was that it was disgusting.

U sound angry about electing a President that cannot read thru a children's book without diverting his attention span elsewhere.

Looks like consciousness of guilt, to me...
U sound angry about electing a President that cannot read thru a children's book without diverting his attention span elsewhere.

Looks like consciousness of guilt, to me...

I was in the wrong.

I only listed female relatives. Clearly you do not discriminate and would bang your brother, father and son as well.

Once again I apologize for leaving half of the notches on your bed post unrepresented.
I know. Thanks for manning up and admitting it's not a hoax like Trump says.

The real hoax is that you have an average sized penis. Everyone knows that you are rocking a micro under your tighty whities. Maybe for St. Patrick's day, HROT can chip in and get you a new 6 pack of BVDs.
The real hoax is that you have an average sized penis.

Sorry. It's in the 99th percentile, and my GF is always amazed that it's larger in girth than her wrists.

But kewl that you now need to resort to ad-hominem attacks, because your original premise got dunked on, again and again.
Sorry. It's in the 99th percentile, and my GF is always amazed that it's larger in girth than her wrists.

But kewl that you now need to resort to ad-hominem attacks, because your original premise got dunked on, again and again.

At least I am not a tween girl stuffing my training bra.

Why don't you just restate my original premise? If you are not afraid to that is.
At least I am not a tween girl stuffing my training bra.

Why don't you just restate my original premise? If you are not afraid to that is.

LOL Why?

We seem to both agree that the President you voted for would be incapable of reading a simple children's book, cover to cover, w/o being distracted or going off script.

Normal people would consider that "unfit for office".
LOL Why?

We seem to both agree that the President you voted for would be incapable of reading a simple children's book, cover to cover, w/o being distracted or going off script.

Normal people would consider that "unfit for office".

I voted Jill Stein but I support Trump since he is my President and I want the country to be prosper.

You are having extreme difficulties with this simple conversation. You and Trump are basically clones of one another. You both lack any sort of an attention span and take creepy sexual photos with blood relatives.

Focus my friend, stick to the issues at hand.