Democrats renew push to expand Supreme Court

I’d be fine with each side gets 2 and all 4 are approved by the Senate as a group. Keeps the current balance.
Any expansion of the court needs to include term limits. I like the method that basically replaced a judge every 2 years. That way each President gets two court appointments. Also, build language in there so it is impossible to filibuster a court appointed. Like, you can't filibuster and it only takes 1 person to bring a nomination to a vote.
It's just one more thing on a long list of completely shitty things Trump will do if he is elected. But don't worry, when the country implodes because of him I'm sure you will still find a way to blame Democrats.

You didn't answer the question.
Any expansion of the court needs to include term limits. I like the method that basically replaced a judge every 2 years. That way each President gets two court appointments. Also, build language in there so it is impossible to filibuster a court appointed. Like, you can't filibuster and it only takes 1 person to bring a nomination to a vote.
Why the big rush to change it now? It was set at 9 in 1869. 155 years ago. Term limits might be something to consider
Funny. There are 13 appellate courts. Each appellate court should have a representative on the Supreme court.
If that’s the best justification you can conjure then at least just be honest and say you want to expand the court so you can tip the ideological balance.

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