Dems: Would You Vote for RFK to Beat Trump?

Dem Voters: Would you vote for RFK if it looked like that was the only way to beat Trump?

  • I'm not a Dem voter, just show me the votes.

  • Yes, I would vote for RFK if that's what it takes to beat Trump.

  • No, it's Biden or bust, for me.

  • I'm probably going to vote RFK already.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Nov 28, 2010
Imagine that Trump has a strong lead going into the home stretch. Meanwhile Biden and RFK are basically splitting the rest of the voters.

There begins to be a call for Biden and RFK voters to unite behind one of them to beat Trump. But which one?

Would you vote for RFK instead of Biden if it looked like a lot of other Dems were going to do that?
Wonder what option the people who have laughed at me saying kennedy could win it over trump will go with
If they'd vote for a ham sandwich to beat Trump, the answer to this poll should be obvious. It's ANYONE, but Trump.
You'd think, wouldn't you - but you'd probably be wrong.

I posed this same question in 2004. Dems were saying "anyone but Bush." For good reason. But when I asked if they'd unite behind Nader, I got attacked for even thinking it.

Nader was clearly "not Bush." Moreover, Nader's platform was basically FDR updated to the 21st century. So you might think Dems would be OK with that. But no.