Des Moines: Basically just a big version of the town in Footloose

$594 per ticket; lower section, all sessions included.......

Dez Moinze, Ioway

Come on HORT.

Its a nice way to spend a couple of days in March.....the venue is top-notch and the basketball is better than most most...and what I really like.....I can leave the arena, walk to my car and be in my home (15 miles away) in 30 minutes....
DSM/Drake have hosted these things a couple of times with minimal problems. Its a BIG deal for DSM...The $$ spent on WR Arena has been worth ever damn cent and then some.
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Kindly sir, GTFO, you are not helping my pro-DSM cause

You’re doing a great job! Kindly eat an ass.
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Yep. Hip hop is the only genre with questionable lyrics.

Drink, drink, drink, drink
Don't think
Drink, drive, kill

Get drunk alot and work 40 hours a week
Spend half your time hungover, sick, and weak
Make sure to tell yourself that this is cool
And make sure to tell yourself that you have no choice
And make sure to tell your friends that they drive you to it
And that you can quit anytime that you want, anytime

You can quit anytime that you want
You can quit anytime You can quit anytime, anytime
Drink, drink, drink, drink
Don't think
Drive, kill
Having recently been involved in selecting artists for a relatively large music fest, you can actually CHOOSE which artists to bring in and which to exclude.

Excluding an entire GENRE of music on a "family values" criteria is ludicrous. And in this particular case, clearly racist.
Can I ask an honest question? Is there anything a leftist won't claim is racist?
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You're wrong. And probably high.

Des Moines is yawn city.

And if you really think DSM has hotter women than Iowa City you should probably be committed to a mental institution. Unless the Joni Ernst look is your fetish.

Sure, if you're 22. The professional women in Ankeny, Waukee, Johnston are absolutely more attractive than professional women in the corridor. That's not even debateable.

Yes, I'm well aware you're a proud river rat. If you prefer Rock Island, Moline, and Davenport over Des Moines then have at it but they are absolute sh1t holes.
According to Jack Kerouac the prettiest girls in the WORLD live in Des Moines but he was drinking more than he was eating in that roman a clef.
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Sure, if you're 22. The professional women in Ankeny, Waukee, Johnston are absolutely more attractive than professional women in the corridor. That's not even debateable.

Yes, I'm well aware you're a proud river rat. If you prefer Rock Island, Moline, and Davenport over Des Moines then have at it but they are absolute sh1t holes.

Game on

You've just reminded me to get my atlantic 10 tournament tickets. the teams suck, most games have more band members than fans, but you know who you're betting after the first round

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