Diaper Joe is Stinking it Up

Everything in 2020 was Trumps fault according to people like you and if life was so much better why are scared of Trump winning? Seems like Biden should win easily... the opposite is happening. There was no inflation when Biden took office.
JB said so himself on the debate stage, no inflation.
@GOHOX69 reread this quote and take a breath

No one on here bothers me. I've met a couple in real life, need to meet a few more and the rest is all entertainment. People are all different. They aren't going to convert to your viewpoint anyways. So, meh.
So do something about it Tom. 72 percent of the country wants him to drop out. How do you see a path forward with Biden? Seriously, give me one scenario, any scenario, where he gets re-elected that is remotely plausible.
He gets re-elected because Trump has a hard ceiling that seems to be below 50%.

Not saying Joe wins. It's a 50/50 proposition at this point because Joe might not get the voter turnout he needs to win.

But this isn't a done deal, it'll be really close even with Joe remaining as the candidate.
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Everything in 2020 was Trumps fault according to people like you and if life was so much better why are scared of Trump winning? Seems like Biden should win easily... the opposite is happening. There was no inflation when Biden took office.

Biden or anyone should win but what we find out is that there are terrible people in this world who will vote for even worse people. What scares me is that there are people like you.
He gets re-elected because Trump has a hard ceiling that seems to be below 50%.

Not saying Joe wins. It's a 50/50 proposition at this point because Joe might not get the voter turnout he needs to win.

But this isn't a done deal, it'll be really close even with Joe remaining as the candidate.

It comes down to, who do you give the car keys to, calm grandpa joe that sits quietly on the couch watching reruns not knowing they're reruns, or crazy grandpa don that wants to drive and run over anything in front of him.
I never said her degree is fake but I reserve the moniker doctor for md holders.
Heard this the other day and I'm rolling with it:

If you're on a plane and someone is having a health issue, and they ask if there's a Dr. On board. If you can't stand up to go help, you're not a Dr.
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It comes down to, who do you give the car keys to, calm grandpa joe that sits quietly on the couch watching reruns not knowing they're reruns, or crazy grandpa don that wants to drive and run over anything in front of him.
Fair enough.

But why ask people to vote for a 82 yr old man that's obviously in mental decline to another 4 year term as an alternative to crazy man?

Why not provide a more viable alternative?

Joe running is giving Trump a decent chance at winning and it's irresponsible. If Trump is in fact a "danger to democracy" it's a dereliction of duty by team Biden.
So do something about it Tom. 72 percent of the country wants him to drop out. How do you see a path forward with Biden? Seriously, give me one scenario, any scenario, where he gets re-elected that is remotely plausible.
Dude, you posted some truth about Biden that happens to be negative. Once you do that, you are branded a MAGA. You can post 10 negative things about Trump and that's not enough to overcome the brand.
Fair enough.

But why ask people to vote for a 82 yr old man that's obviously in mental decline to another 4 year term as an alternative to crazy man?

Why not provide a more viable alternative?

Joe running is giving Trump a decent chance at winning and it's irresponsible. If Trump is in fact a "danger to democracy" it's a dereliction of duty by team Biden.

The question is, who's a more viable alternative? Maybe there is someone but now you have to go out and sell that person to the people. I personally would be ok with anyone running as a democrat, even Liz Chaney. We just can't have trump win or this country is in trouble. At a minimum I feel that joe needs to replace kamala with someone else. I would have more respect for her if she stepped down and joe picked a different running mate. We've asked supreme court judges to step down for the good of the party/country, the VP should do the same.
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And I bet they don’t call each other fake doctors. Do you tell them they’re fake doctors. You’re angry and the U.S. will be a better place the day that you and trump are no longer part of this country.
Spoken like a true demb.
The question is, who's a more viable alternative?

There is a small fleet of governors, any of whom, would be a far more effective candidate from the start. My choice is the governor of Michigan. Other options are the governors of PA, KY, IL, CA. Then there's Mayor Pete and the Commerce Secretary
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There is a small fleet of governors, any of whom, would be a far more effective candidate from the start. My choice is the governor of Michigan. Other options are the governors of PA, KY, IL, CA. Then there's Mayor Pete and the Commerce Secretary

There's no way the democrats should trot out a gay or women candidate (even though I would vote for them). I could get behind the governors of IL and KY, but I don't know anything about the PA governor. CA has too much baggage.
Spoken like a dumb dem.

You're very confusing. I thought you said it wasn't a typo and now you are saying "dem". And you should reread my posts, I already told you I'm not a dem. Get back to me when you've figured out how to insult me, because right now, it's not working.
You're very confusing. I thought you said it wasn't a typo and now you are saying "dem". And you should reread my posts, I already told you I'm not a dem. Get back to me when you've figured out how to insult me, because right now, it's not working.
You're welcome
While I would prefer an MD over a DO, I’m not so angry as to say someone is a fake doctor if they’re not an MD. My son has a semester left (all classes taken) before he gets his PHD. To say he will be a fake doctor is really insulting. As I’ve said before, you’re a very angry person.
Isn't Jill B an honorary doctorate, which is totally different from someone who does the work and time in whatever discipline they choose. The reason everyone refers to her as Dr. is she insist that they do that.
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Look at this degenerate MAGA from Vermont. Oh no, whoops its a liberal Dem. Where are the usual Biden defenders?

Dem Senator Calls Out Biden's 'Dismissive Attitude' Since Debte​

Vermont Sen. Peter Welch took a shot at Biden over what he called a "dismissive attitude" in the wake of his disastrous debate performance.

“I really do criticize the campaign for a dismissive attitude towards people who are raising questions for discussion. That’s just facing the reality that we’re in,” Welch told Semafor on Monday. “But that’s the discussion we have to have. It has to be from the top levels of the Biden campaign to precinct captains in the southside of Chicago.”

Welch added that party donors had growing concerns about Biden in the days since.
Biden in decline seems to not have much disagreement. In my opinion, the reason this is so huge is due to not knowing who is actually pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Trump has a base of people who will definitely come out to vote. If Biden loses the independent vote, it will be close.
I typically lean a bit right, but I want someone to replace Biden, I don't want Trump to win. We need better than both of them.

@GOHOX69 you seem like a reasonable person, you can see how nasty some of the crazies on here can be.

Look at this degenerate MAGA from Vermont. Oh no, whoops its a liberal Dem. Where are the usual Biden defenders?

Dem Senator Calls Out Biden's 'Dismissive Attitude' Since Debte​

Vermont Sen. Peter Welch took a shot at Biden over what he called a "dismissive attitude" in the wake of his disastrous debate performance.

“I really do criticize the campaign for a dismissive attitude towards people who are raising questions for discussion. That’s just facing the reality that we’re in,” Welch told Semafor on Monday. “But that’s the discussion we have to have. It has to be from the top levels of the Biden campaign to precinct captains in the southside of Chicago.”

Welch added that party donors had growing concerns about Biden in the days since.
Isn't Jill B an honorary doctorate, which is totally different from someone who does the work and time in whatever discipline they choose. The reason everyone refers to her as Dr. is she insist that they do that.

I don't know. I think I've said her name maybe once in the last 4 years. Not sure what her degree is. But if you read the discussion with GOHOX, he only calls someone a doctor if they're an MD, which is really ridiculous.
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But this isn't a done deal, it'll be really close even with Joe remaining as the candidate.


For the left, a brain-dead Biden > Trump all day every day.

It's ANYBODY other than Trump for them.

If the right could have found someone else, it would be a landslide victory.

I'm still shocked it's Biden vs Trump.

Both sides are stupid.

For the left, a brain-dead Biden > Trump all day every day.

It's ANYBODY other than Trump for them.

If the right could have found someone else, it would be a landslide victory.

I'm still shocked it's Biden vs Trump.

Both sides are stupid.
If this was Haley v Biden she'd be up 10 pts in the polls right now.
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This can't be true. Hell, these are just people who work for him, not the geniuses on here who think it's a-ok with Joe.

If these people are working with him, how have they not already seen this. Any "Aide" that was shocked must not spend much time with the president, so are they really an aide.

The problem with you is that you tend to respond with anger and insults rather than stating the facts.
If these people are working with him, how have they not already seen this. Any "Aide" that was shocked must not spend much time with the president, so are they really an aide.

The problem with you is that you tend to respond with anger and insults rather than stating the facts.
I think it is justifiable when the entire country is on the line.
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If these people are working with him, how have they not already seen this. Any "Aide" that was shocked must not spend much time with the president, so are they really an aide.

The problem with you is that you tend to respond with anger and insults rather than stating the facts.
Apparently much of the WH staff has been kept away from Joe.

Joe Biden's close aides have carefully shielded him from people inside and outside the White House since the beginning of his presidency.
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If these people are working with him, how have they not already seen this. Any "Aide" that was shocked must not spend much time with the president, so are they really an aide.

It was reported yesterday that Joe is being kept isolated. Jill is calling the shots. Only Jill and two or three key staffers have regular access to him. Bins posted this in another thread yesterday.
People like you are what's wrong with the democratic party today.

They have no strength, only whining.

Good-bye and enjoy $ucking Trump's Dick (TDS).

You had me till the last line. But the emotional, whinging and angry lashing out vs take a deep breath and find a solution is pretty clear in this thread and outside. (not that anyone on this forum can "fix" the issue).

And this has been an issue for the D party for a while. This is how the R party still "wins" when they are in the minority on many topics. They shut up and get in line for the greater good.
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It was reported yesterday that Joe is being kept isolated. Jill is calling the shots. Only Jill and two or three key staffers have regular access to him. Bins posted this in another thread yesterday.
We should be concerned about the remainder of the first term, much less signing up for four more years. I can’t understand why people are ok with that.

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