This is a message board, so a place to express opinions. Here is one on this subject:
In any conflict, it is natural, and even part of our legal system, to assign blame. Both in my role as a parent and a leader of a business, I have found discussions of contribution more fruitful than conversations to assign blame. When people see their contribution to the situation, they can see how their actions contributed to creating the situation, and then how different choices on their part might might have resulted in a different outcome. JBO, from what I can see in the video, did not punch himself, yet it can be seen that he might have contributed to the situation escalating. While he has the consequences of being punched and seemingly knocked out, the consequences to the puncher remain with him (has he been identified?)
Cancel culture seems to ostracize people for something said or done, especially on social media. Combine this event, a video captured on a cell phone then shared widely on social media, with JBO's social media presence, and it is going to be bandied about here and elsewhere. What I detest about that is it assigns identify value judgements to an individual, often based on one choice. I get some are linking multiple things as a trend indicator of JBO's personality. When cancel culture takes over at work, it seems like we are trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater. If my best performing sales employee is identified as the best, then some think they can't be coached when we all know we all need to keep improving. In the same vane, a substandard overall performer might be the single best performer at a given task or work behavior, yet if they are labelled a bad employee, then we can't use them as a positive example of that behavior. Many posts in this thread seem to be much more about blame and identity rather the gleaning the lessons to be learned about choices and consequences.
The quote from Joaquin Miller comes to mind...
In men whom men condemn as ill
I find so much of goodness still.
In men whom men pronounce divine
I find so much of sin and blot
I hesitate to draw a line
Between the two, where God has not.
...and now I can't believe I just typed all of that on a sports fan message board! Do I self cancel now?