Do you guys believe in ghosts?

I fully believe in ghosts but can see why some do not. If one has a closed mind about anything there is usually little that can change that and they will be oblivious to any evidence.

I firmly believe in Sensitives and their ability to see/experience things that others do not....unless they are with a sensitive.

My daughter is a sensitive. My sil thought she was nuts and was ready to insist on mental care for her until he started experiencing things with her. Without her he experiences nothing.
Because as we all know Jesus never used metaphors or parables. Again, when you don’t like what the Bible says, metaphor. When you do like what it says, literal.

Your lack of self-awareness on the topic of religion is almost impressive.

That's not how I interpret Scripture but you're free to have your own beliefs.

I'm not trying to convince you or @tarheelbybirth of anything.
Self-interest like becoming Catholic because one wants to go to Heaven is an acceptable reason. Having 100% faith in God is not required especially at the beginning.

Jesus said all who follow Him will get an infinite reward in Heaven. :)

All we have to do is live in a state of grace.

Does that address your points?
Got it, God is a bureaucrat and doesn't care if you really believe so long as you check the box.
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Got it, God is a bureaucrat and doesn't care if you really believe so long as you check the box.

Works matter as much as faith. Jesus said we will be rewarded based on our works.

You may be thinking of other religions where only faith matters and not works.

Catholicism isn't like that.

If we live in a state of grace, we're going to Heaven.
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The mainstream secular scholarly opinion is that the Bible contains remnants of polytheist religion practiced by the isrealites. The god that became the supreme god was part of this divine council and eventually ascended to supremacy with the other gods losing authority and becoming demons and angels.

The link below has a solid discussion on the divine council and does a reasonable job discussing scholarly history. It also is apologetic in its interpretation and insists that the YAHWEH was always a supreme god which I am not convinced of but I appreciate that he acknowledges the evidence.

The mainstream secular scholarly opinion is that the Bible contains remnants of polytheist religion practiced by the isrealites. The god that became the supreme god was part of this divine council and eventually ascended to supremacy with the other gods losing authority and becoming demons and angels.

The link below has a solid discussion on the divine council and does a reasonable job discussing scholarly history. It also is apologetic in its interpretation and insists that the YAHWEH was always a supreme god which I am not convinced of but I appreciate that he acknowledges the evidence.
Thank you, good read.

Ultimately, it is interesting detail, but nothing that contradicts or takes away from the overall theme of the OT and the Gospel message. The big picture remains the big picture.
Yeah me either, but still find the topic somewhat fascinating. People who believe in it 100% usually have a good reason
250 posts into this thread and I’m still trying to figure out what “100% usually” means.

Edit to note I finally figured it out. “Believe in it 100%” usually… Makes just a little bit more sense entirely now…
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Started in their house....first only to her. Then to both of them. Never to him alone. Objects moving, shadows, sounds including loud crashes and the worst....they were both scratched on the arm... at the same time.


How did they get rid of it?
Have never experienced anything first-hand - at least that I'm aware of - although there are some rare times that things happen that felt kinda weird. Like stuff falling over for no obvious reason or hearing sounds you think you know what it was & where, but then can't find/determine the cause or aftermath of supposed sound creation.

When it comes to the supernatural and the paranormal, I don't necessarily 100% believe in every piece of evidence I see or read/hear about but I consider myself Fox Mulder regarding the phenomenon .... I want to believe.

Sadly, I think shows like Ghost Adventures don't help because I truly believe that they fake a lot of their evidence 'captures' and reactions to supposed evidence captures. Also think Bagans is a huge douche canoe. Talk about someone up their own ass. And that show is entertaining for the wrong reasons, comical reasons. They love to act tough and antagonize spirits/demons, and then run screaming like little girls at the smallest and likely perfectly normal sound afterwards.
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The government does not know aliens are real. They know there are legitimate reports of what appears to be technology beyond any non-secret technology existing within our military. That’s a long ways away from knowing aliens have visited us.
Yes they do.
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How did they get rid of it?
They havent. They have been able to establish boundries.

We were all concerned at the scratches. They sought help both from the church and a professional. Was not demonic as feared. Their entity is childlike and has a temper. If they ignore it and do not acknowledge gets pissed. They were ignoring it in hopes it would tire and disappear. Instead it scratched them both.
They havent. They have been able to establish boundries.

We were all concerned at the scratches. They sought help both from the church and a professional. Was not demonic as feared. Their entity is childlike and has a temper. If they ignore it and do not acknowledge gets pissed. They were ignoring it in hopes it would tire and disappear. Instead it scratched them both.

Get some holy water and sprinkle it around and yell "In the name of Jesus, get out!" a few dozen times if you want to get rid of it. :)
The government does not know aliens are real. They know there are legitimate reports of what appears to be technology beyond any non-secret technology existing within our military. That’s a long ways away from knowing aliens have visited us.
I agree with this but I do think it’s pretty arrogant of us to think we’re so unique and special that nowhere in this universe is a life form similarly capable of certain things. And maybe similar to us.
I've only seen a couple episodes but think they catch some legit supernatural activity.

I've seen some myself I've detailed in this thread.
They set their “detectors” to such sensitive levels that if a flea farts a hundred meters away, their needle jumps. There’s nothing supernatural about it. If it was real it would be, by definition, natural - as in part of the nature of our reality, and it would be detectable by disinterested parties.

Documenting reliably such a phenomenon would be an automatic Nobel Prize but these “entities” and “abilities” always vanish when real science shows up. Uri Gellar could bend spoons with his mind…woooo…until he couldn’t under controlled conditions. Ever. Not even a tremor.
They set their “detectors” to such sensitive levels that if a flea farts a hundred meters away, their needle jumps. There’s nothing supernatural about it. If it was real it would be, by definition, natural - as in part of the nature of our reality, and it would be detectable by disinterested parties.

Documenting reliably such a phenomenon would be an automatic Nobel Prize but these “entities” and “abilities” always vanish when real science shows up. Uri Gellar could bend spoons with his mind…woooo…until he couldn’t under controlled conditions. Ever. Not even a tremor.

How many episodes have you watched? I'm not an expert on it.

I'm sure lots of it is B.S. but I think some of it is legit.

Your boy Zak Bagans got his eyes damaged in the Indiana Demon House and talks about it later.

I was in a house with paranormal activity so I believe it's real based on personal experience. I know I can't convince others though.

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They havent. They have been able to establish boundries.

We were all concerned at the scratches. They sought help both from the church and a professional. Was not demonic as feared. Their entity is childlike and has a temper. If they ignore it and do not acknowledge gets pissed. They were ignoring it in hopes it would tire and disappear. Instead it scratched them both.
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I don't know the actual number of them, but its waaaay too many.

And I stopped watching just for (supposed) evidence captures but just too laugh at the falseness and OTT faking of reactions to everything quite a few years ago.

Do you think the show started out as more legitimate then devolved into fake?
Do you think the show started out as more legitimate then devolved into fake?
You know, I really honestly don't know.

I'd like to believe it did - or at least didn't set out to fake absolutely everything at first - but maybe they were new to it all and just hadn't yet built up to the utter ridiculousness it turned into almost a decade ago.

Bagans started out as a sort of genuine type of character about witnessing something and that driving him into the paranormal hunting gig, but as the years wore on, he let the 'fame' and ego get to him to the point where he exudes the belief that he is the foremost expert in the world on ALL THINGS paranormal/supernatural.
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Bagans started out as a sort of genuine type of character about witnessing something and that driving him into the paranormal hunting gig, but as the years wore on, he let the 'fame' and ego get to him to the point where he exudes the belief that he is the foremost expert in the world on ALL THINGS paranormal/supernatural.
If he could legitimately document ANY of it, it would be appearing in reputable scientific journals. This would be, quite literally, the biggest breakthrough in the entire history of mankind. That not one scrap can be documented in that kind of rigorous way tells you everything you need to know about the subject.
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If he could legitimately document ANY of it, it would be appearing in reputable scientific journals. This would be, quite literally, the biggest breakthrough in the entire history of mankind. That not one scrap can be documented in that kind of rigorous way tells you everything you need to know about the subject.

It's not easy to scientifically document those supernatural entities.
Science only studies the natural world, no?
An entity that can affect the natural world is part of the natural world. An entity that can be seen is interacting with light and can be studied. An entity that moves things or throws things can absolutely be scientifically studied. The problem comes when people who claim to experience those types of manifestations get qualified people on site to study it...the entity always becomes too shy to act out. It's the dragon in my garage all over again.
An entity that can affect the natural world is part of the natural world. An entity that can be seen is interacting with light and can be studied. An entity that moves things or throws things can absolutely be scientifically studied. The problem comes when people who claim to experience those types of manifestations get qualified people on site to study it...the entity always becomes too shy to act out. It's the dragon in my garage all over again.
One of the most interesting historical figures related to this is Houdini. He was ardently opposed to spiritualism and dedicated to exposing mediums as hucksters and fakes.
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An entity that can affect the natural world is part of the natural world. An entity that can be seen is interacting with light and can be studied. An entity that moves things or throws things can absolutely be scientifically studied. The problem comes when people who claim to experience those types of manifestations get qualified people on site to study it...the entity always becomes too shy to act out. It's the dragon in my garage all over again.

I'd be interested if some open minded scientists studied "ghost hunting."
One of the most interesting historical figures related to this is Houdini. He was ardently opposed to spiritualism and dedicated to exposing mediums as hucksters and fakes.
The magician, James Randi, carried a check around that he vowed to give to anyone who could exhibit paranormal or supernatural phenomena that he couldn't expose.

He exposed a charlatan preacher at a revival when he was 15. The congregation was so pissed that they had him arrested. Randi was arrested...not the preacher who was duping them. They were more than willing to continue funding the hoax.
Radical/left wing liberals are spooks so I guess I believe in ghost.😉
Get some holy water and sprinkle it around and yell "In the name of Jesus, get out!" a few dozen times if you want to get rid of it. :)
Not demonic. Likely an indigenous spirit so sage would be a best weapon if needed.

It is documented indigenous people lived in the area. Not documented their property was a burial ground BUT their property is the highest elevation in the county and the indigenous people in the area did commonly use high areas for ceremonies and burial.