Do you have an ex that you still think about?

Yep, a girl from college my freshman year.

She was the best looking freshman in the whole damn school.

I'd take her to a party and heads would turn the second she walked in.

No clue what she saw in me. She eventually smartened up and started dating a guy that you typically see on Men's Health magazine.
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I’m impressed you can stay focused over the loud buzzing.
Goldmom is fairly mature and also quite thrifty, so she still uses her original tool:

Still think about?

Shoot, I see her every other week.

I think what probably separated she and me for life was probably different religious beliefs, different faiths, which I would guess no longer would separate us.

We had a lot in common and shared a lot of fun times together, but, I guess it was never meant to be.

However, about 4 years ago, I received a text message from her one day which totally shocked me. We live in the same city and only a couple of miles apart. We have mutual friends who all live in the same geographic area which probably led to our reconnection.

She is happily married and has her own family just like me, except that I am divorced. How we connected is that she leads a local community program which relies on volunteer work, which, being retired now, I can happily provide after she reconnected with me.

I see her every other week for an afternoon, and besides the previous mutual attraction and "shared memories", we enjoy the time we get together and laugh about, not only old times, but current events.

We still have a lot in common.

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I wouldn't say I think of her often but my first love gets thoughts sometimes, mostly songs or movies. Never sexually. We lived together for 2 years and were engaged but we were just too young. Had a lot of fun and I owe her for some of the things she introduced me to.

Haven't talked to her in probably 20 years. I talk to her sisters maybe once every few months as we always remained friends. One of her sisters actually introduced me to my wife of 21 years.
Lots of references to gorgeous and great racks… where the eff are the pictures??
I’m impressed you can stay focused over the loud buzzing.
😂 I laugh because you have no idea what a strict Catholic upbringing I had - so much so that to this day I have never even looked for where I can get one.
Besides the real deal is…real.
At least that’s what I remember. 😉