My wife does so I dont. I know it annoys her sometimes but I dont see why we should both put the energy forth to know when stuff is. We get about 15 emails a week with kid practice times and tourney times. I dont look at a single one of them. Pretty sure half our conversations are her telling me when stuff is going on the next week and me nodding along like I'll remember it.
My wife keeps track of when all of my children's therapy and doctor appointments are because she runs them. Although I have run them to various therapy sessions at various times when my wife couldn't do it.
Although I do know the daily stuff.
Tuesday Wednesday and Friday my youngest goes in to pre-school at about 9 AM Eastern (We live in eastern time but he goes to school in central time)
Everything else except youngest being picked up from that school is every weekday.
Eldest goes to Kindergarden at 9:45 Eastern (Also goes to school in central time)
Middle Child goes to pre-school at 10 Eastern (Again school in central time)
Youngest is picked up at 11 AM eastern
Middle child is picked up around noon eastern (Picked up early)
Youngest goes to ABA about 40 miles away at 1 Eastern
Eldest is picked up at 4:10 Eastern
Youngest is picked up by me at 5 Eastern