Do you tell your parents you love them?

Do you tell your immediate family you love them?

  • Always

    Votes: 31 48.4%
  • Above Average Amount

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • Average Amount

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Below Average Amount

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 8 12.5%

  • Total voters


HB Legend
Nov 13, 2007
As my maternal grandfather shifts to remove treatment for cancer and we start to come to the end, I told him I loved him as I said goodbye on Sunday. He said it back, which is rare. That's how I know it's coming to the end. It's been a good run so while it's sad, we could all wish for a good of life (retired since mid 90s and good health for most of his life).

But it made me reflect on my own parents. My dad says it quite a bit when we're ending a conversation/saying goodbye. My mom rarely does. They're polar opposites on that. Because of that I say it to my dad way more than my mom.

I'm more like my dad with my kids. I tell them as much as possible. Also tell my girlfriend that I love her as much as possible.
Say it to my mom every time we talk. Same with all my brothers and sisters and in Laws. And with my wife and kids several times a day.

Also, I'm more worried about how good the Rams are than how the Eagles are playing. Them and Ravens are playing best in NFL right now.
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Say it every time I talk to my parents wife and kids on the phone or when leaving each other. Have a handful of close friends that we all say it to each other also. I appreciate my kids the most saying it out in public even around their friends they will say it. My youngest every time she steps on to the pitch tells mom and I that she loves us. Have heard those 3 words my entire life and I am grateful for that
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Don’t say it much with my parents, brother and sister. Or my remaining grandma for that matter but we all know it is implied.
It’s different with my family though. I tell the wife and kid every day. Waiting for the day the kid says it back though (he’s 17 months).
Parents are both deceased, but in their later years I'd tell mom every time we spoke; I worked with my dad, so didn't say it to him every time I saw him in the office - that would've been awkward - but typically did in the last few years when he was not in the office much.

My boys, every time we talk now that they're off at college.

My siblings, typically close eery conversation with it.

For reference, at age 61 I'm the youngest sibling, the oldest is 75.
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My mom passed when I was a kid, but I remember her saying it often and I would of course reciprocate. I can’t recall a time when my dad said it to me and I don’t say it back much as when I do he gets kind of awkward - he struggles with sharing feelings to the point I am pretty sure he is on the spectrum - they just didn’t diagnose that type of thing as much when he grew up in the 40s/50s. But we both know we love each other very much.

As a result I probably oversay it to all my other loved ones. Obligatory with my kids and no pic.
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Say it to my mom every time we talk. Same with all my brothers and sisters and in Laws. And with my wife and kids several times a day.

Also, I'm more worried about how good the Rams are than how the Eagles are playing. Them and Ravens are playing best in NFL right now.

I think the Eagles can run on the Rams. The Rams will key in stopping the run so Hurts HAS to play better. I also think the Rams will be flat and on a short week. Regardless it's playoff football so anything can happen.

This Eagles team just has a different swagger this year. The D is going to carry us (although I don't like the Dean injury) and Saquon just gives this offense a long needed identity
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Say it every time I talk to my parents wife and kids on the phone or when leaving each other. Have a handful of close friends that we all say it to each other also. I appreciate my kids the most saying it out in public even around their friends they will say it. My youngest every time she steps on to the pitch tells mom and I that she loves us. Have heard those 3 words my entire life and I am grateful for that

It's funny you say this. I have some co-workers/friends that I've been through some shit storms with. I've ended plenty of conversations with them with "hey love ya buddy". More of a respect/friendship love than blood.
I think the Eagles can run on the Rams. The Rams will key in stopping the run so Hurts HAS to play better. I also think the Rams will be flat and on a short week. Regardless it's playoff football so anything can happen.

This Eagles team just has a different swagger this year. The D is going to carry us (although I don't like the Dean injury) and Saquon just gives this offense a long needed identity
Hurts didn't play as bas as everyone is saying. Those WRs were covered much of the game.
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Tell them all I love them. Step Dad had to earn it and did so. I dont tell my step mom I love her, she is a super nice lady but they remarried late and I've met her like 20 times. I suppose I did throw a "love you guys" to her and my dad as they left last weekend.
I told my Mom every time we spoke or were together. She passed in August and I'm still struggling with that. My Dad was a military guy so he really doesn't express his emotions much. I've told him a few times over the years that I love him and he says it back. He really has become my best friend over the last 10 years or so. He unfortunately had a stroke last night. He is 78 and is doing ok today and the prognosis is good so that's a relief. Helluva scare last night though.
I told my Mom every time we spoke or were together. She passed in August and I'm still struggling with that. My Dad was a military guy so he really doesn't express his emotions much. I've told him a few times over the years that I love him and he says it back. He really has become my best friend over the last 10 years or so. He unfortunately had a stroke last night. He is 78 and is doing ok today and the prognosis is good so that's a relief. Helluva scare last night though.
Dear lord,

Please be with Igor and his family during these times.

I'm 48 and I think my dad has told me he loves me once which has been in the last 5 years or so.

Surprised the hell out of me. It was over the phone so I gave out a love you too.

My parents divorced when I was very young and didn't see him much so we don't have an amazing relationship. Not a great father and he's pretty much an ahole.

Don't have a great relationship with my mom either.

If she gives me an I love you I'll once again give it back.

Can't say I've said it first to either unless I was a young kid.

Now my kids?

I tell my boys all the time. I wish I could say the same for my daughter but we've butted heads so much our relationship isn't as strong. My wife and her are pretty much best friends. It's not like we have a bad relationship, it's just that it can be much better. I NEED to work on it.
I voted “Never” based on the OP title. But the body of the message changed the question to “immediate family”.

My relationship with my parents is complicated. My mother died 17 years ago. I used to tell her that I lived her, but it was a rare exchange. I have never told my Dad that I love him and he has never told me. He’s a hard, bitter old man. He’s 84, post stroke, and I take care of him daily as he’s lost 95% of his mobility. I take care of him because nobody else would if I didn’t.

As for my immediate family (wife and 3 boys), we exchange “I love you’s” daily except for my college son as we don’t talk daily.

My sister, well we didn’t exchange the words until later in life, but before she died we both made sure we know how we felt about each other. My brother, 7 years younger, do not say it to each other. But I believe it’s inferred between us.
my no pic Mom..yes above average. Dad no...he knows by how we interact and other ways. We just don't talk that way and thats ok.
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Lost my Dad when I was 11...............My Mom when I was 26 I really don't remember telling my Dad that I loved him but I did. Told my Mom all the time that I loved her. I tell my wife everyday and when we see the kids and grandkids I tell them all the time that I love them.
I end every conversation with both my folks with "Love You"......but my Dad is in a home in terrible shape and my mom has metastatic breast cancer so who knows what that time line will be.

But regardless of the above, I have always said that to them, even before any of that occurred. And I do so because my parents always told me that growing up.

So I too tell my wife and kids that multiple times every single day. I text it to my wife quite often.

***now I was never one to say it to my Grandparents (and they never said it to me really that I recall) and I have a sister that we don't say that to each other, not because we don't, its just not our relationship.

*****I should add I tell my 14.5 year old dog I love her every day as well.
just OPs mom

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More as we've gotten older. Dad was the hard case military guy growing up but since his stroke/heart surgery he's gotten a lot more open about his feelings. We can't have a family gathering without him tearing up these days.
You should tell everyone that you truly care about that you love them. You never know for sure if you'll ever get that opportunity again. I dropped my sister off at her apartment a year and a half ago after taking her to lunch one day. She seemed fine. I found her dead on her bathroom floor the next day. All I could think of was that I don't think I'd told her that I loved her that day.

I don’t know what average is, but probably below average. I don’t say it that often. The people I “love” know it and I don’t think the words matter to the point it needs to be said ad nauseam.
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Some people just don't say it. You think because people don't say it verbally they don't feel love for people?
Nope didn't say that but saying it out loud it's always better than just guessing. Feelings are great but how's the other person know what you're feeling?
Why the hell wouldn't you? Unless of course you don't feel love for them.

Some people just don't say it. You think because people don't say it verbally they don't feel love for people?

Nope didn't say that

You kind of said that if you don't say it out loud you "don't feel love for them" which as you'll read up and down this thread isn't a true statement at all. SHOULD we tell those we love we love them? Yes. 100%. Do we always do that? Clearly not.
More as we've gotten older. Dad was the hard case military guy growing up but since his stroke/heart surgery he's gotten a lot more open about his feelings. We can't have a family gathering without him tearing up these days.

You could be explaining my father. After surviving his stroke he is much more sensitive man.
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