Do you think you could live here, alone, for a full calendar year without internet?

I think I would have to be properly motivated to do so.

Even then I'm not sure. There is no way even on the most modern Ipad that you could download enough movies/TV shows and offline games to keep you entertained for a year. In the absence of anything to do I could easily see myself gaining 100 or more pounds.

Then you add in not seeing or talking to your family for a year.
This isn’t like a vacation, it’s just a theoretical COULD you do it. Like, could you last a year without going insane or offing yourself.

Think about it: food, booze, weed, books, movies… come on, this wouldn’t be that hard.

Cut out all the vices and sources of entertainment…that would be a lot harder.
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That is like a year in solitary with no bars or walls but a view. You would go insane.
I would love to get away from people for a year, but there would have to be some monetary reward for me to do this rather than go isolate myself somewhere with having access to modern day conveniences
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At first I thought maybe, but seeing that tiny little shack there is no way in hell I'm doing that. Not even for $5Mil. I would go insane thinking of my family and not being able to communicate with them. That shack is so small there probably isn't a kitchen or bathroom in there.

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