Daddy died a MAGA. His last words were apologies for how his Trumpism hurt our family.

but I would find it odd for an older boy/man to call their father that.
If it makes you feel better I wouldn't have a beer with either of you. It's for different reasons though. One I find sad. One I find trashy. You're welcome to self identify.
Yet you make this judgement over a handful of message board posts... but daddy the Maga is the toxic person we all need to get rid of. Sorry man, you're no different than him, just different politics.
One need not align to a political party or philosophy to hold hatred in their heart for others.

Some are angry. Some are prideful. Both can express hatred.

In the end, it’s not about what you accomplished, what you thought, or who you voted for. It’s about how you make others feel.

Sounds like the gentleman in OP’s story had death bed regrets for how he made his daughter feel.
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I know many families facing very similar situations, split down the middle by the MAGA movement and the built in hatred and anger that goes hand in hand with it. It's incredibly sad and frustrating to see the way it's wrecking interpersonal relationships around the country. All of it based on one terrible guy who couldn't give two shits about anyone but himself.
How did I know she was running for office after a few sentences? Does anyone think the families of the Chis' of the world wouldn't share the same story? More divisive political garbage.
Got any articles about MSNBC or NPR tearing families apart?

One need not align to a political party or philosophy to hold hatred in their heart for others.

Some are angry. Some are prideful. Both can express hatred.

In the end, it’s not about what you accomplished, what you thought, or who you voted for. It’s about how you make others feel.

Sounds like the gentleman in OP’s story had death bed regrets for how he made his daughter feel.
As we he should have.

She made a career in public education and he labeled her an enemy.

That's a terrible thing to do to your child.
Your memory is all you leave. That’s it. You are what you say and the way you make others feel. Nothing else matters. Jess Piper/Kansas City Star

Daddy died in August of 2017. It was a terrible and painful death and he was only 61 years old. His last words to me were absolutely unfathomable and embarrassing: He begged for forgiveness for his behavior and his Facebook posts since 2015. The MAGA mentality he had displayed since Donald Trump came down that escalator. The point of contention in our formerly close relationship — the reason we had barely spoken in two years.

He was dying and he talked about Betsy DeVos.

Years before his death, Daddy had sent me several messages through Facebook about “ripping the teeth” out of education departments across the country and I was shocked. I am sick writing those words. I write them because I know I am not alone. I know many of us lost parents and siblings and grandparents and friends to Trumpism. It’s a sad state of affairs and we may as well talk about it, because even though Trump has been out of office for three years, he’s never gone away. We still suffer the loss of our relationships.

Daddy. He was a Navy Seabee. A carpenter. A guitar player. A fast car collector. A good guy. A man who tried to raise two little girls on his own and did it to the best of his ability. A hippie in his pot-smoking, hard-rock youth and a MAGA in his death.

It made no sense. He was never hateful, until he was. He was always caring, until he wasn’t. He was proud of me — the first to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, much less an master’s in education, until he decided the Education Department was a part of a conspiracy. He was always the man who I could count on when I called, but he died a man I didn’t recognize.

What happened?

Well, a lot, and it didn’t start with Trump, but it was cemented and dragged to the forefront with his candidacy and election. Daddy was immediately a Trump fan. I thought it odd at first, but I soon grew more upset the more I learned of Trump. I have never watched a ton of TV and only knew of him as being a rich guy in New York with the occasional scandal and bankruptcy.

My dad was the father of two girls. He flinched a little when the “Grab ‘em by the p***y” recording was released, but made excuses. Daddy had a disabled brother who died of muscular dystrophy and he winced when the clip of Trump mocking a disabled reporter was spread widely, but he didn’t stop supporting Trump. I never knew my dad to be a hypocrite, so I was genuinely surprised to see him support a disgusting misogynist — an unapologetic and prejudiced ableist.


My dad and I grew apart quickly — like, lightning speed. Every time I talked to him, he ranted about dead people voting or some “deep state” scheme. My dad was sick with a chronic illness, but I could barely talk to him without getting off the phone feeling sick myself. He became a raging misogynist before my eyes saying awful things about Hillary Clinton, but they were never based in reality. I mean, there are reasons to dislike Clinton, or anyone else for that matter, but he was talking Pizzagate nonsense and trying to figure out code from her emails.

I started avoiding him and skipped visits even though I knew his health wasn’t the best — that’s on me and I still regret it. I just couldn’t stand to see his brain rotting in front of me, and his new political opinions on everything from abortion to immigration enraged me. We used to talk about his dogs, his travel and his work. He was now ranting about locking folks up and welfare abuse and pedophiles. I couldn’t deal with it, so I didn’t.

He grew sicker and sicker, but that just meant more time in front of the TV or online. He grew even more angry and more conspiratorial.

The actual process of his death was a slow and perverse train that involved a misdiagnosis, drugs that poisoned him and a slew of terribly painful treatments that ultimately led him to a local research hospital that could do nothing more for him.

I saw him several times during this period. He still wasn’t himself, but he was tired of talking about hate and resentments.

In his final days, he asked me what I would do if I were in his position — unbearable pain and doctors who said there was nothing left to treat him with. I said, “I don’t know, but I know you are in pain and there are a lot of reasons to stay, but I understand if you want to go.” He decided to let go.

As he lay dying, he asked me to read to him. He wanted to listen to “Moby Dick” — a book he meant to read, but never did. I read it to him.

He apologized between chapters for a lot of things that were out of his control when he was a young father and I was a child. I forgave him everything and apologized for not being there like a should have been. And then came the torrent of tears over what had happened to us during the Trump years.

This is where I’ll say that I was just disgusted at his political apologies. I begged him to stop. The internet and Facebook are ridiculous things to talk about when you have only hours left.

Stop, Daddy. It doesn’t matter. But, he knew it did matter.


I was asleep in the hospital lounge when a nurse came to tell me she thought he was going. I watched as they helped him along with morphine — his physical pain was unbearable. He passed away within the hour and I was left shaken, confused, in mourning, incredibly sad and absolutely infuriated.

I try to think of him now before the Trump days, but I can’t say that I remember him completely without those conspiratorial rants and bizarre rabbit hole conversations.

And this is why I think it so important to warn others. Your memory is all you leave. That’s it. You are what you say and the way you make others feel. Nothing else matters.

I don’t know why I wrote this other than as a warning: Your legacy will be impacted by the love or the hate you surround yourself with. I have to go way back before the Trump era to remember my dad properly. I know he knew this at the end, and feverishly tried to take it back before he left. I gave him grace then and I do now, but it doesn’t erase what he said and did and how it impacted our relationship.

And that’s the thing: Daddy wasn’t a outlier. His story is common. I wish it weren’t, but such is the world we live in now. My hope is that the folks reading this can find grace for their loved one or just peace. Politics shouldn’t have destroyed my relationship with my dad before he died, but they did.

My last memories of him leave a metallic taste in my mouth — bitter bile in my throat. I loved him deeply and it was reciprocated, but his skewed world view at the end of his life tragically confused his legacy and his loved ones, and that is the saddest thing I can say.

What other works of fiction has this writer authored?
Yet you make this judgement over a handful of message board posts... but daddy the Maga is the toxic person we all need to get rid of. Sorry man, you're no different than him, just different politics.

Huh. I just told you I'm not having a beer with either of the loony political side of the aisle and you're still focused on thinking I'm a MAGA hater only. Derp.

I don't like many humans in general. It doesn't take much to push someone into the not-worth-my-time category. Stupid and trashy political leanings is just one of those nudges. I don't have the "I need to like or be liked by everyone" gene. It may be a little bit, but you've shown enough I have zero interest in getting to know more about you. I'd hope you feel the same about me.
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Huh. I just told you I'm not having a beer with either of the political side of the aisle and you're still focused on thinking I'm a MAGA hater only. Derp.

I don't like many humans in general. It doesn't take much to push someone into the not-worth-my-time category. Stupid and trashy political leanings is just one of those nudges. I don't have the "I need to be liked by everyone" gene.
Want to get a beer sometime?

I too hate most people.
Got any articles about MSNBC or NPR tearing families apart?

Fox is divisive political garbage. You linking stories from (checks notes), Salon, the Guardian and NY mag verifies my point perfectly though.
Those on the far left refuse to see you're every bit as divisive, unhinged and hate filled as maga daddy was... and it's bc of the garbage you choose to consume.
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Got any articles about MSNBC or NPR tearing families apart?

I'd actually love to read a story like that. How MSNBC and Obama's message of Hope and Change tore my family apart! There's gotta be a MAGA out there that can put it to paper. I'd read it all the way through (misspellings and all).
No, but it would be great if you'd stop DM'ing me and asking if you can wear my ballsack on your face. Enough already. It's not my thing and it's not happening.
Typical lib response.
Race baiting and victimization is their specialty
Huh. I just told you I'm not having a beer with either of the loony political side of the aisle and you're still focused on thinking I'm a MAGA hater only. Derp.

I don't like many humans in general. It doesn't take much to push someone into the not-worth-my-time category. Stupid and trashy political leanings is just one of those nudges. I don't have the "I need to like or be liked by everyone" gene. It may be a little bit, but you've shown enough I have zero interest in getting to know more about you. I'd hope you feel the same about me.
You'd hope I feel the same about you? Why exactly?
Interesting story that I find at least a little relatable... Natural and I used to bicker from time to time on here. He didn't like hrot me much nor did I particularly care for his online persona all the time.
Then he passed away and we learned who he was. Turned out we knew each other. We had a class together in college and actually did a group project together our freshmen years. In the years since we'd worked loosely together on a few things in our separate careers and always got along well.
My guess is you and I would get along just fine. Neither of us are likely the aholes in real life we occasionally act like on here.
"Your legacy is defined by love or hate."

That's really the only sentence in this piece that matters.

Team Trump is team hate. Full stop. And everyone knows it, even if they pretend they don't.

I am moving beyond anger at MAGA into full-blown pity. What a terrible way to live your life, full of hate.
This. The non stop grievances. The seething anger. The actions against their best interests in the zeal to inflict harm on others not in their tribe.
Is summer of love some sort of Qanon or other code? Or what does 1967 have to do with the level of lunacy that Trumpism has amplified?
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continues to be lambasted for a June 11 interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, during which she suggested the occupied protest around the city’s east police precinct could simply be a “summer of love.”

The remark has not aged well.

In the ten days since her comments on CNN, the zone referred to as CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) has seen several serious and violent crimes, including an attempted arson, multiple assaults captured on video, and the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old.

Republicans – including the President – have painted the mayor’s remarks as tone-deaf, considering the public safety implications of what protesters call a “cop-free zone.”
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Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continues to be lambasted for a June 11 interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, during which she suggested the occupied protest around the city’s east police precinct could simply be a “summer of love.”

The remark has not aged well.

In the ten days since her comments on CNN, the zone referred to as CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) has seen several serious and violent crimes, including an attempted arson, multiple assaults captured on video, and the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old.

Republicans – including the President – have painted the mayor’s remarks as tone-deaf, considering the public safety implications of what protesters call a “cop-free zone.”
Nailed it, in a seemingly random and tangential way.
Your memory is all you leave. That’s it. You are what you say and the way you make others feel. Nothing else matters. Jess Piper/Kansas City Star

Daddy died in August of 2017. It was a terrible and painful death and he was only 61 years old. His last words to me were absolutely unfathomable and embarrassing: He begged for forgiveness for his behavior and his Facebook posts since 2015. The MAGA mentality he had displayed since Donald Trump came down that escalator. The point of contention in our formerly close relationship — the reason we had barely spoken in two years.

He was dying and he talked about Betsy DeVos.

Years before his death, Daddy had sent me several messages through Facebook about “ripping the teeth” out of education departments across the country and I was shocked. I am sick writing those words. I write them because I know I am not alone. I know many of us lost parents and siblings and grandparents and friends to Trumpism. It’s a sad state of affairs and we may as well talk about it, because even though Trump has been out of office for three years, he’s never gone away. We still suffer the loss of our relationships.

Daddy. He was a Navy Seabee. A carpenter. A guitar player. A fast car collector. A good guy. A man who tried to raise two little girls on his own and did it to the best of his ability. A hippie in his pot-smoking, hard-rock youth and a MAGA in his death.

It made no sense. He was never hateful, until he was. He was always caring, until he wasn’t. He was proud of me — the first to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, much less an master’s in education, until he decided the Education Department was a part of a conspiracy. He was always the man who I could count on when I called, but he died a man I didn’t recognize.

What happened?

Well, a lot, and it didn’t start with Trump, but it was cemented and dragged to the forefront with his candidacy and election. Daddy was immediately a Trump fan. I thought it odd at first, but I soon grew more upset the more I learned of Trump. I have never watched a ton of TV and only knew of him as being a rich guy in New York with the occasional scandal and bankruptcy.

My dad was the father of two girls. He flinched a little when the “Grab ‘em by the p***y” recording was released, but made excuses. Daddy had a disabled brother who died of muscular dystrophy and he winced when the clip of Trump mocking a disabled reporter was spread widely, but he didn’t stop supporting Trump. I never knew my dad to be a hypocrite, so I was genuinely surprised to see him support a disgusting misogynist — an unapologetic and prejudiced ableist.


My dad and I grew apart quickly — like, lightning speed. Every time I talked to him, he ranted about dead people voting or some “deep state” scheme. My dad was sick with a chronic illness, but I could barely talk to him without getting off the phone feeling sick myself. He became a raging misogynist before my eyes saying awful things about Hillary Clinton, but they were never based in reality. I mean, there are reasons to dislike Clinton, or anyone else for that matter, but he was talking Pizzagate nonsense and trying to figure out code from her emails.

I started avoiding him and skipped visits even though I knew his health wasn’t the best — that’s on me and I still regret it. I just couldn’t stand to see his brain rotting in front of me, and his new political opinions on everything from abortion to immigration enraged me. We used to talk about his dogs, his travel and his work. He was now ranting about locking folks up and welfare abuse and pedophiles. I couldn’t deal with it, so I didn’t.

He grew sicker and sicker, but that just meant more time in front of the TV or online. He grew even more angry and more conspiratorial.

The actual process of his death was a slow and perverse train that involved a misdiagnosis, drugs that poisoned him and a slew of terribly painful treatments that ultimately led him to a local research hospital that could do nothing more for him.

I saw him several times during this period. He still wasn’t himself, but he was tired of talking about hate and resentments.

In his final days, he asked me what I would do if I were in his position — unbearable pain and doctors who said there was nothing left to treat him with. I said, “I don’t know, but I know you are in pain and there are a lot of reasons to stay, but I understand if you want to go.” He decided to let go.

As he lay dying, he asked me to read to him. He wanted to listen to “Moby Dick” — a book he meant to read, but never did. I read it to him.

He apologized between chapters for a lot of things that were out of his control when he was a young father and I was a child. I forgave him everything and apologized for not being there like a should have been. And then came the torrent of tears over what had happened to us during the Trump years.

This is where I’ll say that I was just disgusted at his political apologies. I begged him to stop. The internet and Facebook are ridiculous things to talk about when you have only hours left.

Stop, Daddy. It doesn’t matter. But, he knew it did matter.


I was asleep in the hospital lounge when a nurse came to tell me she thought he was going. I watched as they helped him along with morphine — his physical pain was unbearable. He passed away within the hour and I was left shaken, confused, in mourning, incredibly sad and absolutely infuriated.

I try to think of him now before the Trump days, but I can’t say that I remember him completely without those conspiratorial rants and bizarre rabbit hole conversations.

And this is why I think it so important to warn others. Your memory is all you leave. That’s it. You are what you say and the way you make others feel. Nothing else matters.

I don’t know why I wrote this other than as a warning: Your legacy will be impacted by the love or the hate you surround yourself with. I have to go way back before the Trump era to remember my dad properly. I know he knew this at the end, and feverishly tried to take it back before he left. I gave him grace then and I do now, but it doesn’t erase what he said and did and how it impacted our relationship.

And that’s the thing: Daddy wasn’t a outlier. His story is common. I wish it weren’t, but such is the world we live in now. My hope is that the folks reading this can find grace for their loved one or just peace. Politics shouldn’t have destroyed my relationship with my dad before he died, but they did.

My last memories of him leave a metallic taste in my mouth — bitter bile in my throat. I loved him deeply and it was reciprocated, but his skewed world view at the end of his life tragically confused his legacy and his loved ones, and that is the saddest thing I can say.

He should have apologized for making you
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continues to be lambasted for a June 11 interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, during which she suggested the occupied protest around the city’s east police precinct could simply be a “summer of love.”

The remark has not aged well.

In the ten days since her comments on CNN, the zone referred to as CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest) has seen several serious and violent crimes, including an attempted arson, multiple assaults captured on video, and the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old.

Republicans – including the President – have painted the mayor’s remarks as tone-deaf, considering the public safety implications of what protesters call a “cop-free zone.”

Thanks, that sounds exactly like the sort of thing that whiskey would be fixated on. That's got to be what he was referring.
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How did I know she was running for office after a few sentences? Does anyone think the families of the Chis' of the world wouldn't share the same story? More divisive political garbage.
Lol. Grow up. I've called this MAGA joke and disaster for years. Thanks for the compliment.
Lol of all the things that never happened this never happened the most
I love how all the MAGA HORTers laugh and think this is made up. It brings me great joy that their family and the people that are forced to be around them secretly despise, avoid, and hate them and just find ways to put up with them.

Ioway nice in action!
You'd hope I feel the same about you? Why exactly?
Interesting story that I find at least a little relatable... Natural and I used to bicker from time to time on here. He didn't like hrot me much nor did I particularly care for his online persona all the time.
Then he passed away and we learned who he was. Turned out we knew each other. We had a class together in college and actually did a group project together our freshmen years. In the years since we'd worked loosely together on a few things in our separate careers and always got along well.
My guess is you and I would get along just fine. Neither of us are likely the aholes in real life we occasionally act like on here.

Thats nice for you.

Personally, I don’t need or want any new friends.
There's no doubt that some people have taken their anti-MAGA/Trump to a unhealthy level. Plenty of examples from covid too. However, it's laughable to think there's nearly as many Chis' out there as there are MAGA lunatics. Just look around the state and national politics, the Trumpers have taken over the GOP. Trump himself is the Republican candidate for the 3rd time in a row. There's tens of millions of them. What's the Chis corrollary?

There's also a not so subtle difference between taking grievances and conspiracies' to a lunatic level and being against those things to a lunatic level.
Your simply wrong in pretty much every assertion here, likely guided to this conclusion by hateful divisive media sources you choose to consume.
10s of millions voting for DT aren't 10s of millions that are some inherent danger to the country. What have these 10s of millions done over the past 4 years under a Biden presidency besides complain and in some cases rant to their families and social media?
And yes, the Chis' of the country are plenty and consistently harmful. Who do you think it is gluing themselves to highways, dumping paint on works of art etc...? Who do you think makes up antifa and before them occupy wallstreet? Who spent the better part of 2020 rioting and burning cities across the country? The Chis' of the country are the core of that garbage segment.
Thats nice for you.

Personally, I don’t need or want any new friends.
Nor do I, nor was that remotely the point. You've actually made my point for me throughout this thread though... You're as hatefilled as maga daddy, you just think yours is justifiable.
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Your simply wrong in pretty much every assertion here, likely guided to this conclusion by hateful divisive media sources you choose to consume.
10s of millions voting for DT aren't 10s of millions that are some inherent danger to the country. What have these 10s of millions done over the past 4 years under a Biden presidency besides complain and in some cases rant to their families and social media?
And yes, the Chis' of the country are plenty and consistently harmful. Who do you think it is gluing themselves to highways, dumping paint on works of art etc...? Who do you think makes up antifa and before them occupy wallstreet? Who spent the better part of 2020 rioting and burning cities across the country? The Chis' of the country are the core of that garbage segment.

I'll add you to the list of people with a very distorted sense of reality. Are you one of the millions - and majority - of Republicans who think Donald Trump won the election in 2020 and that Joe Biden stole it and is not the legitimate president?

That's a really easy litmus test in terms of your grip on reality. It's also a common purity test for success in the Republican party.

Are you still eagerly awaiting the next drop from Q? There are/were Q bozos in congress, that's how mainstream the conspiracy lunatics have become in the GOP.

There's barely a topic that does not have a mainstream conspiracy theory within the GOP. From schooling, to grooming, global warming, Deep State!!!, immigration, FBI/DOJ, covid, pedophiles, and on and on.

Your list of Chis' perfectly illustrates the difference. Antifa 'members' would be measured in the hundreds or thousands, not millions. The people blocking highways, dumping paint? Dozens or hundreds? It's not the majority of one of two prominent political parties. They are barely represented within elected positions.

Which is a far different scenario than on the right where the lunatics have taken over the party and detachment from reality and escapism in conspiracy rabbit holes is rampant among the base like Daddy in the OP.
As I’ve stated many a times, social media will be the death of this now social media is killing this country.

I’ve got family members that say Fox News this, Twitter (X) that. I tell them to turn off the tv or put down the phone, step away from social media.
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