Let me help you with this....went through it a few years back and it is not even close to a science that the "sites" want you to believe. They want your money so you can feel good about yourself. This year according to Rivals:
33 players are rated 5-star --- my dead grandmother could pick these guys out of the lot
399 players are rated 4 star --- do the math genius, not a whole lot to go around, but Iowa does get some
1409 players are rated 3 star --- if you can run and somewhat play the camp game you are in. You look really good in tshirts and shorts
1842 players are rated 4 star --- went to a few camps...good to excellent high school athlete but does grade out in the shorts and tshirt Olympics
296,317 players are unrated --- kids parents paid the money to get them a little exposure. Some can really play but choose to play AAU basketball, baseball or have no money to travel to these pay for play camps.
It is not the players you do not get that beat you...it is the players that you get that do not develop like you think that beat you. Iowa develops players at a pretty high rate. That is the echelon they are in ---always have been and always will be. The random 5 or 4 star player that commits obviously is something that makes you happy and you are not happy very much.