Doug Gotlieb


HB Heisman
Jan 21, 2015
He sure isn't shy about criticizing the refs at all is he? Maybe when he gets sick of doing that he can tell everyone about the time he stole a credit card in college.
Hey he has all the right in the world to criticize the calls in this dayton game. What a joke! Lol at that technical foul on the providence coach during the timeout.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
College refs are terrible and every announcer should continue to call them out so hopefully something is done about it. If I have to watch another offensive player create all the contact, put himself in a bad position and get bailed out I might lose my mind.
I watched a lot of the games today but, I think I may have missed something. A little context would be nice.
Gotlieb knows his stuff , but he's pretty negative about a lot of things, not just the officials, when he's broadcasting a game.
Originally posted by TDJ7:
He sure isn't shy about criticizing the refs at all is he? Maybe when he gets sick of doing that he can tell everyone about the time he stole a credit card in college.
Are you a douchebag or a ref? In what universe is it wrong to rightfully criticize horrible officiating?? You must be the same idiot that fantasized that Alfraud's kids shot wasn't an airball, wrongfully giving UCLA a game they had no right to be in. Everyone has done stupid crap in the past...except for you it seems. College refs suck and its not even debatable.
Gottlieb was still POd Dayton got the home game and still had a burr up his butt. Love guys that aren't afraid of kissing people's butts and tells it like it is.

Did anybody else besides Doug do something stupid in college?
Originally posted by IronFist1776:

Originally posted by TDJ7:
He sure isn't shy about criticizing the refs at all is he? Maybe when he gets sick of doing that he can tell everyone about the time he stole a credit card in college.
Are you a douchebag or a ref? In what universe is it wrong to rightfully criticize horrible officiating?? You must be the same idiot that fantasized that Alfraud's kids shot wasn't an airball, wrongfully giving UCLA a game they had no right to be in. Everyone has done stupid crap in the past...except for you it seems. College refs suck and its not even debatable.
Show me where I said it was wrong to criticize them?
Originally posted by TDJ7:
He sure isn't shy about criticizing the refs at all is he? Maybe when he gets sick of doing that he can tell everyone about the time he stole a credit card in college.
I wish 1700 would put his full show back on the air instead just an hour. He's 1000x better to listen to than anything with Marty.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
He has discussed the college credit card deal at length and has written about it. Not sure what else you would want him to do.
Originally posted by hooper56:
He has discussed the college credit card deal at length and has written about it. Not sure what else you would want him to do.
OMG exactly! He has totally owned something he did as a 19 yearold what 19 years ago?

OP what does him using a stolen credit card in the 90s have to do with his criticism of officiating?

This post was edited on 3/21 12:46 PM by CadeHawk