The wheel has turned

"But....but..... Nazi-Barbie was on Elno Musk's X, and I get all my key political news from there!!!!"

Will @ClarindaA's change where he gets his "news and information" from? STAY TUNED!!!
yeah, I watch MSNBC, never Fox. I prefer the format. Anyway, regardless of Nazi Barbie being off by 14 percent, what's wrong with wanting your nation, a nation that was not made from immigrants and was more racially homogenous, to stay that way?
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It's amazing how "Let people live their lives how they want to live it" is so "divisive" for Trump voters.
And this is the whole ballgame. What rights is anyone trying to take away from conservatives besides the laws conservatives are making that also effecting their constituents? No one is forcing you to have an abortion. No one is forbidding you from going to church or living your boring dull lives however the **** you want. Yet they act like liberals are trying to take over the world by saying hey maybe we should just let people be who they are and make their own decisions. They are bunch of scared pussies.
You lost me at open borders which is a lie. There are no bills in Congress to “open borders”. Again, Trump stopped a Republican border bill that Biden would have signed. I stopped reading at that point because you lead with pure nonsense, not naming an actual agenda.
Biden did not need anything. If trump wins, the border will not be so porous. When Biden got in , the border crossings exploded. I would bet as much as possible that trump will dramatically reduce border crossings dramatically. He does not need the meaningless congressional vote. lol.
It's not about how you live your life, it's about the lefts desire to tell everyone else how they need to live theirs. Most Americans say, what if I don't want to drive an electric car or have my daughter dress in front of men, the left says tuff, deal with it.
Did a quick search and found this from one of our resident medical/civil liberties experts in 2021: “Well if everyone would actually get vaccinated then the...nevermind. This is all beyond your capacity. Vaccine mandates are here to stay. You all can cry about it all you want. Biggest bunch of pussies I've ever seen.”

And there were plenty more just like it. The libs sure are tolerant little hypocrites, huh?
what's wrong with wanting your nation, a nation that was not made from immigrants and was more racially homogenous, to stay that way?

Aside from being racist? I suppose nothing.

Obviously, you've never been to the Netherlands, and failed history in 7th grade when you could have learned about all the trade that went on when the Dutch colonized most of the world. And, yes, they brought back lots and lots of customs, food, etc to Amsterdam.

You can get some kickin' Thai food there, because they've been importing the best stuff ever since the Dutch East Indies Trade Co was in operation.
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Did a quick search and found this from one of our resident medical/civil liberties experts in 2021: “Well if everyone would actually get vaccinated then the...nevermind. This is all beyond your capacity. Vaccine mandates are here to stay. You all can cry about it all you want. Biggest bunch of pussies I've ever seen.”

And there were plenty more just like it. The libs sure are tolerant little hypocrites, huh?
I'm shocked you don't understand the difference here. But thanks for highlighting the point.
Biden did not need anything. If trump wins, the border will not be so porous. When Biden got in , the border crossings exploded. I would bet as much as possible that trump will dramatically reduce border crossings dramatically. He does not need the meaningless congressional vote. lol.
Reality calling, a POTUS can't just close the border. This reveals your complete lack of knowledge on the subject and you should quite frankly be humiliated by your utter vacuum of understanding of US immigration laws.

But you just go ahead and keep sucking up the lies and jingoisms Dear Leader keeps shoveling down your craw, it must make you happy in some demented way I guess.
Aside from being racist? I suppose nothing.

Obviously, you've never been to the Netherlands, and failed history in 7th grade when you could have learned about all the trade that went on when the Dutch colonized most of the world. And, yes, they brought back lots and lots of customs, food, etc to Amsterdam.

You can get some kickin' Thai food there, because they've been importing the best stuff ever since the Dutch East Indies Trade Co was in operation.
Bruh so true, the best Indonesian food I've ever eaten was in Haarlem, it was so good I still occasionally dream about it.
Aside from being racist? I suppose nothing.

Obviously, you've never been to the Netherlands, and failed history in 7th grade when you could have learned about all the trade that went on when the Dutch colonized most of the world. And, yes, they brought back lots and lots of customs, food, etc to Amsterdam.

You can get some kickin' Thai food there, because they've been importing the best stuff ever since the Dutch East Indies Trade Co was in operation.
I disagree. I think wanting to keep Scotland, Poland, Sweden...more Scottish, Polish, and Swedish... as a pretty normal and agreeable objective. Especially when the immigrants are islamic with no intention of conforming to their new nations customs and norms.
I disagree. I think wanting to keep Scotland, Poland, Sweden...more Scottish, Polish, and Swedish... as a pretty normal and agreeable objective. Especially when the immigrants are islamic with no intention of conforming to their new nations customs and norms.
White countries should just stay white, in other words. The proud boys keep telling us this.
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Reality calling, a POTUS can't just close the border. This reveals your complete lack of knowledge on the subject and you should quite frankly be humiliated by your utter vacuum of understanding of US immigration laws.

But you just go ahead and keep sucking up the lies and jingoisms Dear Leader keeps shoveling down your craw, it must make you happy in some demented way I guess.
Just wait until he gets back in. Why did the border magically get porous when slow joe took over?
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I think most people give entirely too much criticism or credit to whomever is in office when it comes to many economic issues.

Whomever is in office during inflation is going to get punished even if it isn't their fault
Inflation is a collective effort of political parties, businesses, government policy and citizens of a nation. If there was a “single cause” for inflation, we’d just have to get rid of the cause…..but it ain’t that easy. Covid and supply chain interruptions were the major culprits this time.
Maybe you haven't watched the news in over 3 years, but allow me to help you get up to speed, there has been inflation of over 19%, interest rates went up to over 7%, illegal aliens, terrorists and drug dealers are dancing across our border and Caitlin Clark went to the WNBA a year too soon.
Oh, how were you f’d, as you put it?
It didn't. Nothing will happen unless the immigration laws change, something Trump had no interest in for his own personal political gain and then folks like you reward him for it and nothing then changes. BAU, It's a treadwheel.
So border crossings did not go up under Biden? wow yikes. lol
I’m not sure I believe people that say this. With the curtain closed, they usually still vote Trump.
I’m not sure that many blather his praises and vote the other way. Kind of a tough exterior that’s all talk. You can do that in this democracy. Works both ways. Saying they support Harris and vote Trump.
I understand you’re a hypocrite; thought I made that abundantly clear.
Yeah, I've just settled on all of you being selfish idiots. This has been explained to people like you on here at least a hundred times. I'm not going to waste time trying to do it here.
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Maybe you haven't watched the news in over 3 years, but allow me to help you get up to speed, there has been inflation of over 19%, interest rates went up to over 7%, illegal aliens, terrorists and drug dealers are dancing across our border and Caitlin Clark went to the WNBA a year too soon.

Ok. Since you have a handle on stats, provide illegal alien crime data provided by Customs.

Compared to domestic population. They provide a profile 2017-2022 I looked at.

Keep in mind it's not just people coming across the border. It's nationwide. The tens of millions of illegal aliens. So many crimes.
yeah, I watch MSNBC, never Fox. I prefer the format. Anyway, regardless of Nazi Barbie being off by 14 percent, what's wrong with wanting your nation, a nation that was not made from immigrants and was more racially homogenous, to stay that way?
Confused James Franco GIF
Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
Honestly, had every intention of voting for him in 2024 until I did some real soul searching the past few weeks.

I have fought a battle with myself for many years that’s because I am a Christian, we align with Conservative views.

I look at what the Bible says, and I don’t know how can ever vote GOP again, no matter who is in charge.

I live my life to treat others how Jesus wants us to treat others, and the hate from the GOP is too much.

So, I am an evangelical who would have had a hard voting for Biden, but now I’m all in for Harris.

Don’t believe me.
Make fun of me.
Doubt me.

I really don’t care, Harris has my vote.

I’m not saying there are a lot of us that think this way, but we are out there.

I know, cool story bro.
Thanks for sharing here. If you share this with MAGA friends that's where you'll get a lot of vitriol and backlash.