The wheel has turned

So you’re going with the dismissive Joes Place take…”This has been explained to you blah blah blah…”

How am I being selfish? You’re the one who wants to pick and choose which rights get bestowed on select groups and which rights are denied select groups.

You’re a hypocrite. It is what it is. 🤷‍♂️
You're either too stupid or too lazy to understand this. But hey, at least people like you are willing to make the sacrifice so polio, measles, and even small pox can make a comeback. All because you just don't give a f**k about anybody else out there but yourself. Congratulations.
You're either too stupid or too lazy to understand this. But hey, at least people like you are willing to make the sacrifice so polio, measles, and even small pox can make a comeback. All because you just don't give a f**k about anybody else out there but yourself. Congratulations.
You go ahead and keep your right to have an abortion and I’ll reserve my right to not be forcibly injected with useless pharmaceuticals.

Per Google

As of June 2024, the United States has a lower inflation rate than Western Europe:
  • United States
    The Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE Index), which is the Fed's preferred measure of inflation, was 2.5% as of June 2024, down from 7.1% in June 2022. The US also has the lowest headline and core inflation rates among G7 economies. Core inflation is the preferred measure of central banks and excludes volatile energy and food prices.
“Core inflation is the preferred measure of central banks and excludes volatile energy and food prices.”

LMFAO! But of course they prefer you ignore those things. 🤡
You continue to ignore WHY US inflation is LOWER than most other Western nations, including Europe.
Which was my point
Europe isn’t a nation. 🤡🤡🤡

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