Dropped the third and final kid off at college Friday

I have 10 years to go before the 3rd one is gone. I always assumed TBW and I would spend all of our time naked like we did before kids, is that not the case?
Dropping off the youngest at ISU tomorrow. What do you people do once you're empty nesters??
Dropping off the youngest at ISU tomorrow. What do you people do once you're empty nesters??
I imagine miss them and plan the next visit. Our kids are in 12th and 9th grade. When the oldest goes to college next fall, that is going to be an adjustment. We are lifting partners and watch a lot of the same shows. He does drive me nuts sometimes, and as I do to him, but I will miss him a ton. The upside is we can visit him in Iowa City and hopefully go to Hawkeye games with him, or at least tailgate with him and his friends... I will savor the years remaining of the youngest...
I imagine miss them and plan the next visit. Our kids are in 12th and 9th grade. When the oldest goes to college next fall, that is going to be an adjustment. We are lifting partners and watch a lot of the same shows. He does drive me nuts sometimes, and as I do to him, but I will miss him a ton. The upside is we can visit him in Iowa City and hopefully go to Hawkeye games with him, or at least tailgate with him and his friends... I will savor the years remaining of the youngest...
Time for my oldest to go but I am not looking forward to it, at all.
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I am an empty Nester for the most part, because one or another kid ends up being home every few weeks it seems, even if it’s only for an afternoon. Kids need parents understanding and support and love as much while they are off at college as they do when the kids are at home. There isn’t as much communication, and there shouldn’t be, because there are plenty of things that kids want to figure out for themselves and not necessarily talk about, but they need help more than ever.

When I went to college before the cell phone era, I didn’t talk to my parents for many weeks at a time, I didn’t go home for months, because they were abusive and I needed my space. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t think of them every day and wished they knew how to love better.

So you can be close by just being love. No matter where they are.

it is sad to give that hug and turn around and get in the car and see that empty seat in the back, or the empty seat at the dining room table, or that empty bedroom, but it’s also a great triumph. Never forget that.

Your kid is spreading their wings. They’ll be learning to fly all their lives and they’ll always need you when they fall as well as when they soar.
reminds me of this

We drop my youngest son off Wednesday. While his twin sister is actually younger, he'll be the last to finish, since she completed her Vet Tech program last spring.

He's getting married about a month after he graduates, so, including breaks, we'll have him in the house for a total of about 2 1/2 more months. Doesn't feel real yet. Not sad, just seems...weird.
I imagine miss them and plan the next visit. Our kids are in 12th and 9th grade. When the oldest goes to college next fall, that is going to be an adjustment. We are lifting partners and watch a lot of the same shows. He does drive me nuts sometimes, and as I do to him, but I will miss him a ton. The upside is we can visit him in Iowa City and hopefully go to Hawkeye games with him, or at least tailgate with him and his friends... I will savor the years remaining of the youngest...
This is what I’m looking at now. We take our oldest to college on Thursdays and he and I have always had baseball - tons of throwing, some lifting, lots of weekend travel tournaments and riding the ups and downs of HS ball.

I will still have 2 other boys at home - a sophomore and a 6th grader, so I still have a while before #3 goes.
I imagine miss them and plan the next visit. Our kids are in 12th and 9th grade. When the oldest goes to college next fall, that is going to be an adjustment. We are lifting partners and watch a lot of the same shows. He does drive me nuts sometimes, and as I do to him, but I will miss him a ton. The upside is we can visit him in Iowa City and hopefully go to Hawkeye games with him, or at least tailgate with him and his friends... I will savor the years remaining of the youngest...

The first one wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard either. We still had two at home coming up, and the youngest was still in middle school.

Second one was not too bad, but she went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta, so she came back to visit semi-regularly.

Third one has been real tough on me. Not because we like him best, but because:
1. He's the last one
2. He tended to hang around a little more than his older sisters. By the time they were juniors and seniors in high school, the were (like I was at that age) out most evenings, or in their rooms. He was home several nights a week, and would hang out and watch TV or movies or sports.
3. And that's the real killer...he was my viewing partner for sports for the last ten plus years. It's not going to be the same this fall watching football and hockey and FSU basketball alone. That might legit be the toughest thing.

At least he's also at Georgia Tech, so he'll probably be back from time to time.
The first one wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard either. We still had two at home coming up, and the youngest was still in middle school.

Second one was not too bad, but she went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta, so she came back to visit semi-regularly.

Third one has been real tough on me. Not because we like him best, but because:
1. He's the last one
2. He tended to hang around a little more than his older sisters. By the time they were juniors and seniors in high school, the were (like I was at that age) out most evenings, or in their rooms. He was home several nights a week, and would hang out and watch TV or movies or sports.
3. And that's the real killer...he was my viewing partner for sports for the last ten plus years. It's not going to be the same this fall watching football and hockey and FSU basketball alone. That might legit be the toughest thing.

At least he's also at Georgia Tech, so he'll probably be back from time to time.
Yeah he's my sports watching buddy too, and it will be a little hollow next fall without him. But, I can imagine him in the student section at the game, just like his mom and I were 25 years ago, and that will be fun to thing about. Hell, forget imagining that, he can facetime/zoom us from there!
I’m just ready for them to be of the age that I can leave them home alone for an hour without fear of them burning the house down.