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In case anyone want to know what "Rain hellfire" looks like on the firing end...this is it. They just completely destroyed around 100 sqm of real estate. Anyone within about 10-15m of the impact of an 81mm mortar is dead.

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In case anyone want to know what "Rain hellfire" looks like on the firing end...this is it. They just completely destroyed around 100 sqm of real estate. Anyone within about 10-15m of the impact of an 81mm mortar is dead.

They just fired 25 shells and were adjusting between rounds.
Aren't you missing a zero or more likely two? :)
100m x 100m = 10,000sqm
They just fired 25 shells and were adjusting between rounds.
Aren't you missing a zero or more likely two? :)
100m x 100m = 10,000sqm

Yeah, I actually meant 1000 sqm. Either way, lots of death and destruction ensues.

And for anyone wondering, being mortared is WAY worse than incoming fire. Incoming fire is generally coming from a direction and you can hide by putting something between you and it. Mortars just hit. But, you can hear them coming.

I wouldn't want to experience incoming artillery.