Eff them medicaids

Do you think it is reasonable to implement change without a plan? Breaking things to see what can stay broken is not how you do major change Whiskey. It just isn’t.

It’s gross incompetence. There is no excuse.

Major changes do bring problems, sure. But you’d think some planning and contingencies would have been at least considered.

This is purposefully breaking something just to see what shakes out. That’s not how business operates.
Do you think it is reasonable to implement change without a plan? Breaking things to see what can stay broken is not how you do major change Whiskey. It just isn’t.
No. I also think there is more of a plan than is being acknowledged.

Instead of talking about change and the "planners" inevitably talking about change only to find a reason why it just won't work, while enjoying the paycheck, change is happening.

I learned long ago the lesson of taking apart the remote and then trying to figure it out.

You are seeing change, and while not always pretty, one would think progressives could atleast understand the events that occur during change.

Again, I completely understand why the guy who was freaking out about his children was doing so. I was doing some work outside yesterday and you can confirm this in this thread, by thr time I read the thread, the Whitehouse had already acknowledged the issue and said it would be fixed with all payments processed, to me, that was a decent job of them getting in front of it.
I can see why you are stressed, please, take a breath, they are aware and will have the system back online shortly.
This isn't something where "oops, my bad" is going to cut it. This is something that should have never happened in the first place. This is like not being upset with the pilot after crashing a plane because he decided to shut the engines off during flight to save fuel. Defending this is not a good look, dude.

It's the kind of incompetence we saw that resulted in over a million deaths during his first term. But apparently this is acceptable to you. Not once during Biden's 4 years did he make an executive order that completely shut down a life saving service for millions of people. Trump did it in a week.
Got to give MAGA some credit. The “he did not mean to shut down Medicaid as part of this, it was just incompetence” defense is priceless…and a sign of how far gone they are now and to what low a bar their messiah is held to.
No. I also think there is more of a plan than is being acknowledged.

Instead of talking about change and the "planners" inevitably talking about change only to find a reason why it just won't work, while enjoying the paycheck, change is happening.

I learned long ago the lesson of taking apart the remote and then trying to figure it out.

You are seeing change, and while not always pretty, one would think progressives could atleast understand the events that occur during change.

Again, I completely understand why the guy who was freaking out about his children was doing so. I was doing some work outside yesterday and you can confirm this in this thread, by thr time I read the thread, the Whitehouse had already acknowledged the issue and said it would be fixed with all payments processed, to me, that was a decent job of them getting in front of it.
I gave you a like as I think you have your heart in the right place and I appreciate the discussion. But kinda want to give you a dislike for your faith in the current administration having a “plan”.

If you were paying attention in his last term you should have learned there is no plan. Trump’s admin is run on whimsy, revenge and sound bites. It sure as shit ain’t run on a plan.
That’s it? I mean, I am speaking in general terms. As in do you have the slightest seed of a doubt that electing this guy was a bad idea?
No. Do I wish we had a better option out of the 330m, yes, but my other option was a lady who stood for nothing herself. It would have been 4 years of regression.

And if so, what would need to happen to solidify that doubt?
Specific to this, payments not being processed.

Using military on a protest?
"on" certainly

A third term(constitution be damned)?
I am adamantly against this. You don't change the rules when you are winning and will be very vocal at the county/state level with my concerns.

Dropping out of Nato?
This doesn't bother me. We have carried their weight for far to long. We became the sugar daddy who never got anything in return.

Having all our European Allies telling us to f*cking off?
Spoiled children.

What is it?

Edit: How about rising inflation 90 days in?
I believe 90 days is a good metric for seeing what his policies have done.
I gave you a like as I think you have your heart in the right place and I appreciate the discussion. But kinda want to give you a dislike for your faith in the current administration having a “plan”.

If you were paying attention in his last term you should have learned there is no plan. Trump’s admin is run on whimsy, revenge and sound bites. It sure as shit ain’t run on a plan.
The difference between 45 and 47 was the amount of time he lost during term 1 trying to navigate DC. He learned that lesson, the republican party is very aware that if it doesn't change in the first 2 years it's likely to hit gridlock.
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No. Do I wish we had a better option out of the 330m, yes, but my other option was a lady who stood for nothing herself. It would have been 4 years of regression.

Specific to this, payments not being processed.

"on" certainly

I am adamantly against this. You don't change the rules when you are winning and will be very vocal at the county/state level with my concerns.

This doesn't bother me. We have carried their weight for far to long. We became the sugar daddy who never got anything in return.

Spoiled children.

I believe 90 days is a good metric for seeing what his policies have done.
Thanks for answering. I truly fear that with some the only way of getting them to change their mind even if the evidence was 100% clear and obvious is the media such as Fox News tells them. It is clear that a good portion of our population believes Fox News as absolute truth no matter how ridiculous….
The difference between 45 and 47 was the amount of time he lost during term 1 trying to navigate DC. He learned that lesson, the republican party is very aware that if it doesn't change in the first 2 years it's likely to hit gridlock.
I agree with you - this is exactly what he is doing. And based on that lesson he had decided to just break things. The problem is we don’t need things to be broken. We need to decide what stays, what goes and what gets fixed. I’m all for eliminating wasteful bureaucracy and the associated bureaucrats. But breaking stuff should not be part of that process. It is wasteful.

Just figure out what you are going to shut down and do that. Stopping Medicaid payments is just dumb - Medicaid is not going away anytime soon. Either fix it or leave it be.
I agree with you - this is exactly what he is doing. And based on that lesson he had decided to just break things. The problem is we don’t need things to be broken. We need to decide what stays, what goes and what gets fixed. I’m all for eliminating wasteful bureaucracy and the associated bureaucrats. But breaking stuff should not be part of that process. It is wasteful.

Just figure out what you are going to shut down and do that. Stopping Medicaid payments is just dumb - Medicaid is not going away anytime soon. Either fix it or leave it be.
The defense I’m seeing is nothing bad happened permanently with the EO. Not thanks to Trump mind you, The Courts stepped in for clarification . But that’s not the real concern. Trump never admits or learns from a mistake. And why should he never held accountable. What are they going to break next and will it have more long standing consequences. That even when the Courts step in bad shit has already occurred.
Stephen Miller went out to run PR on this yesterday. If he’s one of the key staff members in charge of implementing change. He did not give me confidence in the administrations competence.
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I thought you were uber traditional, mom stays at home etc. I am probably confusing you with someone else

I am somewhat traditional. I don't have a problem with wives/mothers working. I wish my wife could. Unfortunately our children don't allow that.

Our previous experience with the public school is they stuck our oldest in the special needs class and forgot about him. He never learned anything for Kindergarden. He went to online school for first grade and had to catch up 2 grade levels which he was able to do.

Our youngest couldn't even do a special needs class right now. His self help and developmental level is very low. But again he can understand the material.

But online school with younger kids is not much different from home schooling them except you have more guidance and materials.
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I mean, how many Medicaid recipients voted for Trump? Can't be more than a handful, amirite?
Classic first world problem,.. wake me if something serious actually happens.
There are third world countries where populations have better access to healthcare than we have. First world countries have a healthcare system where everyone has access to quality care.
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Do you agree this is incompetence? If this happened on Biden’s watch you would be on here harping on how Harris personally turned off healthcare to the poor.

This is what happens when we put someone in charge whose greatest asset is selling snake oil. Not only does he not know what he is doing, but he surrounded himself with sycophants that don’t know what they are doing either. Biden was a f*cking vegetable and he at least didn’t break healthcare for millions out of hubris.

But have no fear, Trump’s 28 year old press Secretary (married to a 60 year old real estate dude of course) will soon find a deep state dem to blame.
Calling it incompetence is being way way too kind to them, and stuff getting shut off isn't the big problem. Really, it isn't, it may seem like it today, but that's not the big problem.

The big problem is a President asserting dictatorial powers and overthrowing our system of government that has existed for 236 years.

Trump's ending America, and that's what the Democrats need to concentrate on and be screaming about, and they should be introducing impeachment articles on a daily basis. Trump has already been on a 9 day crime spree.

You're supposed to call the unconfirmed nominee at OMB to try to get your spending started again? And the corruption possibilities this opens up. JFC. Are we going to allow ourselves to be ruled by mobsters?
There are third world countries where populations have better access to healthcare than we have.

I have great access to quality health care,.. Sorry to hear about the problems you are experiencing in that regard.
The system had the plug pulled because an executive order was issued which had no specificity which basically ordered all federal departments save for social security and medicare to stop sending out payments so they could "review" the payments for compliance with other executive orders.
Crimes are getting committed here. This is a flagrant violation of the constitution and the law. Impeachable. Should happen immediately. Both parties should overwhelmingly support it.
Crimes are getting committed here. This is a flagrant violation of the constitution and the law. Impeachable. Should happen immediately. Both parties should overwhelmingly support it.

We crossed that point like 6+ years ago when Trump tried to withhold funding unless Zelensky gave him dirt on Joe Biden.
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Classic first world problem,.. wake me if something serious actually happens.
JFC. The President asserts illegal dictatorial powers never before attempted in the history of the country and this is your response.

The MAGA type like you is so selfish and self-centered you won't care until the leopard is eating your face. Of course.
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There are third world countries where populations have better access to healthcare than we have. First world countries have a healthcare system where everyone has access to quality care.
There are but they have third world health problems we rarely see here and for that I’m personally grateful.
I’m also aware that their “better” care is largely funded by the USA.
My health care is great too minus the part where there aren't enough doctors. But there are many others who do not have great healthcare and unlike you, my response isn't "F**k you, go die".

I didn't say that, and this country is a very long ways away from having a "F**k you, go die" attitude when it comes to health care...
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Here's how Republicans reacted to Obama simply utilizing the Executive Order power. "Kommadant-in-Chief" per Ted Cruz.

You compare how Republicans react to every little thing as if it's the apocalypse vs Democrats weakly and fecklessly trying to ignore everything. .

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There are but they have third world health problems we rarely see here and for that I’m personally grateful.
I’m also aware that their “better” care is largely funded by the USA.
Well, they certainly lack in infrastructure that causes more problems and the general health issues that come with poverty. I'm ok with sending money to help people not be sick. I just wish we would do that for Americans.
I didn't say that, and this country is a very long ways away from having a "F**k you, go die" attitude when it comes to health care...
You absolutely did say that and your flippant attitude reinforces that. I honestly can't believe you responded with this because I figured you were just typing that BS just to be a prick.
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Well, they certainly lack in infrastructure that causes more problems and the general health issues that come with poverty. I'm ok with sending money to help people not be sick. I just wish we would do that for Americans.
Agree - mostly.
but Americans can get health care at hospitals and not pay.
And a majority of health issues are chronic disease that an honest overhaul of our American eating and lifestyle choices can help make America healthier.
Agree - mostly.
but Americans can get health care at hospitals and not pay.
And a majority of health issues are chronic disease that an honest overhaul of our American eating and lifestyle choices can help make America healthier.
Americans can get health care and "not pay", but we really do if you have insurance. Instead of having everyone that pays taxes pay for it, we just have the people who pay for insurance pay for it. Not really a fair system. Not to mention the prices we are charged are anywhere from 3 to 10 times more than they should be.

Yes, Americans have many things that contribute to poor health. I agree with you on that.
You absolutely did say that and your flippant attitude reinforces that. I honestly can't believe you responded with this because I figured you were just typing that BS just to be a prick.

Actually you were the one to introduce "F**k you, go die" to the conversation,.. But I would acknowledge that I may very well be a prick.