Endless Humiliation

Yeah, same could be said for football as well as women’s basketball, which is extra maddening.

What’s more, for me at least, the perennial issues with the women’s and men’s basketball programs are similar between the two. Like Barta could, from a cost-efficiently standpoint, hire a defensive guru to help both programs.
I like it. I like it a lot. Like a defensive analyst for basketball!
Agreed, the product has been anything but shit. For the most part, our teams have been pretty solid from year to year.

My whole problem is with Fran's postseason performance. Other than the NIT run in his third year, and winning the BTT last year, Fran's teams have grossly underachieved in the postseason. With better postseason success, I'd be pretty happy. I'm not talking about making Final Fours or cutting down the nets (though that would be great!). Just give me a Sweet 16 here and there.. Anything beyond that is gravy.
That seems like a very reasonable perspective is just slightly different. He has made a run in the NIT and then he did make a post season run in the BTT all the way to the championship. So, he is capable of making tournament runs (did some at his previous school as well?)'s just that there have been some failures in the post season, more than any fan would like. I would also like to see a much better emphasis and execution defensively......but the fact is that every coach has their warts. Things that they could do better. If not, they would all be Coach K right? Even he didn't win every game or every championship, but he did have consistent success at a very high level. The trouble is finding any coach who could come close to that at Iowa.

So, I still think it's possible that Fran can make a good run in the NCAA.... I also think that removing him and starting over we would have as much or more chance of going in the toilet as we would exceeding what he does.

I don't want to be the Nebraska of FB or BB.....where they are hiring and firing coaches every few years....I can't believe that high level donors would keep funding that at Iowa.
I didn’t say it was shit. But It’s year 13. Fran has one BTT. You’re willing to settle, not all are. Always some excuse for Fran, nil , injuries, (aka no depth) blah, blah. God forbid we actually want to win the regular season Conferance, or have actual ncaa runs. And we wonder why carver doesn’t sell out.. fans voting with $$$.
I know you didn't say it was shit....the OP did. That is who I was referring to. Injuries aren't an excuse...excuse seems to me made up.
OH NO!!! Not multiple 20 win seasons (when 9 of those wins are against 250+ rated teams and three more are Northwestern and Minnesota)...that' so freaking impressive!!!!!

You would never want to risk regional power status like that. Lol

There's no such thing as a "near lock" you idiot.

If the new hire doesn't work, you fire the f'er and try again. The key point here is ... You TRY.

Or you watch some aging curmudgeon's sons lose games for you for another half decade.

When you have to resort to calling people names (because you can't produce a credible argument or evidence) you know you're running on emotion and making bad decisions.

So, are you funding the hire and fire and pay out? That seems like it can get a little expensive.
Step 1 should be to get rid of the incompetent AD & hire someone that has some expectations for UI athletics.

Then Fran might decide to look elsewhere on his own ala Alford.
That's what I'm talking about! Don't know about the Fran part entirely as I like him but also feel like it's old news now and he just is who he is. These last few seasons have really taken their toll on me and I just honestly haven't desired watching any basketball this season. I thought the second round loss with Garza was bad two years ago but last year felt totally surreal. I knew I should've known better but thought we had a legitimate chance to be Elite 8 minimum. I mean, we had "THE GUY" on our team, the real deal. I was totally dejected after that and haven't really recovered.

Getting rid of Barta is a must though to start the reenergization process. Hate that man!
Some fans could live with a decent conference record, and never winning a conference title, and perpetually flaming out in the tourney year after year after year ...forever ...and be perfectly satisfied. They just like to watch the boys develop and compete.

It blows my mind but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Not one thing.

Personally, I don't see the point of wasting any energy on a program like that but if enough people do....then you've got a sustainable you've got that going for you....which is nice.
So, why are you wasting your energy? Find a new team to cheer for.
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Imagine the NIL support if it was around in the early part of the Davis Era.

The water boys would be rolling in cash.

You have to make your own way. The fact that Fran can’t inspire NIL is a reflection of him.
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When you have to resort to calling people names (because you can't produce a credible argument or evidence) you know you're running on emotion and making bad decisions.

So, are you funding the hire and fire and pay out? That seems like it can get a little expensive.
Whenever I hear someone comment on 20 win seasons like it's some kind of meaningful benchmark, I know I'm dealing with someone who has no idea what they are talking about.
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